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I just got this game. I had wanted it for a long time and I finally recieved it. I started playing it earlier today. I seem to be doing pretty well so far as far as troop garrison,fleet movement,diplomacy and missions go. However, I am having problem with the resources. I can't really figure out how to mannage and produce them and it would be nice if I could get a few hints and tips from you guys as far as the resources go.


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Hell, I have been playing for years and always have a shortage of raw and refined materials. I know how to manage them, I just start out behind the 8-ball and only get positive balances when 2/3 of the galaxy is already mine it seems. Sometimes I win the game still having production slowdowns! :roll:
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Alright I played a bit last night and this morning and the resources don't seem to be that much of a problem anymore. The problem now is that I get completely over-powered by the empire when it comes to space battles 8O they have crazy fleets.
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Here is a trick.

Colonise one of the outer rim sectors who has 3 planets who have 10-12 energy slots.

On one build only construction yards, on another only build garrisons. And finally on the one with most energy slots build only shipyards. NOw start churning out ships to defend that sector and then start colonizing the rest of the outer rim and retaking your old territory :twisted:




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that sounds like a good idea. What I have been doing is that I try to keep all my troops in one sector. I try to build up and slowly try to take another sector next to me. The planets where I have troops stationed, I just try to leave a few garrisons and get a ships.

I have a question, what would be the best ship for the rebels? My correlian corvetes just dont seem to stand a chance against those star destroyers, even when its 2 on 1.

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If you're just starting out, don't try to fight the Star Destroyers (ISDs) with your ships. Instead send people like Han Solo and Chewbacca on sabotage missions to get rid of them. The corvettes are really only useful for defeating starfighters.


When you first get Mon Calamari Cruisers, you have a chance at beating the ISD. Load it with X-wings and you should be able to win. If you're assaulting planets, stop and use diplmacy instead. The AI doesn't move fast enough to outrace you on easy. Piett, Jerjerrod, Bin Essada, and Vader are excellent diplomats.


While you get the hang of tactical combat, go ahead and use the "uber fleet" strategy. Put all of your ships in one fleet and take Coruscant on a HQ only victory. Once you get the hang of that, try several smaller fleets.


You're still learning. Take it slow and don't be afraid to be cheap

Count Dooku is the strongest Star Wars character as depicted in the movies. All hail Christopher Lee.
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ONce you have researched it build a fleet with one as the Admiral ship.

A fleet composed of A few Nebulon-Bs, a few Correlian Gunships and 1 or 2 Mon Calamari cruisers are good for defending sectors and aren't too long to build. The Ideal is to have one medium or large fleet per sector.




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A note that I'll mkae here" Don't be afraid to just garrison a planet and leave it- when I was new at the game I always used diplomacy to make every planet 100% loyal, and had one uber fleet with all diplomats on it. Even in a small galaxy that took forever.


Nu kyr'adyc, shi taab'echaaj'la

Not gone, merely marching far away

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Alright I just gone playing and I seem to be doing much better now. I still keep getting over-powered but now I atleast win some of the battles. 50/50 i would say. I am pumping mon-cal cruisers with x-wings and those seem to be helping a lot.
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One of the fastest (albeit risky) ways to win the game is to assault Coruscant immediatly. Grab all your vessels, put them in one fleet, take as many starfighters with you as you can, and just attack.


Now, the trick to doing this is what vessels you have to start out with. If you don't have a carrier, forget about it. And you need at least two bulk cruisers.


Have all bulk cruisers and corvettes tangle with the Star Destroyer. You may lose a lot of them, but don't worry. All other vessels and Fighters are to take out the TIEs.


Once those TIEs are gone, the Star Destroyer should retreat, even if you are losing, thanks to a terrible AI. Once that happens, if you think you can handl;e it, chase it around the sector. If you can get it to run a few more times, the whole sector should turn over to your side.


Now, all you have to do is sit back, and take your time. Even on hard, I have never seen the Empire recover from losing Coruscant that fast.

I once knew a great man. Nothing got to him, and he always smiled. May he forever rest in peace, knowing fully well that his freinds shall remember him.
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