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What is this??


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Not that it´s that important, but as much as I see it on a photo or in the movies as much I do wonder about it. And it´s never been discribed elsewhere to my knowledge.


What the heck is this?


(source: "Star Wars - The empire strikes back"-SE DVD)


I thought it may be some kind of targeter or something. But you can see him use it in "TESB" where he uses it to read some kind of display or whatever in the cockpit of his ship.


(source: "Star Wars - The empire strikes back"-SE DVD)


Well at least I guess that it´s a display. It could be also a small TV and that thing is a kind of tranceiver to watch some, uhm, adult-programs (?) :roll: . So he was just watching as he recognised "Oh, the falcon is flying away. So I should better stop watching that movie and follow it". http://www.cosgan.de/images/smilie/konfus/d015.gif Well, that was just for a bit amusement. ;) So I don´t think that it´s a kind of targeter because of that.


You can also see that antenna or whatever on the helmets of some clones, like here, here and here and on much more clones. So what do you think?

Edited by Eagle
Who cares at all?! :roll:
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You can also see that antenna or whatever on the helmets of some clones, like here, here and here and on much more clones. So what do you think?

Well, first of all: I think the clones have the same thing only because Boba Fett had it (you know, copy the original trilogy stuff, and backward place it in the prequels, for continuity without any real reason).


Second, I think it's a periscope like R2 used in the swamp on Dagobah. The picture you show with it "lowered" in ESB, is actually a blooper when it got knocked down. Good find! :D just kidding. My guess, it's some kind of sensor, but who knows. Anybody have one of them techno-babble books describing SW dohickey's and thingacombobs? (and yes, those are technical terms :lol: )

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I'd assume it's a transiever or comm antenna of some sort. That's what it looks like, anyway. I'm too lazy to click you links, so I'll ask the stupid question- did you check wookiepedia?


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Could be used to navigate a ship, especially through asteriods or space debris. I stole that idea from DS9's Dominion faction ships used an eye piece which the ship commander piloted the vessel with. There was no navigation or view screens for the other crewers. I doubt Rick Berman's creative ability to find anything original so I credit Boba Fett. :D

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No, I haven´t checked Wookiepedia. I just wanted to start a discussion which isn´t meant to be that serious and to keep that part of the forum alive. ;)


There could be also an integrated toilette in his backpack. So if he pulls that thing the water is spilling. :P You´ve recognised that this thing is pulled down on the second photo, so guess what he just did before. http://www.cosgan.de/images/smilie/frech/g010.gif

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There's a picture of Boba Fett's full armor on the page Tofu linked. If you click on it and zoom in you see that the component in question is an "External Targetting Rangefinder." And Mandalorian armor is the shit. I'd love to have a set of my own. Anyone read the Han Solo Trilogy? Specifically Hutt Gambit, where he first meets Lando. Fett was carrying enough weaponry to arm a small army.

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I just wanted to start a discussion which isn´t meant to be that serious and to keep that part of the forum alive. ;)

But thanks anyway, guys. ;)


It could be also such a kind of thing like that one on the old letter-boxes. When it´s up it´s empty, when it´s down it´s full. :P

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In the Game Star Wars: Bounty Hunter that thing is a scanner which allows Fett to easily locate targets and tells him what the bounty for them is.




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