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I´ve deinstalled Battlefront and Battlefield 2. The first got boring and the second is just full of cheaters and %&$§%&. :evil: I still tend to play my alltime favs, Battlefield 1942 + the SW-Mod and Alpha Centauri by Sid Meyer, which is a kind of civilization in the future. It lacks good graphics, but the gameplay gets you addicted. :D
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While still currently playing WoW like it owns my soul, I have once again been reminded of how awesome the simpler times were.


Virtua Racing on the Sega, Pitfall on my Atari. Duckhunt on my NES, and Beavis and Butthead on my SNES. Ahhhh, the purity of those games is refreshing.

I once knew a great man. Nothing got to him, and he always smiled. May he forever rest in peace, knowing fully well that his freinds shall remember him.
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I still feel that old games have more soul than those of today. Most new games tend to give you deja-vus. Same ideas with 3D-Graphics and one or two features more, but no real innovations. :( That get´s me bored very quick.


There´s still nothing better than some exciting rounds of "Masters of Orion 2" , "Alpha Centauri" and of course "SW Rebellion". :)


I may repeating myself. Sorry for that! :oops:

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For all the NES nostalgics like me out there... it's the Angry Nintendo Nerd! He pretty much bashes all the classic Nintendo games, pointing out their faults. Hilarious!



I had all these games back in the day. Its so hilarious to look back on them, especially from this point of view. There are many more. Just find them on youtube if interested.

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Looks like this guy really needs some anger management! :lol:

Why? :? He seems quite normal to me :P:D


Stupid piece of crap @#$%^&. Last time I buy from them!! $%^&*!

Finally, after years of hard work I am the Supreme Sith Warlord! Muwhahahaha!! What?? What do you mean "there's only two of us"?
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I've started playing America's Army Online again, unfortunately as ususal I've experienced technical difficulties. Punkbuster keeps kicking me from any online games and I cant seem to do anything about it. :?


On the upside it's given me time to finish all of the training missions except for the Green Berret Qualification. Can't quite spot the guy that sees me each time.




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Well I don´t know that game, maybe there´s an option where you can activate and deactivater punkbuster. That´s the case at least in the Battlefield-Games. If you haven´t activated punkbuster and you´re joining a server, you will get kicked soon by punkbuster. And you´re sure that you´ve got all patches?
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World In Conflict is pretty good. I've been playing the new demo since it came out on Friday. Multiplayer is awesome.

"The Chimaera is at your command, Admiral."

—Captain Gilad Pellaeon

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One of my favorite racing-games: Re-Volt!



(Source: pages.videotron.com)


Here also some nice vids:




Allthough it looks very sweet you really have to practice to win a round, because it´s a simulation.


I feel it still has nice graphics, which was over the top at `99. :D


It´s downloadable now for free and also playable online:



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This week I got:


Stronghold: Legends for the PC.


This game is a RTS castle-building game with mythical elements in it, such as: dragons, wizards, werewolves, etc. You can play as either King Arthur, Vlad Dracula, or Siegfried. So far, this game has proven to be rather difficult, and I'm still trying to develop a strategy to beating my enemies.




"Life is hard. After all, it kills you." - Katharine Hepburn

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The game does have a lot in it. It's not just about raising an army to battle with. Not only do you have to spend time and resources making weapons and recruiting troops, but you also have to build farms to grow food. On top of that you have to gather materials such as wood, stone, and metals to build your castle, other buildings, and weapons.


The way things have been going so far: by the time I have my castle's keep enclosed by walls and towers, Dracula attacks with his ladder men, which allow his knights, werewolves, etc to scale my walls with ease. He also brings catapults which punch holes in my walls, and gigantic bats which crash into the ground and seriously wound a good number of my troops.


The good thing about playing as Arthur is that you can summon Merlin and the Knights of the Round Table...for a price of course.


I haven't played as Siegfried yet, but he has Frost Giants under his command.




"Life is hard. After all, it kills you." - Katharine Hepburn

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Four differant building materials and individual walls to be made? *Cough* AGE OF EMPIRES PART I! *Cough*


... Allergies. Seasonal. I swear. :wink: Still, it sounds pretty awesome- For the moment, though, I'm trying to learn how to work Sony Vegas, so that is my "video game" of the week (Or eight. This thing is complex, and I don't have a bloody owner's manual that I can find...)


Nu kyr'adyc, shi taab'echaaj'la

Not gone, merely marching far away

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Me and the roomies just got done playing a slew of minigames from Sonic and the Secret Ring for the Wii. Its a great way to blow a few hours, especially while drinking rum & cokes...

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