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Invasions+ Orbital Bombard


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We have Read and see some reports, interviews and Vids about the planetary invasion. The troops will land with transports if they came trough the planetary Defence Fire.

What do you think about it?

I mean its a nice idea. Destroy the enemy Ships bevor they can load out the troops. But what happened if the planetary defence System is too strong or when you land betwen some enemy ground units. Somewhere i read that i can bombard the planet from the orbit. How much damage can do with some bombard waves?

Should we destroy large parts of the enemy base or only small groups of units in the landing zone. Or only planetary Defence Systems. i Think the best solution is that i can bombard my landing zone and some of the planetary defence systems. During the battle you will abel to make some bombard Waves on the map, but your Ships must come closer to the planet. This will be dangerous for them, beause they came in the Range of the Planetary Defence Systems. If the enemy had build a Shield Generator in his Base, you must first destroy it with your Ground units. After this you will be abel to attack the Base from the Orbit directly.

Why is English one of the most speaken languages? German is more better, it sounds better and i did unterstandt it ^^ but for you i will spoke english too, not good but you should unterstand me ^^


"Der Preis der Freiheit, ist ewige Wachsamkeit" Col. Blair Herz des Tigers

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yea, that's what i am thinknig about too. like on the cover it shows the hoth planet being assaulted, i see an ion cannon behind the battle lines. There must be soem way those cannons and stuff can aid in the defence of an all out imperial assault or something. Maybe polovnik knows the answer 8)



- marcus



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:arrow: Yes the ion cannons are in ... but we could also have some laser batteries. I clearly see in this picture a sort of a hudge land based laser gun space defence turret.





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yep i see the laser, this is all making alittle more sense now...maybe they strategically placed the laser there so landing craft would not be allowed to invade. maybe it's like in the battle of Hoth in the movie, they landed a long way from the shield and laser turrents and what not 8)


as far as my thinking goes, it seems like a logical solution.



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Wow, Those turrets look more of a planetery defence and anti air type. Having that would make you think your on a Death Star lol. Well so you can place them anywere ? If so that'll be nice since I could get rid of Fish sticks, Y-wings, and other rebel crafts. This'll be interesting to play with.
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there has to be some catch, such as it only prevents starship bombing runs or something. They msut be expensive, becuz if they were not. You could build them allover a planet and never be messed around with ^^


it'd be stupid to build that mnay, all that money spend on a planet instead of space sounds a bit redundant -.-



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It must be expensive since in Battlegrounds (Yet again I have to make an example from it) Turrets and anti-air turrets cost a fortune and had to have nova and jedi nova to trade into ore. Well it would be expensive since you would be building a defensive planet. 1-20 per planet ? more would be nuts. Would be like a deathstar :P
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bah, i'd risk it and build very few defences and go for an all out assault and superior imperial navy numbers ^^


fortify the outer territories with these...defences, but in the inner core i would make the imperial navy buildable at all planets :o

btw, did you ever get a chance to see how well the AI played?is it smart?

and is there a difficulty setting and stuff?



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I only see what I and other people find like videos and such. Well I think the AI was on easy for E3 show unless it was another player playing which I doubt it woulda been. The AI did ok but not as much as you would expect. It did defend itself tho and able to destroy Petro's E3 team so they could show the retreat and how it is done. Thats how you can tell its real time.
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In the video they were concentrating on one aspect ignoring another area which wasn't supported well. They were watching Vader and ignoring the rest of their forces.
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Why not build them all over the planet's surface if we have the means to??? To operate such powerful weapons we need energy, so that should be the limitating aspect besides credits or maintenance whatever, like in Rebellion you can build many of them as long as you have free energy slots available in a planet. Now i don't know if the EaW will consider sabotage missions but it would be very cool and it would augment the game's dificulty making it more thrilling won't you think so??? Strategicaly it would be a great asset since we would be able to clear some nasty facilitys like these babys or to swep aside some troops and tanks before we jump in with an all out invasion thus saving many lives and military equipment.


:arrow: I agree with Wolf, invandig troops should be forced to land away from a base in some scenarios that justify this action move of course, this would buy the defender some time to either mass a counter attack or to prepare an evacuation like the Battle of Hoth.


Anyway these aspects are all very complex and must reach a balance.

I hope we fans can contribute to that BALANCE IN THE FORCE!!! :D:D

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i will say nothing aout energy slots for defences systems

But i dont want an energy slot system for my militäry buildings.

Why is English one of the most speaken languages? German is more better, it sounds better and i did unterstandt it ^^ but for you i will spoke english too, not good but you should unterstand me ^^


"Der Preis der Freiheit, ist ewige Wachsamkeit" Col. Blair Herz des Tigers

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It was only a comment!!! I want something more elaborate as well.


Anyway, yes i saw the power generator lololol, it's another way for it. The one we saw in Hoth was strong enough to sustain a shield, an ion cannon, defence turrets and the echo base itself.

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was the Generator in the Film not only for the Shield Generator?

they fired with the ion cannon after the Destruction of the generator

Why is English one of the most speaken languages? German is more better, it sounds better and i did unterstandt it ^^ but for you i will spoke english too, not good but you should unterstand me ^^


"Der Preis der Freiheit, ist ewige Wachsamkeit" Col. Blair Herz des Tigers

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Silly me i missed that part in the movie :lol: I looked for info concerning the power generator and even though they are a little bit ambiguous this is what i come up with, even in my Behind the Magic encyclopedia they are not very clear. "Because the base required a huge energy supply, immense generators were required to power the installation. Unfortunately, these generators could not be contained within the existing base and the rebels were forced to conceal the machinery on the mountainside. The generators stood under thick layers of insulation, shielded to prevent detection"




"Hoth's main power generator is located just outside Echo Base. Major Kem Monnon wanted to build the Generator inside the mountain like the rest of the Base, so it would not be visible from space. But due to technical heating problems this was not possible. The Imperial Probe Droid homed in on it's magnetic field and the base was discovered.

The power generator provided energy for the energy field protecting the base from bombardment from outer space. Also it provided power for the Ion cannon and for the base itself"





"Above the hangar, placed into the mountainside were the base's ground based weapons batteries, which included the v-150 Planet Defender Ion Cannon. Due to the energy demands of Hoth Base, the heavy-duty power generators needed were too large and too thermally-intensive for the underground base and thus they had to be constructed just outside the base, near the mountain in which Echo Base was concealed. All of the generator's thermal and electromagnetic radiations were hidden and safely dispersed to prevent detection from space. VXI-3s were positioned at the Hoth Base and at remote observation posts to provide an early-detection scanning system for the Rebels."


I looked for the ion cannon as well and once again it's a little bit contradictory "...and it receives its power from a massive reactor normally buried about 40 meters below the ground."

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if we know every secret from SW , SW will be boring.

Why is English one of the most speaken languages? German is more better, it sounds better and i did unterstandt it ^^ but for you i will spoke english too, not good but you should unterstand me ^^


"Der Preis der Freiheit, ist ewige Wachsamkeit" Col. Blair Herz des Tigers

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Yes i agree but i was referring to other things like the chronologic lapses, that quite often happen, lapses in the movies like stormtroopers hitting the doors with their heads, and wet hairs in one scene and dryed in another do you understand??? Secrets and myteries are the core and daily bread of Star Wars lolololol. :D
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