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well, this topic is for the new ppl to EaW. First off, EaW takes place after Episode 3 BUT before Episode 4. The rest of the information i am about to give you are facts about EaW, not speculation. There is going to be your traditional ISD's vs the Calamari Cruisers. And there is right now 30 planets that we have counted off one of the videos. The game allows you to fight space battles, then once space superiority is possible, you may send land forces down to invade the planet. You may call in reinforcements if you need help with the land battle, such as some tie bombers come down from orbit to bomb the rebels and such. The rest of the information can be found at these sites.


47+ min long video: http://swempireatwar.10.forumer.com/viewtopic.php?t=93


some ppl have been getting corrupted file error reports when they isntall the large screen size version of the long movie, so it is strongly advised you d/l the medium screen one.



Interviews and other stuff: http://www1.gamespot.com/pc/strategy/starwarsrts/media.html



- marcus



btw, if any1 else has some more inforamtion to add, please do so ^^



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Another aspect of the game is the economic system. As we know so far, when you own a planet, u gain everything that planet has to offer. Credits, resourses, and another interesting feature, a special bonus. The bonus could be a hero, or constrution bonus to certain units, or even credit bonus' Just think. No more more tedious resourse gathering. Although it has been stressed that there is some resourse management. You simply dont have to go out and harvest with droids.

-You seem to have an over developed sence of vengeance. It's going to get you into trouble some day.

SWEAW Petroglyph Fan Forums

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Well if you only build resource buildings its all good. If I have to build them now that will be annoying but from what I heard the AI takes care of all the resource crap. As long as we can build military buildings its all good. How they pop out of buildings (if they do) will be interesting to see. Imaging the doors open and a AT-AT just comes out of the factory.
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Yeah seeing an AT-AT comming out fresh out of the factory. Now imagin watching your Imperial SD or your MC 80b releasing the docking clamps on the shipyard, fully armed and ready to pwn! 8) I hope u can watch as construction takes place, from a skeleton and a reactor, to the finished product :idea:

-You seem to have an over developed sence of vengeance. It's going to get you into trouble some day.

SWEAW Petroglyph Fan Forums

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Yup. That would be nice. but them AT-AT death animations are always the same. fall down head first. It could fall sideways, backwards (if legs bent), downwards from legs collapsing. I guess that'll be fixed when its ready to ship. Star Destroyer being built on land would be nice to see and during combat also.
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Joshinator. So what you want is similar graphics to ST Armada with construction of ships being seen between the Shipyard framework?


The Economy ideas introduced will stream line and quicken the game. With Rebellion you spend the first few hundred turns increasing your construction capacity and your maintenance capacity. :( It got a bit boring during that period and with Recruiting missions it also got a bit tedious.


Recruitment could happen in this game when you're fleet go into a system and you recieve a little screen in the lower corner saying. Rebel Sypithisers led by character X have joined your fleet than have a small Bio of the Character. I.E- go to Tatooine and Obiwan joins then at the time of ANH luke joins. Same thing with Leia on Alderaan.

At the Start you have the 3 main factions of the Corellian Treaty as your main Characters(Mon Mothma, Garm Bel-iblis and Bail Organa) or Darth Vader, Sidious & Tarkin. TArkin and Bel-Iblis start in charge of the main battlegroups and The other two start off on Coruscant for the Imps and Alderaan or Chandrila for the Alliance.


As you take over planets you gain they're resources- Take over Mon Calamari- Increased ship production rates for Imps or Ability to Construct Mon Cal Cruisers for the Rebels.


Ideas?? :wink:

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Well when you conquer planets you gain heros and resources and possibly cache of units right ?


Well I kept on thinking if we could get them on our side even if they're with the other side, bribe em somehow. You know how Vader went back to good and killed Sidious and in the EU Luke went to the Dark side to destroy Sidious and his army and Leia had to help him come back to the light. Just wondering if thats a possibility.

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I've heard on a different page Cain saying that there is a possibility of Units or Characters defecting. Would be nice to have an SSD defect to the alliance but i'm not sure.


I think that when you are in a battle I.E. The Vader Vs Obi Wan battle you see in the E3 footage you should either have the oppotunity to order Vader to Kill or just to injure and capture. Then Imperial interogation and the Dark side could corrupt him. Therefore characters defecting. Thats one part of Rebellion that I think should have been explored more. There were some characters with sympathies to the Empire/ Rebellion. Then if they're on a mission to a Rebel/ imperial Planet or in a massive battle and are captured the characters have a small chance of abandoning they're mission and joining the Rebels/ imperials.

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Yeah when i mentioned seeing ship framework go to the finished product, i was thinkin like in ST Armada. It would be interesting to watch your imp stars or cruisers slowly get finished. I'd add to the excitement of the game.


I know we gain resourses and heros through capturing plannets, but your idea has merit. Say your fleet is simply exploring, and u'd get that pop up, gain minor characters, or maybe someone donates a few finished fighters. I like the idea. About ship production, i wonder if the Kuat system will be added. It was deffintatly a major part of everything from the Aclamators to Imp Star Destroyers.


Perhaps character defection would be possible if say your hero was in several battles, ground or land, and they were defeted every time, and become simpathetic. Turning characters would be very cool :twisted:

-You seem to have an over developed sence of vengeance. It's going to get you into trouble some day.

SWEAW Petroglyph Fan Forums

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Not only that but we could have traders joining the battle in specific territories.


The Smugglers and the Rebels in a joint battle against an Imperial Armada like in The Thrawn Trilogy.

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Makes sence. Some species might not take lightly the invasion of an imperial fleet. Where did Talon Karde opperate from? Perhaps if someone attacks his planet, his forces will intervine. Who knows. Maybe if your rebels, u can truce, and eventualy gain control of there ships. part of a planet bonus

-You seem to have an over developed sence of vengeance. It's going to get you into trouble some day.

SWEAW Petroglyph Fan Forums

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Kaarde was based on an asteroid for the majority of the Civil War and before that he was the Lieutenant for a man called Jorj Cardas. A man who absorbed some off Yoda's Jedi powers after a dark jedi injured him and crashed his ship onto Dagobah during the Clone Wars.


Then they moved to Myrkr and from then to Pantalomin and the Smugglers alliance began operation from Rishi and had bases all over the galaxy. So they could interject at loads of different threspoints.

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  • 1 month later...
do you think it could be implemented that if a huge ship SSD or Mon calamari was being shot down that the gravity of a planet below pulled it in and somehow the ship hit a city or a plain, a random actor by the AI? or is this not a good idea?
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do you think it could be implemented that if a huge ship SSD or Mon calamari was being shot down that the gravity of a planet below pulled it in and somehow the ship hit a city or a plain, a random actor by the AI? or is this not a good idea?


Not only is that logical, it would be really interesting. Even more so, could you position your ships so that if they were destroyed they would fall on an enemy planet/base? Or intentionally drive a Shuttle into a walker or building?


Could you send boarding parties onto other ships, like in the books? Take over the bridge, and send the enemy's whole Star Destroyer point first into his own planet or shipyard or capital ship... BOOM!


Actually, you wouldn't even have to take it over if you were lucky. In Episode VI, a damaged A-Wing crashes into the bridge of the SSD after it's forward shields are disabled, and it crashes into the side of the Death Star. Just reminds you how big the DS was, though... Wow.


*side note* It's cool that people still remember ST:Armada. What a great game. It just blows away SW: Galactic Battlegrounds (the other RTS on my old computer), which is kind of an insult to the noble tradition of Star Wars games. Wierd - yesterday I was just thinking of what GB should have been, and I thought of the same things: planet-to-planet grand strategy, combined with the close-quarters space battles and guerilla tactics that make Star Wars incredible. I'm really excited about this game, and I'm sure it will exceed my expectations. */side note #sorry about that *

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do you think it could be implemented that if a huge ship SSD or Mon calamari was being shot down that the gravity of a planet below pulled it in and somehow the ship hit a city or a plain, a random actor by the AI? or is this not a good idea?


:arrow: I think that will be really to much :) After looking at the existing maps a SSD will easly cover all of it. So I don't think they will enable that - Space debry (cool stuff non the less).

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