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The EAW Demo


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Well I will usually post this in the EAW forum ... but what the hell - This is a great news.


I just hope that it will be released this month next to Christmas, then we will see how good this game really is and how moddable.


Don't ask for official confirmations - there are none - ;) - You will all just have to trust me.


I mean the "Frog" is in the air ... it will have to land sometime soon. You don't design a "frog" to make it fly forever ... it will have to land sooner or later.


Sorry for the froggy thing - loll - but its the best I can do to hint you :).

- The Trivium Organization - Community Manager -

- Petroglyph Fan Forums - CoAdmin & Human Resources Manager -

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Pity my PC is too crap to play it.


Emm... for some wierd reason my PC has desided that it doesn't want to play any of the Jedi Knight series anymore. I guess it will be to. :cry:

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for some wierd reason my PC has desided that it doesn't want to play any of the Jedi Knight series anymore. I guess it will be to. :cry:


Oh, man, that sucks, truly terrible, can I please buy any and/or all of them off of you?


Nu kyr'adyc, shi taab'echaaj'la

Not gone, merely marching far away

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I'm looking forward to EaW, and the demo would be much appriciated (particularly soon as well :wink: ).


Be sure to keep us posted Cain - just one question though. It might be me, it might be the fact I've only got about 8 hours of sleep in the last three nights or the headache I got from coming home from work I wasn't meant to have for another few days. . . but what's with the frogs in your post Cain?




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I think the "frog" is the anticipation the EaW devs have setup with hype over a demo. They created this Anticipation Frog, which then leaped, symbolizing people's rising hopes over this demo.


Now since its a frog, it needs to come down, or actually deliver the demo as it were. Frogs come down--they can only keep you waiting for so long before they have to come down. So right now our hopes are high (its in the air), and it will come down soon (to deliver the demo)

Count Dooku is the strongest Star Wars character as depicted in the movies. All hail Christopher Lee.
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No, I'm pretty sure the frog is a great new hero troop for Empire at War. Designed by the Yuzhan Vong, Froggy can hop into the air well over 50 feet, landing in a terrific explosion of dust to zip troops of any kind into his mouth, blocking all laser blasts with his harder-than-life amphibeous skin! 8O Sorry, had to do it... my stupidity is feeling left out... Stupid exams today. I officially hate Bio. THREE HOURS OF STUDYING AND ONLY TEN QUESTIONS PERTAINED TO WHAT I STUDIED STRAIGHT OUT OF THE BOOK AND OLD TESTS!!!!!!!!!!!! :evil::evil::evil::evil::evil::evil::evil::evil:


Nu kyr'adyc, shi taab'echaaj'la

Not gone, merely marching far away

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You've thought about this haven't you......


Could be worse. i could start quoting Aristophanes "The Frogs" which is an old Greek commedy in which all of the men want to go to war and the women essentially cry out "NO! If you go to war, then we won't have sex with you!" and so the guys are torn over which is more important to them. :D That's the way it was written, folks, not saying I agree with it. So which frogs were you refering to, Cain?


Nu kyr'adyc, shi taab'echaaj'la

Not gone, merely marching far away

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AdmiralToguroAni was on the spot.


The Demo is done and to be released at an unknown date. I personally think that it will run on low end PCs starting from P4-1400 / GeForce 3-64 mb and 256 RAM. Thats what I think are the minimal requirements.

- The Trivium Organization - Community Manager -

- Petroglyph Fan Forums - CoAdmin & Human Resources Manager -

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I personally think that it will run on low end PCs starting from P4-1400 / GeForce 3-64 mb and 256 RAM. Thats what I think are the minimal requirements.

Too much for my old Dinosaur. :cry:




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The Demo is done and to be released at an unknown date. I personally think that it will run on low end PCs starting from P4-1400 / GeForce 3-64 mb and 256 RAM. Thats what I think are the minimal requirements.


Umm... If I have a computer that had fairly good components and such as of 2004 last year around the holidays that can play games like Morrowind, am I good for the demo? :oops:


Nu kyr'adyc, shi taab'echaaj'la

Not gone, merely marching far away

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The Demo is done and to be released at an unknown date. I personally think that it will run on low end PCs starting from P4-1400 / GeForce 3-64 mb and 256 RAM. Thats what I think are the minimal requirements.


Really? That seems kind of low for the screenshots I've seen. Then again I'm use to the ultra high requirements for games like Half Life 2, F.E.A.R and Doom3 :roll:


Umm... If I have a computer that had fairly good components and such as of 2004 last year around the holidays that can play games like Morrowind, am I good for the demo? :oops:


Click on the START button, and then on the Control Panel. From the Control Panel double click on an icon labelled System. It will open a little window with some information about your computer: The Operating System, who it's registered to and down the bottom about the computer - such as the CPU type, speed, amount of RAM etc.

If that doesn't tell you what your graphics card is (which it generally doesn't) click on the Hardware tab, there's a button labelled Device Manager - click on that. That'll bring up a list, click on the little plus next to "Display Adapters", which will list the graphics card.




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Hmm, well there are three different x300's (which is a pretty good card) - the normal x300 (being the best), the x300 SE (which is a little slower) and the x300 HM (which is very slow in comparison due to having a quarter of the RAM).

Only the x300 HM would be in question due to it having 32mb of RAM rather than the required 64.


However, that's just your graphics card - what's the rest of your system?




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8O Too many big words! AHH! sits back in own little corner shaking. Screw it. When the demo comes out I'll just try to install it and if it doesn't work, it doesn't work.


Nu kyr'adyc, shi taab'echaaj'la

Not gone, merely marching far away

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DarthTofu, I also have a dell 8400 with the same video card (and 1GB of ram). As this system is just a year and a few months old I don't believe we'll have any troubles playing the demo or the game on this system.


This game will be my first game purchase in the new year.

If a tree falls in the forest, quit staring at it and move out of the way.
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