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Rebellion and XWA Papermodel ships


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Greetings ! :D ,for the lovers of the starships of these games i have started to build some of the ships by using the Papermodels designs we can get free in Internet, it is not so difficult and Fun to do, below is the link with a photo of my models all in the same scale for good comparison (1/1400), a forum where there are more photos(the forum is in spanish, sorry) and the main link where we can obtain for free the models. I will try to get done all or most of the ships of Star Wars Rebellion because i am a great fan of this game,and also the XWA ships.


Ships in this photo (clockwise) : Carrack Light Cruiser ,Bulk Freighter, Lancer Frigate , Strike Cruiser and Star Galleon





Star Wars Rebellion Peru forum: papermodels



Goozi's star wars papermodels



I hope you like them , write me for questions

See you 8)

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Thank you for your welcoming gesture Eagle ! :lol:

Yes ,the models were at times not so easy to assemble ,and although they are not perfect they come close to the original form , if you notice those are the X-Wing Alliance versions of the ships ,which are close to the Rebellion models and have the same names.


I am still undecided which one to do next ,i have 5 models to choose from : Imperial Escort carrier ,Corellian Gunship ,Rebel medium transport ,Nebulon B frigate or Corellian corvette... eventually i will decid but i have some preference for Imperial ships :wink:


About SWR Peru ,it is a forum begun by people of my country but open to everyone, like this one,initially i thought it was about SW Rebellion the game but the guys there are general SW fans who did not know much about Rebellion 8O a little surprise for me! ,but i keep there though.


I will be around ,see you.

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