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not many of us old jedi left.


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after i am gone. the last of the jedi will you be. i have been here for ages. since 2001. it says 2002 but that was after the great crash on ez board. ah the good ol'e days of the republic. for a thousand generations we old jedi have been protecting this website. now all but a few remain. before the dark time. before the empire.
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after i am gone. the last of the jedi will you be. i have been here for ages. since 2001. it says 2002 but that was after the great crash on ez board. ah the good ol'e days of the republic. for a thousand generations we old jedi have been protecting this website. now all but a few remain. before the dark time. before the empire.


Ego shuffle or what! :lol: You've contributed 359 posts in all that time; forgive me for not feeling all that nostalgic. :roll:


Call it the timeless Buddhist in me, but the 'good ol'days' as an expression, is slightly meaningless given in yet another year's time this moment might be considered 'good ol'days,' for those around right now.


I don't consider being here in 2003 or whenever it was when I joined up any better than right now, actually it's probably better now; a hardcore of intelligent fans of an old but still unique game, with a data base of cards and game models and downloads that still continues to expand. When I first joined my Photoshop skills were truly dreadful. I barely new the programme. Since then I figured it out enough to get a job as a mac operator at the UK's leading celebrity image agency. Hated the job, and hate working with the game's .bmp image format, but stuff uploaded these days is generally much better to see and use in the game than it was back in 2003! We've all improved, or have joined the community with much better education with such software.


Until Lucasarts release a title that essentially follows the same guidelines as the original game, ie: imagination and ability to truly take hold of the wonderful Star Wars universe as each of us imagines it, the game, and this site will never really go away.


Good times continue rolling..

Edited by Jahled
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"Even professionals were once beginners." - unknown (to me)


"Today is merely tomorrow's yesterday. These are the good old days to be looked back upon during another set of the good old days." - Me.


Didn't that sound poetic or something?

Edited by DarthTofu


Nu kyr'adyc, shi taab'echaaj'la

Not gone, merely marching far away

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Hi from my side too,

allthough I´m very disturbed about your name. :roll:

We've been there and done that several times about SS Occifer's name. Just let it pass and move on ... move on ... we don't need to see your identification. These aren't the droids we're looking for.





Finally, after years of hard work I am the Supreme Sith Warlord! Muwhahahaha!! What?? What do you mean "there's only two of us"?
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Whatever. It´s just I´m german and react very sensible about this topic. Because we here in germany were teached about the Nazi-topic well. I know, that in overseas and other countries it´s not seen as harsh as we do it here because you understand the SS as a kind of elite-organisation( which it wasn´t) instead of that thing they really stood for. Maybe this is because you weren´t effected by the deeds which were executed by the SS (deportation, execution of so called "subhumans" or opposites). You can read some of that here. Please think about that.
Who cares at all?! :roll:
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Whatever. It´s just I´m german and react very sensible about this topic. Because we here in germany were teached about the Nazi-topic well. I know, that in overseas and other countries it´s not seen as harsh as we do it here because you understand the SS as a kind of elite-organisation( which it wasn´t) instead of that thing they really stood for. Maybe this is because you weren´t effected by the deeds which were executed by the SS (deportation, execution of so called "subhumans" or opposites). You can read some of that here. Please think about that.

Just because I'm from Texas doesn't mean I don't know about the cruelty and injustices of the Nazi's. I know a lot more about the subject than you probably think :wink:

Finally, after years of hard work I am the Supreme Sith Warlord! Muwhahahaha!! What?? What do you mean "there's only two of us"?
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Being from Germany myself I have to agree with Eagle: That officer makes me feel rather uncomfortable, to say the least.


But maybe more important to all of us fans over here: There are quite strong legal rules for displaying any Nazi symbol - in short: you aren't allowed to do it. Just a couple of weeks ago someone had to pay a fine for displaying ANTI-Nazi-signs because they showed a swastica.


That dark officer could well be the cause for swrebellion.com being completely shut down in Germany. Just think about that... (That photo he uses is quite 'dangerous' as well in this respect because is walks a very thin line...)

Asteroids do not concern me...
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But maybe more important to all of us fans over here: There are quite strong legal rules for displaying any Nazi symbol - in short: you aren't allowed to do it. Just a couple of weeks ago someone had to pay a fine for displaying ANTI-Nazi-signs because they showed a swastica.


That dark officer could well be the cause for swrebellion.com being completely shut down in Germany. Just think about that... (That photo he uses is quite 'dangerous' as well in this respect because is walks a very thin line...)

wow... such laws exist in Germany? 8O not that i disagree... i just never knew... wow...

"Duct tape is like the force. It has a light side, a dark side, and it holds the universe together."


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Yes, those laws exist - and thank God, they work rather good, too. Even 60 years after WWII, anything that deals with the Nazi-regime is still a very sensitive topic here.


I remember that there was an article on BBC News about that guy being fined over his anti-Nazi-leaflets, I'll try to find it and post the link.


Well, it's not the original one but maybe even making things clearer:



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Wow, thats a really interesting bit of German law / society I never was aware of... so my question becomes.. if no swastika is allowed in Germany.. does this pertain to the Buddhist swastika as well? and the Roman?.. or is it when it pertains to the Nazi regime?..

"Duct tape is like the force. It has a light side, a dark side, and it holds the universe together."


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Generally and due to our history, we strongly tend to see the swastika as a purely Nazi-symbol - so it is forbidden to use it in any context. I don't know about any execptions but the Buddhists I know here in Germany at least do not use it - wether on purpose or due the special path they are walking I cannot tell.


Bottomline is: Don't use it when in Germany. And maybe tell Darthyouknowwho not to use it here.


PS: Remember when Prince Harry was in a club wearing a fake Nazi uniform. You would be jailed for that over here. No kidding.


PPS: I rembember a short discussion wether or not New Hope should be displayed in Germany at all - because Tarkin's and other's uniforms were quite close to Nazi uniforms... uc, sensitive stuff...

Edited by Verdex
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Wow, thats a really interesting bit of German law / society I never was aware of... so my question becomes.. if no swastika is allowed in Germany.. does this pertain to the Buddhist swastika as well? and the Roman?.. or is it when it pertains to the Nazi regime?..
I'm not from Germany, but from the Roman Re-enactors I have spoken to who live or have lived in Germany, they could not use the Roman swastika, even though it faces the other way, because it could and often was misinterpreted. An example of such is a shield called Duros Europos which contains two swastikas, both of which were filled in to form squares with X's in the middle. Take a look here. You'll note the interesting red-orange squares with X's on the inside yellow square. Historically, the artifact found had swastikas (backward in comparison with the Nazi's own), but since most reenacting groups at the time were in Germany, especially under the tutelage of Dan Peterson, they were taken out. Same goes for this Roman pugio. Note the swastikas. Where this was made, India, the swastika does not mean the same as it does in the general West, but even so, this is a one-of-a-kind which will be auctioned off (estimates run in the thousands 8O ). All subsequent models, which will all be limited, about 15-25 total, will have the swastika replaced with a Roman floral design frequently found on Roman pugiones (daggers) and such.


BEAK. :twisted:

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Well what´s about with the roman swastika that´s because the Nazis saw themselves in the tradition of the old romans.


And I can just confirm to everything verdex wrote! But one good thing is, that officer has just changed his name. :) I hope he may decide to change his avatar too, before some german officials are attracted to.

Who cares at all?! :roll:
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Just a quick question while we're on the topic. When you said that ANH was almost banned due to the similarities of the Imperial uniforms to "Nazi uniforms", were you talking the SS or the Wermarch? Or, perhaps a better question, with regards to a sensitive government, does the German government differentiate between the two? I know that generally when WWII history is taught here our teachers emphasize that "Not all Nazis were German", and tend to imply that the Wermarch represented Germany and the SS was the Nazis. (always wondered this, but I really don't know how touchy the subject is).

History is on the move, Captain. Those who cannot keep up with it will be left behind, to watch from a distance. And those who stand in our way will not watch at all.

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First, let me say that the whole Nazi-history is damned complex - most easy answers about it are more or less wrong...


About your question: The "Wehrmacht" was the regular army of Nazi-Germany. The men in it weren't necessarily Nazis. The SS was kind of an 'elite force' and in it were specially selected men. [Don't ask me what made them 'special', I don't know the details.]


Interesting question wether all Nazis were German. By definition, not. 'National Socialism' is something you are not born into, you can deliberately choose it (if your sick enough...).


After Hitler had invaded France there were quite a lot people converting to or at least helping the Nazis. Still today, France has, like Germany, its own problem of dealing with that history.


Historians made known recently that some persons (I don't recall which exactly, sorry) within the British government and even some royals seem to have been prepared for a time after the Nazis would have invaded Great Britain - they seemed to have liked the thought...


And last but not least there are still today rumours that Walt Disney didn't dislike the views of the Nazis - to say the least ;)


It's an interesting topic - go and press more infos out of your teacher :)

Asteroids do not concern me...
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Like verdex just mentioned, the Wehrmacht was the regular army of germany, which also fought in WWI for the old Kaiser. The SS was at first a kind of bodyguard unit for Hitler and later became also a fighting unit integrated in the Wehrmacht, which was called the Waffen-SS.


You had to be completely arian and a Nazi to became a member of the Waffen-SS. To be an arian meant that they shouldn´t had any jewish roots or family members. They had to be tall with white skin, blue eyes and blond hair.


These rules later became not as important as they were before, because of the losses they had on the battlefields of europe. So it came, that lots of tamed and occupied or allied countries had their own SS-Brigade. I can remember that there was an ucrainian and even a turkish one.


Members of the SS were totally indoctrinated with the sight of the Nazis. Instead of figthing on the frontline members of the Waffen-SS were involved in lots of massacres against jews, lefties or gipsies in eastern europe, especially in the sowjet-union. They also guarded the KZs.


Like just mentioned the Wehrmacht was the regular army of germany, but there were also some soldiers and officers who were Nazis. Some units of the Wehrmacht were also involved in some massacres, which they did along with the Waffen-SS, but this was an exception.


Because most members of the Wehrmacht were ordinary people like you and me who were just told to fight, they weren´t as seen as the SS. For example my uncle fought on the balkan and my mother´s cousin in russia. Both have been severly injured and weren´t Nazis. They had to fight or they would have been shot otherwise. Both never talked that much about their time there, because they saw lots of cruelties. Especially my mother´s cousin had to go through hard times. He was in Stalingrad and has been in a ghulag for years in siberia after the capitulation. He only metioned that once to me, after that never again.


So I hope Darth_Officer may also change his avatar. ;)

Who cares at all?! :roll:
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I had already heard that the german governement was touchy about Nazi stuff (and right they are to!!!). But I hadne't imagined that would be the reason they would not allow some people to acces SWR from Germany. 8O




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