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BIG VISTA problems I can't fix


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Hi everyone, I've been playing SWR since I was about 10. I have Vista now and am having major problems. Note first that these problems occur in both single and multiplayer.I fixed most by setting the compatibility mode for the game and checking all the boxes for compatibility and it runs ok EXCEPT:


1: At the beginning, I cannot skip the briefing like I used to be able to and the 3PO (or the empire protocol droid) take weird brakes in their speech. I can deal with this but I'd like to fix it.


2. I cannot deal with LAAAAG during battle. Sometimes it's only like 1 frame for every 10 seconds, it varies but it's NEVER smooth.


3. The video when they do the death star run you can't see, it lags and has weird lines all across the screen.


Like I said, I have all the boxes under compatibility checked. Maybe one shouldn't be? Please, I love this game and can't figure out how to fix it and battles aren't exciting if you can't see them.

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I don't know if this will help or if you've even seen it yet, but ... have you checked out Wiki Rebellion:Windows_Vista?


My next suggestion would be to "de-grade" to XP Pro instead of Vista :P

Finally, after years of hard work I am the Supreme Sith Warlord! Muwhahahaha!! What?? What do you mean "there's only two of us"?
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Here's how to fix the space battle lag problem:

1) Create a shortcut to the game.

2) Right-click the shortcut and click "properties."

3) At the end of the address listed under "Target", add a space and "-w"


So for me, I changed the Target field from "D:\Rebellion\REBEXE.EXE" to "D:\Rebellion\REBEXE.EXE -w"


This makes the game run in windowed mode, and the space battles display perfectly after you click off an error message that pops up. There is one problem, however: The window is set at 640 x 480 resolution and isn't scaled, which means it fills up very little of the screen. To have it take up more of the screen, lower your monitor's resolution as much as possible. Mine lets me lower it to 800 x 600, and the game takes up most of the screen then.

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