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Guest Scathane

Would you tarnish the name of Thrawn?  

10 members have voted

  1. 1. Would you tarnish the name of Thrawn?

    • Hell yeah! Blast that damn blueskinned powermonger! I try to damage his reputation wherever I go!
    • Noooo! The revered Thrawn can be regarded as the greatest military strategist ever! He's the best, our blueskinned saviour!

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As a Rebel in good standing ( I hope ), I tarnish the name of Thrawn, he may have been a tacticl genius, but when it all comes down to it, he was stabbed in the back by his most loyal servant, which is, ironically, like the Emperor being thrown down the power shaft by Vader, his most loyal subject. Things that make you go hmmm.

Lost a planet Master Obi-Wan has, how embarrassing. - Yoda


Do not count a human dead until you've seen his body, and even then you can make a mistake. - Bene Gesserit saying

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Guest Scathane

With regard to politics, yes, I agree with you...
By your tone of response, I take it you have some points you disagreed with(?) . . .
No. I just wanted to make sure that nobody would think me agreeing with you on everything... :twisted:
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As a Rebel in good standing ( I hope ), I tarnish the name of Thrawn, he may have been a tacticl genius, but when it all comes down to it, he was stabbed in the back by his most loyal servant, which is, ironically, like the Emperor being thrown down the power shaft by Vader, his most loyal subject. Things that make you go hmmm.
His most loyal subject? Have you forgotten a character by the name of Pellaeon, or what about Brandei, or Dorja, or Tschel? And (according to what you said) what about Voss Parck, Soontir Fel, Isard, Brosh, Stent, Dreel, Sorn, or the rest of those at the Hand of Thrawn? Perhaps if someone like Pellaeon had killed Thrawn your statement and comparison would be correct.



No. I just wanted to make sure that nobody would think me agreeing with you on everything...
How kind of you. :roll:
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Ysanne Isard was the Imperial Director of Intelligence, she foiled her father's plan to overthrow both, Empire and Rebel Alliance. Some say she was the lvoer of Emperor Palpatine. After Endor she eliminated certain elements of the Imperial court and held the Empire in Stewardship. (Waiting for Thrawn? Clone Palpy?) When the Rebel Alliance focused its goal on Coruscant, she decided to give it to them. But she had infected the nonhuman populace with the Krytos virus (don't tell wormie but some gAmorreans died), she then escaped to Thyferra (the major producer of Bacta) in her SSD Lusankya, and she was installedas Chief of State, Antilles and Rogue Squadorn quit the Rebellion and started attacking some freighter and at last the captured the SSD and supposedly killed Isard. She returned after Thrawn's death and had a clone of her, she "helped" the Rogues to kill her clone and free some high-ranking Rebel prisoners, whil eshe treid to steal the SSD. Eventually she found herself at the wrong end of Iella Wessiri (who'd eventually marry wedge).


In Lusankya she kept installations to brainwash prisoners and use them as agents against the REbellion.

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Isard as one of Thrawn's most loyal subjects????

She'd have been the first to stab him, after Bilbringi.

I guess you' haven't read Specter of the Past and Vision of the Future, correct? If you have, then recall an explanation made during that duology about Ysanne working for Thrawn before his glorious return to the galaxy proper from the Unknown Regions. Read the novels again if you don't believe me, but I assure you, Isard was indeed working for Thrawn.


What an interesting story... She was quite the feisty type, now wasn't she... Are you sure she's dead now?
The same question rises about Daala. After all, she's been reported dead about three times and has returned every time (except for the last). That's all according to the chronology. It says that the New Republic, after her most recent reported death, has yet declared her dead due to her odd habit of suddenly "coming back to life".
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SOCL I have read VOTF and SOTP, I know that she helped Thrawn to capture Fel and hand him over to Thrawn, etc. In one of the X-Wing books you know that she was aware of the blue alien and send one officer to serve him.

Thing is that if you read in between lines you'll come to the deduction that Isard, would never have been fully loyal to Thrawn. After Thrawn had defeated the Rebellion, she would have had him killed and installed her at the head.

In Isard's Revenge Isard gives Krennel her opinion of Thrawn and his flaws, she rejects to call him the last hope for the dying empire. She would respect Thrawn and cooperate with him, as long as his plans matched hers, but she would never accept Thrawn as a superior.

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I like Thrawn as a tactical genius and a hope for a renewed glorious Empire. I thought that his death stunk and showed how allmost all star wars writers make the good guys win in a fight between the Empire and the rebel scum. I don't read the newer books but it sounds like the Vong are at least destroying the rebublic scum.-Grand Moff Conway
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SOCL I have read VOTF and SOTP, I know that she helped Thrawn to capture Fel and hand him over to Thrawn, etc. In one of the X-Wing books you know that she was aware of the blue alien and send one officer to serve him.
Yes, I read that as well and Isard names Thrawn as Colonel Thrawn, which is not a Naval rank. But no matter, it is quite possible that the Colonel named as Thrawn may have truly been someone else completely. After all, Trej, it's a WHOLE galaxy. Do you actually believe that there isn't someone in it whose real name is Thrawn? Even if Grand Admiral Thrawn's name wasn't Thrawn, it would be TOO strange to not find someone who had actually been named such.


Thing is that if you read in between lines you'll come to the deduction that Isard, would never have been fully loyal to Thrawn. After Thrawn had defeated the Rebellion, she would have had him killed and installed her at the head.

In Isard's Revenge Isard gives Krennel her opinion of Thrawn and his flaws, she rejects to call him the last hope for the dying empire. She would respect Thrawn and cooperate with him, as long as his plans matched hers, but she would never accept Thrawn as a superior.

Granted, but Thrawn probably would have had Isard detained and arrested before anything. Along with that, consider this: the fleet LOVED Thrawn. Had Isard executed Thrawn, the fleet would have abandoned her and/or gone against her. Probably under the command of Pellaeon. Along with that, if the fleet would have turned, it's quite safe to assume the army would have as well.


I don't read the newer books but it sounds like the Vong are at least destroying the rebublic scum.
I wouldn't read the NJO books until recently . . . but yes, by what I've read so far, it does seem that way as well. Please, nobody post any spoilers! Paul, you might want to read those books.
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Soem people suggest that Thrawn as close as he was to his troops, may have taken a position in the army. Tatooine Ghost spoiler: Here Thrawn appears as a stormtrooper, I havent' read the book but theforce-net spoiled that from me. .


Isard would have cloned him, killed him, and manipulate his clone to serve her.


Read the books, Grand Moff. Lots of Rebs dying, lots of everybody dying actually.

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Soem people suggest that Thrawn as close as he was to his troops, may have taken a position in the army.
Quite possible and not impropable. Along with that, it may have also depended on what position he was in. I'll use an example known here on Earth (the principle is still the same): When an officer in the U.S. Navy serves with the Marine Corps, he is mostly called by his naval rank, but at times, because of the fact that he is serving with the Marines, he may be called by the equvalant counter-part rank. Example: Naval Lieutenant Commander = Marine Corps Major. This is not unheard of occuring. So it may very well have been that Thrawn was serving in a position where he had more exposure to ground forces than fleet. But there is still a glaring situation in that.


Even before Zaarin's attempted coup (post-TESB), Thrawn was all ready a Vice Admiral, which is higher than an Army Colonel. After the situation, Thrawn was appointed as one of the 12 Grand Admirals. So here's the thing, how could he be a colonel later on? It doesn't make sense unless he was acting under a disguise or something to make sure no one heard of a Grand Admiral still existing or didn't want Isard to prematurally know Thrawn was a Grand Admiral. I choose the former over the latter, but even so, I believe it may be more probable that it was an colonel who happened to be named Thrawn. It's not impossible, nor improbable.

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I doubt that it was another Thrawn, after all, Isard held him in a relative high regard, she considered him to be able to impose discipline, and it was at the same time a punishment. The unknown regions.
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I doubt that it was another Thrawn, after all, Isard held him in a relative high regard, she considered him to be able to impose discipline, and it was at the same time a punishment. The unknown regions.
If we follow what you believe, Trej, then how do you explain Thrawn being a colonel? (being an Army rank and an obvious demotion from grand admiral)
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I have no explanation, other than Thrawn being at that time as a colonel, without anyone knowing, except of course, the Director of Imperial Intelligence.
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I have no explanation, other than Thrawn being at that time as a colonel, without anyone knowing, except of course, the Director of Imperial Intelligence.
But he wasn't because 1) colonel is an Army rank, not Naval like Grand Admiral (though some mentioned and unmentioned exceptions could exist) and 2) he was already a Grand Admiral before ROTJ, much less Isard's rule.
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Hypothetical situation:

You are the galaxy's best tactician and strategist in a wild region, establishing a stronghold of the Empire.

During some mission you discover that some of your troops aren't as sharp as they could be. You discuss this with your loyal protege Captain Niriz, and you decide to go undercover and pose like a Colonel, the Stormie armor will hide your unique Chiss features, and test your troops without them being aware that you are the great and bright super grand admiral.

Meanwhile your only contanct to the known galaxy, Isard, needs to contact you, she contacts Niriz and she finds out that you aren't on you flagship but instead playing Colonel.

Then comes Loor and you are angry, the first idiot you see you send to Colonel Thrawn's group to learn discipline.

Hmm Perhpas I could write that story.

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Hypothetical situation:

You are the galaxy's best tactician and strategist in a wild region, establishing a stronghold of the Empire.

During some mission you discover that some of your troops aren't as sharp as they could be. You discuss this with your loyal protege Captain Niriz, and you decide to go undercover and pose like a Colonel, the Stormie armor will hide your unique Chiss features, and test your troops without them being aware that you are the great and bright super grand admiral.

Meanwhile your only contanct to the known galaxy, Isard, needs to contact you, she contacts Niriz and she finds out that you aren't on you flagship but instead playing Colonel.

Then comes Loor and you are angry, the first idiot you see you send to Colonel Thrawn's group to learn discipline.

Very good, Trej, exactly what the sort of thing I was fishing for. A good explanation that has some basis of fact behind it and not just a stab in the dark (I don't mean to see our earlier ideas were like that, just explaining). This seems QUITE believable . . . almost canon.


Hmm Perhpas I could write that story.
Well, if you don't, may I? Edited by SOCL
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Guest Scathane
If you hypothetically went undercover, then why would you hypothetically refer to yourself by your real name?
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you go underground and you only tell your trusted captain niriz, taht you'll go missing for some weeks, when Isard calls Niriz tells her that Thrawn isn't around.

She eventaully gets out of him that he's posing as a colonel in some distant world.



I think I'll write it, after i finish my corran story.

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If you hypothetically went undercover, then why would you hypothetically refer to yourself by your real name?
Like I said earlier, I'm sure the name Thrawn isn't exactly rare in an entire galaxy full of beings. I'm also quite sure that posing as a colonel named Thrawn wouldn't get anyone's attention because most people didn't know anything about Thrawn (much less the fact that he was a grand admiral). I don't think the name would make much of a difference.
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