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RTW: Europa Barbarorum (The Mod that beats the original).


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:arrow: I should say only this : Rome TW has a mod that exceds in exelence the original. All the game has been redone and I mean all and the hole show has been reverted to the real history up to the latest detail. The Mod is epic and as good as Warlords is in quality (I should say with a plus). See for your self.


What is Europa Barbarorum ?




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- The Trivium Organization - Community Manager -

- Petroglyph Fan Forums - CoAdmin & Human Resources Manager -

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  • 2 months later...

ooooh pretty...


I can give you my ID to acces their secret forum - if is still working - or I can ask their Project Manajer for acces for you.


All that I can tell you is that if you play this mod and go to the History University for an exam on the 300 BC - 100 AD you will take a good note.


They have done extensive historic research for this mod - so extensive that all the units that you see are 60% - 90 % accurate.


The mod is a final beta - as I said alin should know more. I left the RTW area a year ago.



For more info about the mod try this forum (updated link) :



- The Trivium Organization - Community Manager -

- Petroglyph Fan Forums - CoAdmin & Human Resources Manager -

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Guest JediIgor

Holy crap, that map is way better than Rome: Total Realism which just expanded east-ward a little bit (and has way too many new provinces in the same "land" IMO).


How's this on the gameplay side? Do they fix the AI from being retarded (like how in RTR you can use slingers to take out an entire army with 0 casualties?) and make the battles a little slower more MTW-style?


Trouble is, if I play this, will I even be able to buy Barbarian Invasion? What with their map being 30% smaller and all :(.

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:arrow: Well let's just hope they will finish it. When I was manageing more activly TTO I pumped alot of resources in them.


:arrow: I also want to play the mod ;)

- The Trivium Organization - Community Manager -

- Petroglyph Fan Forums - CoAdmin & Human Resources Manager -

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The only thing I don't like about it is that no other mod is compatable with it, so if you want to play it you have to move all the files from one of your mods and replace them.
I strike again!
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