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Wrote a comical sketch about Star Wars..


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Playing rebellion again and watching the movies I was inspired to write a comical sketch. The thing that really sparked it was seeing Anakin appear at the end of Return of the Jedi. That was so ridiculeously weird. So I wrote a sketch about dead jedi appearing in somebody's bed room...


Somebody, a guy, wakes up in the middle of the night in his suburban bedroom. After waking up he sees Yoda, Ben and Anakin staring at him. They have become one with the force and are beings of light.


Guy-Who are you?

Dead Yoda- beings of light are we..One with the force we have become.

Guy - Well that's all great but what are you doing in my bedroom?

Dead Ben Kenobi- Life as a dead jedi gets pretty boring at times. We go to parties, occasionally get asked to be in 'A Christmas Carrol' but beyond that there's not much you can do not being transparent and all.

Dead Anakin - In other words ..we like to watch.

Guy- That's still doesn't answer what you are doing in MY bedroom?

Dead Yoda- Long have we watched you. Always walking around with his shirt the wrong way, his shoes untied, etc, etc

(I need some other ridiculeous and embarrassing activities but can't come up with them right now)

Guy - Am I the only one you are watching

Dead Yoda- No.. there is another ..a girl.

Guy (excited)- Is she hot?

Dead jedi look at eachother for a moment, then nod in agreement

Guy – So are you here to train me as a jedi?

Dead Yoda – No, learned all we could teach, you have

Guy – but you haven’t taught me anything?

Dead Yoda – Exactly..

Dead Kenobi – Jedi have lots of patience, and we have all the time in the world being dead and all but there’s a limit to even what Jedi can do.

Dead Anakin – You are beyond help.. That’s what makes you fun to watch.

Guy - What about the girl?

Dead Kenobi – She’s hopeless too


Suddenly the door creaks open. Guy’s mom takes a peek. Dead jedi hide..


Guy’s mom: What’s all that noise? What are you doing in there?

Guy: Nothing, mom go to sleep!!

Guy’s mom: You’re going to go blind, you know, if you’re doing what I think you are doing. Father Miller said so just this weekend.

Guy’s mom closes the door and leaves. Dead jedi come out of hiding.

Guy: Listen guys, I don’t know about you but I got to get some sleep. I’ve got a big presentation tommorow and I still have squat.

Dead Anakin: Yeah we’re looking forward to that one..

Guy: Great.. Well goodnight.

Dead Kenobi- Don’t let the bedbugs bite.


END of scene


Let me know if it's funny.. or not. A friend of mine says I should become a writer but it's really hard.

"When you take water and pour it into a cup, it BECOMES the cup. When you put the water in a bowl it becomes the bowl. Be smart, be like water my friend.."-Bruce Lee
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It is actually pretty good. Not laugh-out-loud funny, but a certain amount of that is due to the fact that this is a script and is being read rather than acted out. I think one of your issues might lie in trying to use all three characters, though.


Choose one of them to sort of act as the "Spokesperson," while the rest all nod fervently and agree with him. Obi-Wan currently semi-fulfills this role, so he would be my choice. Certainly the other two can jump in from time to time, but it's best if they have just a quick throw-away joke every ten jokes or so (At least, this is my opinion).


For future scripts and the like (Star Wars and otherwise) check out the "Random Creative Writings" thread in the "Outside Interests" section. You might enjoy some of them, and you can post your own in there as well.


Nu kyr'adyc, shi taab'echaaj'la

Not gone, merely marching far away

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I found it pretty amusing. You should try filming it.

Oh and btw i had a question. IN this version would it be the young Anakin version or the old one?




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I like it. It´s quite funny. Keep it going. :)

Oh and btw i had a question. IN this version would it be the young Anakin version or the old one?

He he, good question. That´s very important. There´s a difference if a young guy or an old fart is watching a guy at his sleep. :mrgreen:

Who cares at all?! :roll:
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You could also add a joke such as!


OBI-WAN: Okay lets go and get some kebabs.


Obi-wan turn to Anakin.

OBI-WAN: Why are you always so negative?

ANAKIN: I had a hard childhood.




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You could have a later scene with BOTH Anakins... that could be fun...

Elvismiggell. Strike me down and i will become more powerful than you can ever imagine...


Nu kyr'adyc, shi taab'echaaj'la

Not gone, merely marching far away

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