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Star Wars Legos II: The Original Trilogy


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I figured I'd pop this one here, since the other forum is for older games. Just wanted to say that SWL2 is mad great! It's got all the coolness of the first game, intensified by 100 since it's based on the original trilogy.So now you can perform the attack run on the Death Star, train with Yoda on Dagobah, and break into Jabba's palace to free Han. All done with those awesome legos characters! I finished the game, and it was a great time. I think its out for all platforms and PCs, so snag a copy dammit!!!

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I got one the day it came out from my girlfriend.. but i have yet to install it on my comp... since i havent even finished the first one yet... which i only recently got.. around december last year or so..

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The second one is a great improvement. The vehicle/ starship levels rock so much now. It is a lot freer than in the first one, where you were on a designated course like a roller coaster. You have a lot of freedom, espicially during the Battle of Endor. Plus it's just so much cooler to play in the original trilogy. Blows the first one away.

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I got one the day it came out from my girlfriend.. but i have yet to install it on my comp... since i havent even finished the first one yet... which i only recently got.. around december last year or so..


Only? :wink:


I don't play many new video games. I find that they rely far too much on graphics and not enough on an actual plot/good gameplay interface.


... With some obvious exceptions, of course (IE KOTOR, TBFME)


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I wish they would make a game based on the Original Trilogy movies, but with a serious tone to it. All of the recent console Star Wars games are mostly based on the PT, it seems. I want to play as Luke and duel it out with Vader!


In any case, I think I will get it, and maybe the first one too.




"Life is hard. After all, it kills you." - Katharine Hepburn

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Unfortunatly, you don't get to duel it out with Vader. One of the few things I found upsetting about the game.


What?!? Ah, the hell with that.




"Life is hard. After all, it kills you." - Katharine Hepburn

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Unfortunatly, you don't get to duel it out with Vader. One of the few things I found upsetting about the game.


OMG! YOU SERIOUS?!.... you freaking duel Darth Maul AND Dooku in the first one!!! (I dont know if there is anyone beyond that.. I'm still finishing up the game.. just got through the first level of Revenge of the Sith.. so try not to ruin it.. yea... lol) ...



Thats so not cool..... gah.. even the commercial makes you think you get to.. you know... the commercial with Luke losing his hand.. but since he's lego.. he puts it back on.. lol..

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hahahaha.. it seemed so by the commerical right?... im curious too... anyone play yet who might know the answer?

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As for the no Luke/ Vader battle.

I was referring to the duel they had over Endor. You do not play that duel. You do face Vader in Cloud City, but with help.


The game is designed for at least 2 player onscreen at all times. Whether its your buddy or the AI, there are always 2. Hence, when you battle Vader in Cloud City, you play as Luke, but there is a second player (either AI or friend) playing as R2-D2. Basicly Vader jumps around and lands on "traps", that R2 can set off to harm Vader.


As for the Luke/Vader battle in ROJ. Doesnt happen. Vader brings Luke into the throne room, and Palpy immediatly begins to fry Luke. Vader says no way, and then Luke and Vader team up to face Palpy. That was probably the games only disappointment, to me.


And yes, when Chewie gets close enough to people, he can rip their arms off instead of firing his bowcaster.

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yea.. i figured the 2 player thing... but no duel in RotJ?? god.. that bites.. hehehe.. but thats pretty cool about Chewie!!.. hehehehe too cool..

"Duct tape is like the force. It has a light side, a dark side, and it holds the universe together."


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Yes!!! Here comes the arm-ripping Wookie we were depraved of in the movies!!!! And in Lego-style too!!!
That makes the game worth it for me....And the vehicles sound cool too. 8)

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As for the no Luke/ Vader battle.

I was referring to the duel they had over Endor. You do not play that duel. You do face Vader in Cloud City, but with help.


Well, is that battle at least good?


How could they screw that up? No Luke and Vader battle in ROTJ.




"Life is hard. After all, it kills you." - Katharine Hepburn

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The Cloud City battle is alright. It's just a pain when Vader jumps to a ledge, and you have to wait for R2 to set the trap under him so he jumps down again. Another disappointment is that you don't face Darth Vader as Obi-Wan in ANH. Actually, now that I'm thinking back on it, there are a few disappointments continuity-wise. Another example is that in ROJ, with Jabba's Palace, everyone goes in at once (Luke, Leia as Bousch, Chewie) to rescue Han. A couple of other liberties the game takes to speed the story along, I guess.

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Hmm, I played the demo of the first lego game. Wasn't long, but I wasn't thrilled with it either - very basic, very simple and controls were a little annoying (mainly due to the camera chasing you).

Still, from what you've said it doesn't sound too bad - I might give it a shot if I get the time and feel like spending the $80-$100 on another game :roll:




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see now.. that kinda makes me a little disappointed in the game... LucasArts has only be releasing Star Wars stuff for a few years now.. you think they would at least try to make it some quality work... oh.. and for you old school fans out there... Sierra is releasing the King's Quest, Police Quest and Space Quest collections all in their easy to own compilation set... YAY!!.. :D

"Duct tape is like the force. It has a light side, a dark side, and it holds the universe together."


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It does see, that both LEGO and LucasArts are riding the star wars fever and leaving low-level games and products in their wake... :cry::cry:


They need to create something new and exiting! Though LucasArts shouldn't exagerate as seen in that trailer to "upcoming jedi powers" :roll:


EDIT: though the armripping is going to be nice once I get this game :D

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They need to go ahead and make Full Throttle 2 like they were planning.. that and a Grim Fandango 2 would just be awesome... heads up though.. i was endlessly searching Gamestop.com .. which i hate more now because they took over ebgames.. anyways.. and i found.. LucasArts Best of PC... so maybe thats why rebellion is no longer on the site?.. maybe they plan to release it with that... but i couldnt find more details... did i already say this?... i cant remember

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I will propose something even if I know it will fail...


How about amking up design for an action Star Wars game based on the original trilogy?




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