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Officers and Captains ?!


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wont it be better to have captains, generals and commanding officers of sqardons in the game ?



that way they have attributes and might have a direct influence in mission success/failures.



like for instance in RTW, commanders have triads that allow them have a better/lousier command of the armed forces.


commanders in strike groups/squardons/armies

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Welcome here Keiran :) Welcome to our small little EAW home and enjoy your time with us.


I've modified a little the title, Cain told me that WHEN YOU USE BIG LETTERS it means you are shouting or screaming :) I didn't knew that before.


We don't know nothing about officers and captains / but it will be cool to have them !

"The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams"


Petroglyph FF Admin.

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well acutually having officers/captains/admirals and thier attributes would be good.


All ratings are from (0=lowest, 200=immpossible)



espionage ratings for espionge missions :o


command ratings for capital ships


flying ratings for fighter pilots


diplomacy ratings for diplomatic missions


jedi ratings (secret and not reveable by player unless identified by force sensitive personnel)


empathy ratings (also secret and only reveable by characters with espionage ratings higher than target personnel)

low ratings => easily bribed

high ratings => impossible to bribed





maybe with the espionage ratings we can drop in falsified information with traitors leading to the arrest or destruction of fleets and VIP personnel

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I don't think this would fit into the game. We don't know if there would be another use for these charaters than commanding a fleet or troops in battle (we don't even know if there will be espionage, sabotage and so on). Since EaW is a RTS Game and the battles are far more human controlled as they were in rebellion, officers might be of no use. And as far as we know there will be "heroes" in the game who take the role of "special combat charakters". Perhaps some of them would give you more firepower or certain other atributes to your ships/troops when they are in charge of one of your fleets ?
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Well it could be like rebellion and have characters like Luke and Vader "discovering" force sensitive characters as teh game develops.
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Commanders on fleets should give fighters perhaps more punch, and less losses in a percentage. Admirals on fleets should give all ships a somewhat faster rate of fire, perhaps a bit stronger shielding, generals should increase the health of all units on the field by a small amount. Things like that would be easy to do. The stronger the leader, the higher the bonus.

-You seem to have an over developed sence of vengeance. It's going to get you into trouble some day.

SWEAW Petroglyph Fan Forums

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I think training places on certain planets to lvl up the characters in certain skills ie Combat, leadership.


They'll go back to school :lol:

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Captain and general would be cool!!!


However, there are two ways to implement this


At the unit level: one captain per ship. Probably way too much micro-management involved. Unlikely to see this.


At the fleet level: one captain for a fleet of ships. Doable but implies that ships are organised into fleet. Based on what we know so far, there is no such thing as a fleet. Yes there are group of units that exist around a planet that you could call a fleet, but they are not organized into a cohesive task force with formation, screening units, engagement rules, etc...


Check this topic for some idea I had on this topic


Things are not as they seem,

nor are they otherwise

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  • 3 weeks later...

Hi this is the first time I have posted here, so here go's.

I think that cap. ships should get a captain and a crew. The more experience the captian and crew are the better the ship preforms.

I also think that captains should be named and be able to be transferd to other ships. Such as Captain Brend is a very experience captain on a VSD, and you just built your first ISD. You should have the ability ( if you want to) to swap the green captain for Captain Brend, this way the ISD preforms better.

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Thats a very good Idea I have seen floating across various forums for the last few weeks and so far there have been mixed receptions. Some believe that these facts will completely change the Gameplay, others think that it will allow the game to truely become the bigger and better version of Rebellion/ Supremacy.
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Now lets say that as soon as you have a certain amount of large ships say 20 then a little screen will show up displaying your three or four most experienced captians. You just click on one and the captian becomes an space general. A new captain takes control of the ship, while your space general gives a small bonue to the ship and all near by ships. He can be transferd like the captain.

And after you reach an other amount say 50 you choose one of your top space generals to becomes a admiral sits in the ship and gives a big bonue to that ship and smaller bonues to all the other ships you control in the system. The admiral like the captian can be move to any other cap. ship in the system.

Now when you get let say 200 large ships a little will show up showing your top admirals. You choose one and the admiral becomes a grandadmiral, just like the admiral but give larger bonues.

Let say small caps (like VSD) can only hold only a captian. Larger caps (like ISD) can only hold a captian and a space general, an admiral, or a grandadmiral. And the gaint ships (like SSD) can hold one captian, two space generals and one adrimal or a grandadrimal.

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Nice to have u in our little comunity Allec. U've got a good idea. Perhaps that's how certain hero's can be found. Through expereance, u gain a hero, starts out as a captain, and the rest how u said it.


Wow i just noticed, your our 100th person to join the forums, Congrats!! :o

-You seem to have an over developed sence of vengeance. It's going to get you into trouble some day.

SWEAW Petroglyph Fan Forums

Click for EaW Countdown Timer!


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Ya. Thanks :D


And maybe there will be one commander on each ISD. You could send him down with the the other troops if you want to. After he gains so much experice he can become a land general, even better then a commander.

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Admirals, commanders, capitans...But what about Sith/Jedi? For example your sith could boost the morale of your troops or inspire fear in enemy troops... Or a jedi on a mon calamari using battle meditation ti improve the battle ods.... :twisted:

I am that which grips the heart in fright,

hearkens night,

and slices the light.

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Admirals, commanders, capitans...But what about Sith/Jedi? For example your sith could boost the morale of your troops or inspire fear in enemy troops... Or a jedi on a mon calamari using battle meditation ti improve the battle ods.... :twisted:


Not very realistic for the post Ep III to Ep VI era.

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Why? There were still hundreds of Force Sensitives who were not killed in the Purge. They could be rounded up and join one of the sides.
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Why? There were still hundreds of Force Sensitives who were not killed in the Purge. They could be rounded up and join one of the sides.


True, and having the freedom to alter the storyline is one thing, but if we're implementing this sorta stuff, why not give stormtroopers cool jetpacks and awesome miniguns with which they would own the crap out of any Rebel army? Why not, the Empire could have done that if they wanted to... :roll::wink:

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Perhaps....(the Empire did not searc for new sith recruits because of the new sith order-one master and one aprentice--and--the rebels did not search for comrades that would be jedi because they did not have any jedi teachings...)

I am that which grips the heart in fright,

hearkens night,

and slices the light.

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Some Jedi were corrupted and became Vader and Palpatines Dark Force Adepts. Palpatine had Hundreds of such adepts protecting his Clones at the Throneworld of Byss and also hunting other Jedi. Hethrir and Brakiss were such Henchmen taught by Vader and used for Espionage or as apprentices.


Some Jedi joined the Alliance but didn't know of their force sensitivity until later. Even the Imps had Force Sensitive crewers. EG Ensign Gatterwald and Captain Jade.

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