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My real EAW dilema


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:arrow: We all know that the game starts before Episode IV and has materials from Episode III but the Aclamator Republic ship is from Episode II. By the time of Episode III it is no longer used in the frontlines so it means it is old and probably sent to escort duty. Judgeing by Anakin's age and assumeing that the Aclamator was started to be build before Ep. II, + used also theoreticaly in Ep. III (in the escorts) and it is showing up in EAW who starts when Luke was 20+ years of age. I dedcut that the oldest Aclamator in use existing in EAW had to be 35 - 40 years old or even more.


:arrow: Nobody in his right mind will want the Episode II-III stuff out, but we must keep in mind that they will be theoreticly to old for a real military use. Something seems not to fit in the picture.


:arrow: Why I'm sayng this ?! Well LEC states that EAW will explain what happen after Episode III and how the Rebellion actually started, but I see in some previews that it it only starts 2-3 years before Episode IV when the Rebellion was a real threat.


:arrow:I want to say is that they should change the official statement and restate that the EAW starts one year after Episode III. By this meaning that they will cover 20 years from Luke's life (explain the existance of the Aclamators)and probably stop with the timeline just before Episode VI. It is the most logical way to settle all the question and player desires that will show up in time.


:arrow: Maybe you guys can find a more logical way to explain this request ...


The topic has been posted also on the Official Forums.

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So you want to say that we should increase the EAW timeline range ?!


Well it is not much after (just before Episode VI) cause this it is close to the official - just before Episode V end, but the real problem is that you want it to start just after one year after Episode III.


Sure it will explain why Episode II materials are still in service but it will mean that the rebel player will had to have some acces to the leftovers from the Trade Federation or some other Spearatist materials.


It is stated that in Episode III the Separatists go for unconditional surender and shut down they army. But they don't scrap it fully.


Also some jedi are suggested that they may still be alive .... so they could come back and help start the early stages of the Rebel army effort.


Hmmm .... YES ... I fully support you on this. This means that basicaly EAW will say alot about the history of the SW and Rebellion makeing it an official "Historic" material - Super !

"The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams"


Petroglyph FF Admin.

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i think it will be more interessting if you must found the Jedis on special Mission and not starts with some Jedis

Why is English one of the most speaken languages? German is more better, it sounds better and i did unterstandt it ^^ but for you i will spoke english too, not good but you should unterstand me ^^


"Der Preis der Freiheit, ist ewige Wachsamkeit" Col. Blair Herz des Tigers

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I think that the Rebellion should start with Wedge, Mon Mothma and Leia and they "discover" new people. At a certain point Leia has to go and get Obi Wan and luke say at turn 150. They then have to do a Death Star Sequence and you then can decide to evacuate Yavin or do the Yavin sequence
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than is the question when will start the game? and how much story will be in it?

Why is English one of the most speaken languages? German is more better, it sounds better and i did unterstandt it ^^ but for you i will spoke english too, not good but you should unterstand me ^^


"Der Preis der Freiheit, ist ewige Wachsamkeit" Col. Blair Herz des Tigers

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Hmmm I hope that there will be certain parts from the trilogy in there like Luke Leia Han etc. There are pictures of the Falcon!!!
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mhh its that really the falcon on the picture or only a neutral YT 1300 (or was it yt 1400 Trasport)

Why is English one of the most speaken languages? German is more better, it sounds better and i did unterstandt it ^^ but for you i will spoke english too, not good but you should unterstand me ^^


"Der Preis der Freiheit, ist ewige Wachsamkeit" Col. Blair Herz des Tigers

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Well it looks like the Falcon. What makes you say its turn based ? it could be real time :P Cain I like your idea about this game taking place 1 year after episode 3. See a cinematic of a random person looking for people to form the Rebellion and gather random ships from some random planet.


Have ghost ships from the last clown wars float around the galaxie and you take it in and use it as your own ? Find a hero unit who somewhow managed to live on it ? or find hiding jedi's in the outer rim on some random planet ? :roll:

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the Katana Fleet?

was this the Fleet with only Computer steering Carrack Cruiser without shields? or was it Dreadnoughts?


mhh starting the game from the stand of a third Person? this would be another nice idea for a story based tutorial.

Why is English one of the most speaken languages? German is more better, it sounds better and i did unterstandt it ^^ but for you i will spoke english too, not good but you should unterstand me ^^


"Der Preis der Freiheit, ist ewige Wachsamkeit" Col. Blair Herz des Tigers

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  • 5 months later...

To Prevent Ghostly from deleting this Post like he did for later ones I am bumping it back.


I think that the topic should be debated more. If I am wrong please delete this post Cain.

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The hidden fleet of Dreadnaught-class cruisers would be fun to find, but I doubt they've been included in the game.


As for the OP, combining information from old and new sources have shown that the AT-AT, AT-ST, AT-PT, 74-Z speeder bikes, TX-130T fighter tank, HAVw A5 and A6 Juggernauts, Acclamator-class Assault Ships, Victory-class Star Destroyers and Dreadnaught-class cruisers were designs that participated in the Clone Wars.


With the inclusion of Venator-class Star Destroyers and AT-AP walkers in EAW (as well as any other unit that isn't used by the Rebels), we have quite alot of designs still being used 20-30 years after first being seen. Since the SW universe appears technologically stagnant at this time (apart from superlaser-technology), it seems pretty reasonable that most weapons-systems would see use for far longer than is usual on present-day Earth.


Take the Acclamator, for instance. What would really make it obsolete compared to an Imperator? They're two different designs for two different purposes. One is a military transport with heavy firepower that can land on planets and deploy a massive force. The other is a destroyer/cruiser/carrier hybrid that can only stay in space, but is more dedicated towards ship-to-ship combat. One doesn't have to be retired in the face of the other.

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The Acclamator may be old, but the Dreadnought is older and those were in service for a long while during the civil war. Sure the Acclamator may have not been a frontline unit, but I'm sure it had it's uses that kept it from being obsolete. Also there is the matter of upgrading it. The Acclamator may have be modernized serveral times to keep it useful for combat, like navy ships of today and quite a few jets. I think the B-52 would be a good example of modernizations keeping a design alive.
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I think that the Rebellion should start with Wedge, Mon Mothma and Leia and they "discover" new people. At a certain point Leia has to go and get Obi Wan and luke say at turn 150. They then have to do a Death Star Sequence and you then can decide to evacuate Yavin or do the Yavin sequence

Well the problem with Wedge and Leia if this does indeed start a few years after ep3 is that they'd be little kids at that time. :P (I know it's not supposed to be that realistic)

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You would need start out as Bail Organa and Mon Mothma. After so much time you would be able to recruit leia and after that Luke.


The imperials wouldn't change much, Darth Vader, Palpatine and Tarkin, would still be similar enough.

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Ships can last a long time. They can get upgrades, replacement parts.


I know this is not the same thing but is an good example. I know the U.S.S. New Jersey was in WWII, Korea, Vietnam, Gulf War, and other conflicts. It was retired in 2000 or 2001. That like 50 years of serves.



Technoledge does not advance as fast in Star Wars as it does on Earth. They have less needs for research. Also in times of peace, military research budget is cut by a lot. As long as there is no huge threating force, there is less need for greater ships. Of course they upgraded to replace older ships, but if they can serve their purpose, use them. I bet the imps started to build SD faster and more of them because of the rebels.


They may explain the time in between III and IV, but the war might not start till 3-4 years before IV.


I have no problems with what they decide when the game starts, or how the past units are onnected. It doesn't seem to be that big of a deal to me. I understand how and why a military force like the Empire military would use older ships.

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Fear is the mind-killer

Fear is the little death that brings total obliteration

I will face my fear

I will permit it to pass over me and through me

And when it has gone past, I will turn the inner eye to see its path

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Only I will remain

-- The Bene Gesserit Litany Against Fear

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I think that the Rebellion should start with Wedge, Mon Mothma and Leia and they "discover" new people. At a certain point Leia has to go and get Obi Wan and luke say at turn 150. They then have to do a Death Star Sequence and you then can decide to evacuate Yavin or do the Yavin sequence

I'm 99% sure there are no turns in this game - just making sure, though, this gave me a start :P.

Currently waiting to get Age of Empires 3, Dawn of War, and Star Wars: Empire at War
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Hal Horn wasnt a Jedi, his Son and Father were


I dont think the Dreadnuaght ever went out of service, there were a few at the Battle of Mon Calamari(Unifying Force, Yuuzhan Vong Invasion)

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he said valin horn, i think that was hals grandfather,


i like the idea of it starting soon after ep 3, and you can make the rebels the thtreat they were in the movie.


:lol: They weren't a force, the just got lucky a few times with that force mumbo jumbo.

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Valin Horn is Corran's son! Corran's grandfather was a Jedi, but not his father.

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I bet the imps started to build SD faster and more of them because of the rebels.

I believe the number of Imperial ships was doubled in-between ANH and ESB, according to some sources. The political fallout from Yavin probably meant the Empire needed to do a show of strength to prove its power.


Can't remember if this was just ISDs or all kinds of warships, though.

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