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Petro&LEC Feedback Topic - Missions for EAW


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I made this topic for the fans to suggest some cool Single Player missions for EAW.


I should mention that the developers are not obliged to read this topic or follow our feedback to the letter and it cant guarantee that it will be found in the EAW. Another aspect may be that this missions that you may suggest could already be in EAW. Also the developers cant officialy solocit feedback so this is made at our fan initiative.


This beeing said : be nice, be explicit and descriptive, use only oficial materials and concepts and make one/two posts with one mission description and do not comment on other peoples mission suggestion or the topic will be to long for developers to follow. We will let the developers decide how to use this feedback or even if they want to look at it and at the end I will do a pool on SWEAW PFF and we will vote for them to see what missions are more appealing to fans. (*So when you post here your mission make also a title for it so I will only use that for the pool).


Thank you (*I will also post shortly my feedbacked mission stories)








You can copy your post also here for LEC:


- The Trivium Organization - Community Manager -

- Petroglyph Fan Forums - CoAdmin & Human Resources Manager -

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Double Planet Mission

Mission Planets : Unknown

Mission Time : Before Episode IV


- You recive a secret information stateing that General Grievous has made for himself a clone (it had not much to clone anyway) and with the help of his tehno allies has created also a backup memory to be inserted in the clone in case he dies. The problem for todays player is that the memory and the body are on two diferent planets and both you and the enemy will race to get them and revive the lost general. It is very probable that Count Duku was the one who instructed Grevious to do the clone.


Both the mind and the body of the general can be stored separatly and only when they are put in a research facility the 4 arms metal general will take life again. If the other faction gets the body or only the mind you will have to get it from them to remake the general character.


The troops guarding the general remains will be some old droid ships and troops that will activate when you are in range.


Grevious has backed up his memory just after the fight with Master Windu on Coruscant and it will decide to join your army and let you acces on some old separatist hidden weapons stores.


Reward: For both sides - New character recived - and some old ships and droids.


PS. I add this story mission cause one of my friends loved Grevious so much that he almost cryed at the cinema when he has seen him destroyd.

- The Trivium Organization - Community Manager -

- Petroglyph Fan Forums - CoAdmin & Human Resources Manager -

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Ghost Ship


ghost ship from Clone wars

Planet or space sector: Outer Rim planets


purpose for Rebels: Can be used as a unit in space to help overthrow the Empire. Could also transport units from one planet to another. Very cheap to build if late ingame. and gain 5 random units (from any race)


purpose for Imperials: To be massed produced but very very expensive to be built since those resources would be the unique type ingame (if there is any unique resources). Can be used to help destroy the Rebels.



To take control of this ship you must hack into the computer to take control of it and have 10 minutes to do so until it randomly hyperspaces itself around the galaxie to a random place. But to make it more difficult theres this angry ghost onboard (doesn't show itself unless its coded in and chosen to be a mission) which will randomly slay your stormtroopers or rebel troopers or whatever (so it'll be a cutaway inside a ship to get from point (hanger) b to point a (To the bridge). While going to the bridge you'll gain secrets at why its hyperjumping around the galaxie randomly and when you capture it you get 5 random units which would help the Rebels and be somewhat useless to the Empire.


point: Thought ghost ship missions were cool and add something different to a game. I bet there where lots of ghost ships in the galaxie left there since it might of been a pain to retreive them. 1 source would be the commando game. Well the ghost could be a clone trooper ghost or a random race.

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Hunt for the Katana fleet.


You have discovered one of the Katana Fleet Ships. You now have the chance to massively increase your fleet strength. The Problem is that the opposing faction is on it's way. Your massed fleet has to prevent them from "liberating" the Dark Force from your grip.

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Hunting the Pirates:


Planets: All with a large group of Trade routes


A Pirat Fleet raid the Trade routes At the xyz system, Planet XYZ.

Hunt them.

During The Mission you will lost some of the Credits with will produced trought the Traderoutes.

If you dont hunt them The Pirates will gain some more Power (At the beginnen maybe they came only with Transports and some Fighters. After some Time when they Raid enought Credits there will be some stronger Ships.)


Gain: A small Bonus for some Time after hunting the Pirates.

Why is English one of the most speaken languages? German is more better, it sounds better and i did unterstandt it ^^ but for you i will spoke english too, not good but you should unterstand me ^^


"Der Preis der Freiheit, ist ewige Wachsamkeit" Col. Blair Herz des Tigers

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Discovery of the jedi Acedemy at Yavin 4 / Sith Acedemy at Koriban


Mission starts: sometime after you have invadet/Captured Yavin or Koriban & have foundet a Ghostship

(i will explain the Mission on the Rep Side for the imps change the Name of the Planet)


You have discoverd a Ghostship on an old Battelfield. Your Crew try to Repair the Ship, but the Damage was to Big. The Captain downloadet the Archiv from the Ship and take all interessting Things from it. After this he destroyed it.

A intereset Crewmember found at the Archive some informations about the jedis. A small damaged Holocrom was found in a small Cabin.


Mission. Bring the Holocron to an Jedi (maybe Luke or Obiwan)

Flew with the Ship who has foundet the Ghostship tio the Location of the Yedi.


The Yedi aktivatet the Holocron and a small Message sayd. That the Holocron was the Holocron from a Jedi Student from Yavin 4.


Mission. Capture Yavin 4 and Bring a Jedi to Yavin 4


Your Jedi has discovered the Acedemy on Yavin 4, with some old Jedi Stuff. You will Discover some more Secrets after you found some more Holocrons.


Reward. Some small Storys about some Jedis through the Holocrons.

a attack or Defences Bonus for your Jedis ( 1 or 2 %) after you have foundet new Holocrons and bring them to the Acedemy


After you have found all Holocrons you will be able to Build a Special Unit

Why is English one of the most speaken languages? German is more better, it sounds better and i did unterstandt it ^^ but for you i will spoke english too, not good but you should unterstand me ^^


"Der Preis der Freiheit, ist ewige Wachsamkeit" Col. Blair Herz des Tigers

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Prison camp



Data : unknown

Faction: Rebels


You must select a character to be sent with a small ship on a enemy planet to rescue the prisoners from the natzi/imperial camp. If you manage to do that you get some elite officars to your army.


I also want some missions to explore and discover the beautiful galaxy.

"The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams"


Petroglyph FF Admin.

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Destroy the Rebel Nest.


Imperial Intelligence has discovered a rebel outpost in the Vergesso Asteroids. Take your fleet and Crush the Pitiful Rabble.


Imperial Mission offensive or Rebel Defensive mission.

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Save / Eliminate the Defector.


An Imperial officer with vital intelligence of Imperial movements is fleeing from his post. Attempt to rescue him from the clutches of the Imperial Fleet.

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Sufficiently advanced technology would be indistinguishable from Magic. -Arthur C. Clarke

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It's a trap!


Basically, duplicate any available missions but this one is a trap. When the mission is offered to the player, there is no way to tell that the difference. If the fake mission involves characters, they are captured. If the fake mission involves units, they are destroyed.


For characters, there is a small chance that they can avoid capture. For units, there is a small chance that some of them escapes.


The idea of this mission is to create fear and uncertainty before committing characters and units to missions.

Things are not as they seem,

nor are they otherwise

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Um, wouldn't you be in control fo the units on the mission and therefore be able to figure out soem way for them to escape the trap?

Forum and RPG Membership:




Sufficiently advanced technology would be indistinguishable from Magic. -Arthur C. Clarke

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Planet needs help


Planet: Any moon sized planet with any form of creatures and plants


Objective: Help eleminate a threat from the natives who live on this tiny planet.


For Imperials: Either help or elimnate the threat on the native aliens planet.


For Rebels: Help eliminate the threat and gain their trust



Well small moon sized planet(s) in the galaxy which is lush with trees, creatures and the local natives are all being invaded by a small space gang wanting a new location to live in. If your the Empire you can either help or destroy the threat and if your a Rebel you must help out or let the gang take them over but if you take them over you'll get their help and tech in your faction and you'll get help every now and then if your rating with them is good enough. If your Rebels this'll surely help you out.



For Imperial: If you help out you gain them on your side and they'll crush anything in your path and if you destroy them you gain their planet and their resources. (either way you get their planet), Rating go up along with Fear

For Rebels: If you help them out you gain their trust and their planet along with their resources and their help. Rating go up


If you fail or dont accept:

Imperials: You wont get the natives help and you'll gain half the resources and the rating of your faction will go down and up for Rebels

Rebels: You wont get the natives help and you'll gain less resources and the rating of your faction will go down and up on Empire


Purpose: Theres gotta be some aliens in the galaxy needing help beside Ewoks and Wookies. You gain a free planet if you accept and if you dont you will lose rating if there is rating which it looks like there is.

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