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Machine Gun Sentry Robot


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Machine gun robots + border = friendly reminder :?:


Still, rather neat- I've been waiting for someone to develop something like this!


Nu kyr'adyc, shi taab'echaaj'la

Not gone, merely marching far away

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*goes off and counts his pennies*

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I would love to have that to scare off the...oh man, I forgot what they're called. The preachy religion who's members go door-to-door here in the states. I can't believe I forgot them. They just came to my apartment like a month ago too. SOMEONE HELP ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Scientologists? Christians? Hawaiins? Islams? Atheists? Believers in the Coming of the Great White Handkerchief? The "Repent" folks? (After all, the "Kingdom of Heaven is at Hand!")


I kinda wish I could see how some of that stuff works, now... Kinda makes my balloon-releasing bot I built today seem really pathetic by comparison....


Nu kyr'adyc, shi taab'echaaj'la

Not gone, merely marching far away

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That thing is cool!


I want two! :D !


For no reason at all :roll::twisted:




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Jehova's was the one I was thinking of! Man, there are a lot of them up here. You can see them wandering the town almost every day, trying to convert people to their ways. I'm sorry, but that religion is just a tad bit pushy in my opinion.

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I'm more so reminded of the sentry guns present in the Aliens movie.. although.. it may have been only in a cut scene that they actually showed them.. i dont recall now.. anyway.. Sweet technology! :twisted: I think I got a use for it.. hehehehe

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I'm more so reminded of the sentry guns present in the Aliens movie.. although.. it may have been only in a cut scene that they actually showed them.. i dont recall now..

Yeah, I saw that in a cut scene too, I thought it was cool and "added" to the movie, but it ended up on the cutting room floor for the final release :evil: But I believe those were mini-guns, not 50 cals though. It's been quite awhile since I saw that version of the movie :?


I would have to get the modified version of the sentry gun that's mounted on ATV's. That way I could use them to patrol the South 40; look out cattle rustlers! :twisted::wink:

Finally, after years of hard work I am the Supreme Sith Warlord! Muwhahahaha!! What?? What do you mean "there's only two of us"?
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I would have to get the modified version of the sentry gun that's mounted on ATV's. That way I could use them to patrol the South 40; look out cattle rustlers! :twisted::wink:


Strange, and here I thought age brought maturity... Thanks for breaking me out of that nightmare, Tex!


Nu kyr'adyc, shi taab'echaaj'la

Not gone, merely marching far away

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Am I the only one who gets pestered by Jehova Witnesses???

Apparently. Get yourself a "Gene Simmons KISS" outfit for the next time they come to visit. They ask them if they want to come in and discuss their religion while you perform a "sacrifice" (just get a roast or chicken to cut up for dinner). I bet they won't come to bother you any more after that :twisted::wink:


@Tofu: age and maturity aren't perpetually linked; just look at yourself :twisted: (j/k) Maturity is a "circle" and your age (it definitely depends on the person) determines your position on the "circle". When I finally reach immortallity, I will have completed the "circle" and be babeling like a baby once again. The circle is complete. Oh shit, I'm starting to babel now 8O:o:lol:


"Where's the sentry gun remote? There's another &%$^# Jehovah's Witness at the door!"

Finally, after years of hard work I am the Supreme Sith Warlord! Muwhahahaha!! What?? What do you mean "there's only two of us"?
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I have been visited by them before.. just not since like... 6 or 7 years ago.. Of course I havent been living in a house for quite sometime so.. that may be why... I tend not to get bothered though... i just tell them no thanks.. im happy without their god in my life. they say ok, take this though and i say ok.. and thats that.... although i really havent seen that many here now that i think about it.. maybe they are in greater numbers up in your area Rob?..

"Duct tape is like the force. It has a light side, a dark side, and it holds the universe together."


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They are up here in large numbers apparently. I remember this one time when I was probably 7 or 8, and we were up here at the family vacation home. Those Witnesses walked up our "hidden driveway" which is pretty long and you can't even see the house from the road cause it's hidden behind trees and such. My uncle went nuts. He was a grumpy old senile man, and he drove them off cursing them. It was pretty funny. And then I had them come up here once while I was at the school. I see them wandering the town also, hoping to find someone who will listen to them.

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