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How does your Rebellion look like?


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I would be keen to know, what you edited and changed at your Rebellion. Wich stats are altered, wich new ships you added and so on.


I for myself after years of standard Rebellion, just downloaded RebEd and got the Empire the possibility to build the Neb-B and the Correlian Corvett and impleted the XQ-2 Platform.

Then I only gave the Victory-I more shields and lowered the shield of Corellian Corvette and Gunship.

And most important: Raised the Agility of all TIEs (now TIE-Fighter is as agile as the A-Wing) and got the TIE-Advanced Mk.II in for the defender and got him shields like the B-Wing (and raised the costs). Further I removed a maintain point form TIE-Fighter so it now cheaper to maintain than the Interceptor, and last but not least I removed the Ioncannons form the TIE-Bomber.


Now I exchangend the Dark Troopers for very expensive Royal Guards.


Your turn. :)

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I change a lot of characters. I throw in Tarkin, Dooku, Fett, Jade, Katarn, and Yoda (and ALF, which some one made a card for and I found purely hilarious). I also buff up Palpy, making him capable of training, and higher combat skills. I give Mothma and Leia more diplomacy.


I tend to keep everything else the same. I added some extra troops and whatnot to Coruscant. I increase espionage of Bothan Spy, and the combat and espionage of the Noghri. I give the Rebs a boost by buffing up their fighters. That's about it. I occasionally tweek production costs for ships and troops and whatnot.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I did several minor changes and a few major ones. I made the Emperor capable of training, increased Leia's force abilities and made her capable of training, tinkered with who could be commanders/generals/admirals, and removed the diplomacy ratings for several espionage characers (so I don't have to select espionage in the mission list when targeting a planet where diplomacy is possible). I made it so a few character's couldn't betray their side, such as Lando, messed with force probabilities and skill modifiers a few dozen times, and even forced certain people to be a jedi at the start.


I did so many minor adjustments to ships I couldn't possibly recall them all. I made the construction yards build faster to lower game time while retaining ship-build times, made ISD's and Death Stars carry more troops, experimented with removing the gravity generators to make for more interesting end-game battles with the computer, made Defenders research faster and AWings do as much damage as XWings while increasing their research time, tinkered with the Corellian Gunship to make them more useful, made the Bulk Cruiser cost less and both versions of the Dreadnaught were made faster, cheaper, with better shields and weapons but unable to carry anything (to make a good front-line ship when the game begins). I took out both carrier's weapons entirely, increased slightly the shields for Mon Cal cruisers, and lowered the VSD turbolaser batteries while increasing their laser turrets (to provide an effective all-purpose ship). Decreased the Strike Cruiser's hull and shield regeneration, made Carrack cruisers cheaper, and tinkered with modified settings for Lancer and B Frigates before settling back to their originals. I also lowered the maintainance cost of all troops and the mineral cost for mines and refineres.


Hmm... that should be most of the important ones. As you can see, I have too much free time and have had this game for too long (most of those changes were done with SWRE before I even had RebEd).

Star Wars: Rebellion, A Field Manual

"O be wise, what can I say more?"

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That would be an interesting debate... he did technically 'betray' Solo, but wasn't really involved in the Rebellion until after ESB. But at the same time, he also helped Luke and the others escape, so I usually consider himself redeemed. Add that to the role he played in RotJ (and latter things like the YV invasion in the NJOrder series), and you've got a loyal guy. A little opportunistic, but still.

Star Wars: Rebellion, A Field Manual

"O be wise, what can I say more?"

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The Alliance is supposed to have the best fighters, and at the beginning they outclass the Imps completely. But I never used Awings because they couldn't handle capital ships as well as Xwings could. Generally, I have no problems with fighters, so the additional firepower was what I wanted. Then TIE Defenders would roll out, and all of a sudden the Alliance doesn't have anything quite as good as the Imps. That's just wrong. So I bumped up the research so that Awings didn't come out so soon, but made them more comparable to Xwings (firepower to battle Defenders and the Awings speed to keep up).

Star Wars: Rebellion, A Field Manual

"O be wise, what can I say more?"

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Sticking to the traditional Star Wars movies I used rebed to do the opposite. I disabled Defenders and B-Wings. X-Wing had laser power 10, A-Wing was 5 but considerably faster and more manuervable. I removed lasers from Y-Wing and Tie Bomber, and increased Ion and Torpedo loads to make them an ineffective anti-fighter and more effective anti-ship unit. Lastly, I boosted the range from 17 to 20 for all weapons, and increased the Tie Interceptor to 4/4 main/prod while Tie Fight/Bomb are 3/3. All rebel fighters are 5/4.

"In the future it will become easier for old negatives to become lost and be 'replaced' by new altered negatives. This would be a great loss to our society. Our cultural history must not be allowed to be rewritten." - George Lucas, 1988. [u.S. Congressional hearing testimony on film preservation.]


My old Rebellion site (very web 1.0) - Bud's Korner and Rebellion Strategy

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But A-Wings are light, fast and agile interceptors, they are not suposed to handle captial ships. Thats up for Bombers like the Y-Wing and the B-Wing or at least an superiority Fighter like the X-Wing. The A-Wings didn`t even had torpedos.


And to be honest, the TIE-Defender would have much better stats, depending on other Star Wars Scources, thats why I replaced it with the TIE-Avanger, wich is still a very powerful fighter, but not like the defender and is an Interceptor. But I made them total expensive, thats why you should stay at the TIE-Interceptors instead of building TIE-Avengers.


And I disagree that Y-Wings and TIE-Bombers should be to bad in dogfight. I mean the TIE-Bomber has awful lot of con.missels to fight with and is agile, while the Y-Wing was often used in dogfights before the X-Wing was available. I think Y-Wings and TIE-Bombers are already bad enough at dogfights.


I gave every fighter its real amount of Lasercannonsx2 +1 if carrying missles as their laserpower (A-Wing 5, X-Wing 8, TIE-Bomber 5, TIE-Fighter 4...). But I think the TIE-Interceptor with 4-4 is way to expensive with much much more costly Rebel fighters cost 5/4 only. Espaccally the A-Wing was a very exepnsive fighter.

To make any sense of the TIE-fighter after the TIE-Interceptor is developed I lowerd it on 2/2.

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Well I also inflated most of the capital ship costs and maintence requirements, I was trying to keep both sides balanced while giving the game an edgier perspective to the movies. I also locked many of the characters ranks to their encyclopedia or movie roles. Ozzel/Ackbar can only be admirals, etc. Palpatine can be an admiral (Death Star Fleet) and Leia can be a General (she can be bitchy when she doesn't get her way). I also removed all troop research and disabled Sullustian/MonCal units for rebels and disabled AssaultDroids/DarkTroopers units for empire. (3 unit types per side) Most of the light capital ship researchs have been changed to be available at start, I reduced ship researches to 4 levels for each side. I changed the death star to last research and boosted hull, troop, fighter statistics to represent Death Star II, since it would make no sense to rebuild a v.1 death star after the failure at Yavin. This is a mod with multiplayer perspective in mind, so I was trying to keep things relatively balanced as much as possible.


Here is my file: http://mywebpages.comcast.net/mmoldavan/RebellionProV4.reb

"In the future it will become easier for old negatives to become lost and be 'replaced' by new altered negatives. This would be a great loss to our society. Our cultural history must not be allowed to be rewritten." - George Lucas, 1988. [u.S. Congressional hearing testimony on film preservation.]


My old Rebellion site (very web 1.0) - Bud's Korner and Rebellion Strategy

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I agree in most of that (Palpatine never was an Admiral, not even of the Death Star II fleet, he was only present and set the ,,trap"). But the TIEs are to expensive compardes with the ABXY-Wings, wich were much more expensive.

Why didn`t you include a Royal Guard then, if you have the card spots. You could either make them very expensive, or even unbuidable, and place only 1-3 on Cour.

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Well I was just tweaking around... but the unbuildable royal guards seems like a good idea. I had not added any custom cards yet, I may perhaps replace the B-Wing with a Z-95, etc. or Tie Defenders with Tie Advances.

"In the future it will become easier for old negatives to become lost and be 'replaced' by new altered negatives. This would be a great loss to our society. Our cultural history must not be allowed to be rewritten." - George Lucas, 1988. [u.S. Congressional hearing testimony on film preservation.]


My old Rebellion site (very web 1.0) - Bud's Korner and Rebellion Strategy

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Part of my decision to make the Awing more powerful was to make it into an air-superiority fighter. The AI will automatically attack Ywings and Bwings before any other fighters, making losses there heavy (and also making it difficult to maintain an efficient number in my fleet). So I moved the Xwing into a sort of bomber/fighter, using it to support Awings if required or using its torpedoes against capital ships. The Awings with improved laser damage became the intercepter, as they were capable of taking out Defenders sufficiently well to even the odds a bit. But because they were too good early on, their research requirement went up and the defender's came down.


I also lowered the TIE fighter's cost and the Imp Carrier's cost (so the AI will build them more often). My goal was never to make the game like the movies, but instead change things around as if I was actually a commander (but because I keep things realistic and am doing it for both sides, the game remains balanced). I've been toying with the idea of adding some custom cards like royal guards, and especially with replacing Bwings and some of the troop ships (give the Alliance the heavy troop ships and replace the medium one with something else, ect.

Star Wars: Rebellion, A Field Manual

"O be wise, what can I say more?"

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