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EAW - Names for ships & Generated Nameing


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This topic is for disscusing the necestiy of ship nameing or renameing in EAW. If you don't want ship names pls. explain why or debate with us. It seems that we will not have ship nameing after all in EAW. There will all be just types. (*I hope not - anyway its just a feedback debate)


"See before posting - Disclamer: I should mention that the developers are not obliged to read this topic or follow our feedback to the letter and i can`t guarantee that it will be found at a later date in EAW or that it will affect or help EAW in any way. Also the developers can`t officialy solocit feedback so this is made at our fan initiative. Developers may already have all our feedback sugestions in the game and we can not garantee, that what we say here will not exist already in the game at the date we post them. You must feedback here only if you consider your feedback to be impersonal and with no conection made to your real person. Also no new ideeas unrelated to LEC or Petroglyph are accepted here just feedback on know issues from the videos and official materials already released."


I have a strange feeling that the developers will not add the posibility for the ships to be named. Now I am for such an option cause it adds more realism to a story were the player can do what he wishes to the SW timeline.


Some ships could automaticly recive SW names in the moment they are builded (*The player can chose to rename them after). I found all of them and each of them had a cool historic aura and was a legend of his own. This may be a parallel history in EAW but the since the characters are in - the historyc ships must be in also, no matter if they will not do the same actions like in the original timeline.


Example for ISDs :




Starships -> Star Destroyers -> Imperial


So when you see the Home One or Chimaera or the Executor you will tremble in fear.


Examples :


ISD Devastator


An Imperial-I class Star Destroyer famous for its capture of the Rebel ship Tantive IV, the Devastator was Darth Vader's personal flagship until the Battle of Yavin. Prior to Vader's command, the Devastator was the flagship of Lord Tion, who commanded it during the destruction of an Alliance based on Ralltiir before his defection. It was later assigned to the fleet commanded by Darth Vader aboard the Executor.



ISD Accuser


This Imperial-class Star Destroyer served the Empire as a patrol ship during the period leading up to the Battle of Endor, monitoring the shipping lanes for criminals and members of the Alliance. Under Imperial duty, the Accuser was in the Tatooine System when Boba Fett arrived with the frozen body of Han Solo. Darth Vader gave the Star Destroyer and the rest of its fleet the order to stand down and let Fett deliver Solo's body to Jabba the Hutt. Tycho Celchu was assigned to the Accuser during his first stint of Imperial duty. He was talking to his family on Alderaan when the planet was destroyed by the first Death Star. Unfortunately for the Imperial fleet, it was later one of the first Imperial-I class Star Destroyers the New Republic captured after the Battle of Endor. In a bold and reckless action, Han Solo and Lieutenant Page literally talked their way onto the bridge of the ship, and Solo himself - dressed in a stolen officer's uniform - relieved the ship's commander of duty and took control of the ship. It was later renamed Emancipator. Note that X-Wing: Isard's Revenge claims the Accuser is an Imperial-II class ship.



SSD The Executor :


The Super-class Star Destroyer used as Darth Vader's flagship, the Executor was the first in a long line of fearsome warships that descended from the Imperial-class Star Destroyer. There are many rumors surrounding the construction of the Executor: Many claim that the ship was built at the shipyards of Fondor, while others contend it was built by an unspecified Kuat Drive Yards facility as reported in the Imperial Defense Daily. However, the true Executor was built at Fondor. The Kuat ship was built under the same name, but was later renamed Lusankya when it was launched. Note that the short story Small Favors claims Vader took command of the Executor directly from Kuat Drive Yards, which contradicts the Kuat ship's becoming the Lusankya. Equally enigmatic is the Executor's construction period. The only real knowledge is that the ship was turned over to Darth Vader between his escape from the Battle of Yavin and the Battle of Hoth. The plans to the huge ship were stolen by Luke Skywalker and Tanith Shire, but revealed no weaknesses to Alliance technicians. The ship's name was given by Vader on its maiden voyage, as it destroyed the Alliance outpost on Laakteen Depot while en route to Yavin 4. Its first commander was executed by Vader for failing to complete a mission to eradicate the Massassi Base. It was then placed under the command of Admiral Ozzel, during the search for the Alliance leading up to the Battle of Hoth. It was Ozzel who brought the fleet out of hyperspace too far out from Hoth, alerting the Alliance to the fleet's presense. Vader executed Ozzel on the spot, and promoted Captain Piett to Admiral, and commander of the ship. Following a number of victories over the Alliance, the Executor was finally destroyed during the Battle of Endor, when a concerted attack by Alliance pilots disabled the ship. Without steering and navigation, it plowed into the surface of the second Death Star and exploded.


If the AI builds an SSD it names him automaticly Executor and it will most probably follow Vader. Same when you play Imperial but your Executor will do what you wish.


Something like this :


Type: Super Star Destroyer

Name: Executor

Experience: Imperial Elite



If you reealy want them and want to say why = post here also. And remember to post in time so it stais up. I bet my force powers that we need it in order to stand a chance to have names. Thanks



- The Trivium Organization - Community Manager -

- Petroglyph Fan Forums - CoAdmin & Human Resources Manager -

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Ship names and or the ability to name ships are essential to creating a feeling of attachment to the game world. Without them, the player loses the ability to relate to what is going on in the space battles. When the player has the ability to name a ship, there can be a feeling a loss over the destruction of a ship that has served in five or six engagements. Ships without a name mean nothing besides what it cost to build them.


In interviews, it has been stated that Empire at War will allow the player to write their own Star Wars History. This is not possible if ships do not have names. Imagine a depiction of the Battle of Midway with all the ship names stripped away. What is left is not very compelling or very interesting.


Give ships random names, allow the player to name their own ships, and have someway of keeping track of what ship destroyed what instead of having a click fest where the thousandth capital ship produced means the same to the player as the first. It is more rewarding to destory a famous enemy ship that his managed to cause havoc for half the game then to go into battle against ships without any character of their own.

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The game becomes more fun/interesting because it makes it more personal I guess you'd say. For example a star destroyer blowing up 3 mon cal cruisers is not as exciting as say your star destroyer Immolator blowing 3 mon cal cruisers away. I would the naming option an opportunity to further immerse myself in the Star Wars universe. I admit I have read tons of books and just having names for all of the ships is fun. Plus you can name certain ships such as they were in the movies. Sorry this is so long. To sum it up: the lack of naming should be changed.
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I do not rename ships in Rebelion but I enjoy blowing up ships that my friend Abdul has renamed. He always uses ships with his names / Like Abdul the Great or the Adbul's Terror etc.


I always make fun of his efforts to protect that ships.

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Ship names and or the ability to name ships are essential to creating a feeling of attachment to the game world. Without them, the player loses the ability to relate to what is going on in the space battles. When the player has the ability to name a ship, there can be a feeling a loss over the destruction of a ship that has served in five or six engagements. Ships without a name mean nothing besides what it cost to build them..


This is perhaps the FUNDERMENTAL point of why it is essential to have the option of naming ships; attachment to the gameworld (the SW mythos) and all the time immersed in it whilst playing the game. Not having the option of having fleets of Star Destroyers Chimaera, Devestator, Medusa, Eviscerator, Stormbringer, etc, quickly will make that attachment meaningless, and less fun.

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It would be interesting to have the names preprogrammed in and it would also relieve the strain of having to name all of the ships. I would however be weary of having the names prenamed as some of the ships were never ISDs. Like the Iron Fist and the Brawl. Iron Fist is not only a VSD it was also an SSD. Same with Executor. Chimera was another VSD which was also a ISD-I and ISD-II.
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:arrow: I was, and am very, very worried about the ship names cause I have indications that Petro is not planning to add them - in theyr quest for the "magic gameplay" - I just hope we will manage to convince them.



:arrow: When I see the Executor I want to assume that Vader is on it :)

- The Trivium Organization - Community Manager -

- Petroglyph Fan Forums - CoAdmin & Human Resources Manager -

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Cain I have a question. Will there be Flags above Major ships. Thats how you will know who's on which ship. Or having little pics of their heads on the HUD at the bottom of the screen.
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I agree that naming ships will add a tremendous amount of attachement to your fleets and thus, enhance the flavor of the game as well as the fun factor.


There is an easy way to do this:


1) Have all the names of ships stored in an text file.

2) The file is separated in sections, one section per ship class

3) Each section stores the name list of all the ships for that class.


What's nice about this file is that

1) The player can change the name of unit he wants any time

2) You prepopulate the list with cool name you want to use. For example, your ISD section has the names Executor, Agitator, Tormentor, Dominator. When you build your first ISD, it automatically gets the name Executor, the second get Agitator, etc...

3) If a unit is created and there isn't a pregenerated name in the list, assign a generic name to it like 'ISD 1'. That name is then added to the list in the text file and the player can then change it at the time of his chosing.


There should also be an interface in the game to change the name.

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I'd personally love it if ships were Randomly Prenamed, with the option to rename.


Im extremely bad at naming things, which is why id prefer random prenamed ships.


give us ship names or give us death!



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Ship names are a must! If we're writing our own sw history, ships are a huge part of that. it's "star wars" wars in the stars. And who leads those battles? Ships. Not naming ships just takes the whole effect and throws it out the nearist airlock. At the very least, pre named ships. I like the idea of some ships having meaning like the Executor being Vaders flag ship and whatnot. i hope Petro hears our plea's

-You seem to have an over developed sence of vengeance. It's going to get you into trouble some day.

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