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New Member with Modelling question


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Hi guys, I'm new to the website but I've been playing Rebellion off and on since it came out. I'm just wondering if there's a model pack that updates all the models in the game. Since, honestly, the originals look like something my dog poo'd out. Is there some kind of patch that updates the ship models? Or do I have to download and install each model off the site individually, which sounds like alot of work. :?
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it'd be nice, but unfortunately there arent updates for all the ships. The Assault Frigates, the two CCs, medium transport, bulwark, etc don't have downloadable models. We'll either have to wait for them to be put on the download page, make them ourselves, or rip them out of Reloaded once they release it (assuming they let us)
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Adm. Togura:


Also assuming Reloaded uses all the same ships; they aren't likely to use all the same ones.


Just a glance at the list of ships unmodeled and I think I know why. They are the least popular ones. Most people who use cards replace those ships. And even if they do keep them, they probably don't want ot expend the effort to make a graphically updated model because they don't have any particularly good reason to do so.


Well, now they do.

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1 Corinthians 16:14 " Your every act should be done with love."

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Yes Reloaded will have (already has) new ships cards and new ship models. We are implenting a bunch of ship classes already seen in Rebellion, but those have new models too.


A model pack is a good idea however. Should be something like a "general update" for Rebellion with the same classes, but with better 3d models. The best man for this job would be the_mask, but I wouldn't bother him with this task right now. Perhaps somebody else?


Also considering that this upgrade pack will be much easier to produce after Reloaded comes out. But that doesn't mean, that have to wait until then.

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