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YES - NEW Pictures !


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The Death Star Is In ! The Death Star is in ! We somehow knew that but it is now confirmed !

Also the pixelshader is now enabled !












Coments ?!

- The Trivium Organization - Community Manager -

- Petroglyph Fan Forums - CoAdmin & Human Resources Manager -

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Ohhhhh Abdul will be so happy ! He strested me so many times to ask Mike about it :) 4 months ago I think. I'm not so happy since I don't like him blowing up my planets :( he always plays imperial in rebellion. I can't wait to see more, damn school PC - I can't log on fully.

"The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams"


Petroglyph FF Admin.

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Rebellion, no where I can get it now since its an old game. Blah might as well wait for a game demo or more videos or the full game. Saw the deathstar in action, very interesting, and beautiful . This game shall be sweeeet. :) Well now the Rebels will be scared :lol: What I found really interesting was that you can still get resources even if the planet is still blown up. Not as much but still enough. Now building a base there will be nearly impossible unless we can create hangers in them astroids lol.
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I think rebellion can still be found :) and I can't wait for Mike to come back after two days.

"The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams"


Petroglyph FF Admin.

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Thank the maker lololol!!! i'm stunned with these pictures and i take the opportunity to ask your opinion. As we see in the photo and in ep 4 the superlaser doesn't passes through the "EYE" unlike the second death star's superlaser. What do you say about this?? I think it's a lapse
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:arrow: hmmmm ...let me check the video of that action again. If you are right pls. add your elaborate ideea in the feedback topic ... the one for aftyer E3.


:arrow: Welcome to our small little home :) Upload your self an avatar ! :wink::D

- The Trivium Organization - Community Manager -

- Petroglyph Fan Forums - CoAdmin & Human Resources Manager -

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Before these pics came out, I had guessed that there would be a Death Star no matter what. From seeing the first pic I am very excited.


But from this group that was not my favorite. I must say that the second pic is a great additionto the power of ships in numbers. It also gives us the idea of what damage starfighters will be able to inflict on capital ships(I am guessing that the ISD wasn't the only thing in the second picture to inflict damage on the Mon Cal).




PS it's great to see a SW EaW community other than lucasforums or lucasarts.com, especially with such a small amount of people :D

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PS it's great to see a SW EaW community other than lucasforums or lucasarts.com, especially with such a small amount of people :D



Welcome sith :) to our small little home. There are at least 4 other EAW fan sites and 2 more in german and french. (*Cain's info-raport) Ours are only forums and we have one goal : Help the developers make a better game. the rest is irelevant (*member numbers, adds, glory, egos, etc). Also here nobody is your boss, we are all equals.



"The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams"


Petroglyph FF Admin.

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sorry i didn't understand, i looked for after ep 3 but i didn't find it, i'm lost lololol


:arrow: I'm also lost in the translation :? ?! anyway if you find errors pls post :)


:arrow: HI sith4ever99 ! Enjoy your stay ! :D

- The Trivium Organization - Community Manager -

- Petroglyph Fan Forums - CoAdmin & Human Resources Manager -

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- The Trivium Organization - Community Manager -

- Petroglyph Fan Forums - CoAdmin & Human Resources Manager -

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Its Obi-Wan vs Vader !!! Is that a power core I see like the one from "Galactic battlegrounds" ? So we'll need power to run our bases ? How interesting if thats true lool. poor stormtrooper, must be playing dead.
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The Game is the chance for players to change the storyline. What would have happened if Leia Was Captured at Yavin Ala Infinities Storyline for ANH or if Luke & Leia Both confronted Vader on the Death Star??


Will they be in this game?? it is set before ANH so will they both be in it?

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My answer wont be straight up since i'm worried I might spoil the ending of the movie of Episode 3


Well if it happens couple years after Episode 3 then we might see kid or teens of Luke and Leia, I'm guessing they were in their 20's in the movie (4,5,6). So we might see them but they would have to learn the way of the force, Leia sensed Luke being alive at the end of episode 6 so its possible shes force sensative but not a full force sensative.


Picture above - That is Obi-Wan but the graphics on him are weak at the moment. Other person I can call him would be Count Dooku but it couldn't be because he would of either been killed by Anakin or died of old age or had a fight with his droids.


I was wondering if we would have 100% of the left overs from Episode 3 and if we research everything to get to what is in (ANH). I know we control our own destiny but what do we do to get higher tech ? Maybe I should leave this for later answering ?I guess I should.

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Is that a power core I see like the one from "Galactic battlegrounds" ?


look right behind "Obi-Wan". the color slightly fades, just like the shield in Ep I protecting the gungans. I would eventually like to see a power core, but IMO it is not needed with the low resources management in EaW.

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I see the shield, wasn't paying attention to it tho, was looking at Obi-wan and vader and them troops, those turrets, and the wall, the dead trooper, that tank and that tower but not the shield. llol
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Luke and Leia are both STRONGER in the force than Vader. The living Jedi Dream and in my opinion, the chosen one is actually in the EU. Han and Leia's son, Jacen who redescover's the shameful truth of the Jedi and unlocks the Unifying Force
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I think that that picture of Ben Vs Vader is from a skirmish mission or a mutliplayer mission, while on the campaign mode it will go smooth and by the book, let us hope so otherwise its yet another, of many blows to chronology :cry:


I'm intrigued with this statement:


"Luke and Leia are both STRONGER in the force than Vader. The living Jedi Dream and in my opinion, the chosen one is actually in the EU. Han and Leia's son, Jacen who redescover's the shameful truth of the Jedi and unlocks the Unifying Force" :shock::?


PLEASE JEDI2004 Enlighten me ASAP, i must know the truth of this :D

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Luke is Stronger in the force, remeber in the film Obi wan saying that the Emperor knew that if Anakin was to have children they would be a threat to him and his empire.


Read Traitor to Unifying Force in the NJO to assimilate the info i have emparted.


Vergere says to Nom Anor, Neither of them know it but Jacen is the living Jedi dream even without the force he is more deadly then you can imagine.

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Luke is stronger yes only because Anakin lost most of his humanity when he faced Kenobi on Mustafar and was injured in the process, thus loosing most of his power, as we may read in a passage of Shadows of the Empire, Luke has a tremendous potential like Anakin once had, anyway i thought Anakin Solo to be the strongest of the three children but i've read that he died, :cry: , as for Jacen's unexpected capabilities i'm stunned and already downloading it from emule lololololol.



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