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Petroglyph EAW Feedback : The AI


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This topic is about the EAW AI. How we will like it to be. Genreal stuff or known AI RTS problems that you have been upset with and don't want to find them in EAW.


"See before posting - Disclamer: I should mention that the developers are not obliged to read this topic or follow our feedback to the letter and i can`t guarantee that it will be found at a later date in EAW or that it will affect or help EAW in any way. Also the developers can`t officialy solocit feedback so this is made at our fan initiative. Developers may already have all our feedback sugestions in the game and we can not garantee, that what we say here will not exist already in the game at the date we post them. You must feedback here only if you consider your feedback to be impersonal and with no conection made to your real person. Also no new ideeas unrelated to LEC or Petroglyph are accepted here just feedback on know issues from the videos and official materials already released. This topic should be deleted by the moderators as soon as they consider it done and unproductive from a moment in time."

- The Trivium Organization - Community Manager -

- Petroglyph Fan Forums - CoAdmin & Human Resources Manager -

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In the past I've done extensive research on the Rebellion AI. A tool exist that enables you to see all the AI movements in the galaxy so here is what I found and find till today as beeing SWR AI problems.


SWR - It seems that the AI does not fully use his building potential. He is not able to decide to invest extensivly in a particular place and use it to the maximum. He only uses 1/2 or 2/3 from the potential of a good planet.


- Always (85%) before an atack against a planet the AI uses probes to spy it first. But his fleet is ready for invasion and waits and waits for the damn probe to diliver an information wich it cannot since it can't penetrate the planet. So the AI looses pretious time due to probing. The EAW AI should avoid such delays and be more bold in his actions. Once he has a info that atracts him against one of your planets and he already has builded his invasion fleet he must attack directly and with no delays.


- The SWR AI does not fully use hit and run tactics nor does he try to create super fleets and deal you a mortal blow to your fleet.


- The AI does not use in his final days kamikaze style actions to delay the inevitable but still make you a hard time winning.


- The AI management of characters really suck he always send's them exactly were they are not needed. Also the new jedis that are found by Vader or Luke are never trained in the jedi arts.


- The AI can take serious blows in the first days cause he runs after you and left him self to open or he makes large fleets and when he sees some of your moves he brakes the strike fleets only to arrive with some ships to a place were you are already gone.


- That AI never used the concept of haveing a fleet hidden and prepared to be reinforcements just in case they are needed.


want the EAW hard AI settings to be really hard and realistic. The fighters should use WWII fighter formations or tactics (*A WWII military manual will say alot) The EAW ships should use two types of tactics.


For the first part of EAW (Aclamator or Venator classes) should take formations and ship tactics from the era of Admiral Nelson and Napoleon. Later ships like the ISDs or SSDs should fight and use formations like the modern US Navy. The task groups should look similar in structure as well as the tactics.


It should be considered that some ships should have interplanetary missiles with hyperdrive. Such a solutions is extremly realistic in terms of military strategy. The Ai must use such weapons to make your life mizerable on hard settings.


What esle should the EAW AI do ? For what kind of AI you will pay to get - how it should act to really make you mad. Mad cause is so good at gameplay not mad that it is bad - Loll

- The Trivium Organization - Community Manager -

- Petroglyph Fan Forums - CoAdmin & Human Resources Manager -

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well with general RTS AI problems that i have found recently (the past 3 years)


Empire Earth AI: lol it resource cheated to gain an advantage and seemed to have built all kinds of buildings that it would never use.


Rise of Nations AI: well, me and polovnik play ron everyday and we see the AI problems, the ai does not resource cheat, and it is far better than EE's AI, but it just doesn't seem to do the things a human would do. Which is to get an economy going for itself while 30 minutes of peace time has been implemented in the game. It's like it thinks the game you can attack at 5minutesbut infact it would still have to go through 25 more minutes of peace. So what i'm saying is, it doesn't have common sense like a human player would...and i know that would be hard to have for an ai. But if you could some how figure a way to implement smart thinknig....it'd be really good for the sales ^^


but hell, i'm a MP player usually so i dont play the AI all that much.



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ST Armada AI- I don't want to talk about it.


SW Xwing Alliance- Impressive Expert AI. :twisted:


Rise of Nations- I have to agree with your points _Wölf_

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:arrow: I was thinking now about the RTW AI .... hmmm ...... how could I better translate that infos and errors to be useful advaices for EAW ?! I will edit my self soon.

- The Trivium Organization - Community Manager -

- Petroglyph Fan Forums - CoAdmin & Human Resources Manager -

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Maybe the AI could fient attacks on 2 or 3 systems, to fool the intelegence u may have gathered about there fleet movements. It was also rare the AI in rebellion would lauch seprate attacks on more then 1 or 2 plannets at the same time. I always found it sticked to 1 or 2 major fleets, which tacticly is foolish, leaving entire sectors with only a ship or 2 and some fighters. And the AI would never attack my fleets either or hunt down my smaller fleets, always defenceless plannets. The only time i had a battle was if i was lucky enough to catch there fleet sitting somewhere, or on defend HQ setting and attacking coruscant. I hope they make it so that u must have fleets spaced out protecting key areas. from the look of the glalactic map, the "highways" or hyperspace routes is a good idea, controling key areas. Hit and runs with hyperspace capalble fighters would be a nice idea, nailing that expensive golan defence platform with a barrage of bombs, then jumping out of the system, wearing it down for an invasion. I'd hate if the comp did that to me lol.

-You seem to have an over developed sence of vengeance. It's going to get you into trouble some day.

SWEAW Petroglyph Fan Forums

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The AI (without anti-nuke script) always gets its bombers to destroy wonders and then nukes cities. Always. To piss it off I nuked the AI 3 times and then it started to attack me again. What do you think ? AI just nuking and bombing once war starts (if peace is off).


I would like an AI to do something different then the same thing every time even if it is in a different order. It gets boring after awhile :? and annoying in RON's case.



In ROme Total War they just run away like cowards. I played as greeks and they have the best morale around. I attack anybody and they just hold their ground. They send the Roman's, Germans, British, Carthaginians and ect, just running. The hopelites.

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Well I think they can just not many AI programmers out there. I saw a couple that I thought were humans and damn was I suprised. Well AI in RON also makes them build more spies (or train or whatever) and they just bribe every 5 second and it ticks me off and it ticked you off also wolf.


I forgot which games I played which AI acted as humans

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Human Vs Human games are the most challenging. CPU ai is still based on a series of rules. Humans have a streak of independence which cannot be recreated.
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Human Vs Human games are the most challenging. CPU ai is still based on a series of rules. Humans have a streak of independence which cannot be recreated.



I really want a smart AI - you don't have always time for human vs human. :wink:

- The Trivium Organization - Community Manager -

- Petroglyph Fan Forums - CoAdmin & Human Resources Manager -

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I want AI to have a personality, Everytime I play the battlefield seems ..........empty if you know what I mean, Its like nobody is there. Ron tried making a ai with a personality but they say the same things all over again. Battlegrounds tried also but failed. We have the tech but just ignore the hell out of it. Theres people with dial up still so it'll make you think twice instead of just attacking a normal AI :?
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It will happen just give it time which I doubt you will. There was one that was close but failed since newer ones came out. Well if you wait a bit you might mistaken a ai for a human. I know someone out there thought of that but the game was probably rushed.
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AI in battlegrounds always swarmed me with stupid and same formations of units all the time. Then with jedi/sith with troops then come in with swarms of cannons which I just destroy with 5 tie advanced lol. Stupid. I bet its a lot better now then then.


Best thing they did was steal my bombers and use it against me but that failed since I had anti air set up.

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AI in battlegrounds always swarmed me with stupid and same formations of units all the time. Then with jedi/sith with troops then come in with swarms of cannons which I just destroy with 5 tie advanced lol. Stupid. I bet its a lot better now then then.


Best thing they did was steal my bombers and use it against me but that failed since I had anti air set up.


Yeah never seemed to send very large forces at a time, just medium sized attack forces which could be taken out easily with just a tiny bit of strategy :wink:

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couple times I was just lazy and kept on building tie bombers and swarmed the enemy base with it and it worked out :P ya sometimes I have 5, sometimes 10 depending on how desperate I want them gone. Well that was then tyhis is now were I dont have an Empire to build up anymore.
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