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Assembling the new Cards Team


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Heya Team,


First of all, an apology: I am truly sorry I've been out of the loop lately, but things in RL got out of control and in the way of my play time. I'm back and ready to get this project moving again. I've been catching up on the forum topics, and I'm glad to see that there has been a vibrant dicussion as to character composition. As is apparent, there are a lot of viable characters for the New Republic side, but substantially fewer for the Imperials (at least characters worth including) which leaves us in the position of most likely including some less-than-noteworthy characters for the Empire. As most of you might remember, it seems like LucasArts was faced with the same problem, and went with the same solution. I was impressed with the list that Trejiuvanat put together, and with some expanding on the Imperial side, most likely from the additional information posted by TK421, we should have a go. I'd like Trejiuvanat to work with me on the character cards. If anybody else is interested in working on characters - keeping in mind that it will be a laborious task - please contact me ASAP.


I am of the opinion that we should create more cards than needed, as I assume some of them in the end won't "fit" with the overall look.


As to style: Everyone seemed receptive to the "modified photo" style that I demonstrated on Harrison Ford and Christopher Lee (http://smokingfrog.net/cardstyle.php), so unless someone on the Team has an alternative I suggest we go with this for the characters. It does require a fair bit of work, and I'd be happy to share the PhotoShop technique with any of you interested in assisting with the art work. If anybody does have another idea as to style, please throw it on the table ASAP so that we don't try to change direction mid-stream down the way.


Characters aside, we do know that the fighter-class choices seem clear. I'm assuming that these will be far easier to accomplish than the character cards - the same can be said of capital ships. As soon as we can confirmation on the Capital Ships, we should be able to wrap these up fast with some 3D-renders. I have 3DSmax and almost every available Star Wars mesh so this should be fairly simple. Does anybody else on the team have a 3D software package? If not, I can tackle these - but ideally I'd like to primarily focus on characters myself.


To my knowledge, there has been no major debate as to Special Forces cards...the ideas put on the table were:


New Republic


Guerillas - New Republic Special Forces - Page's Commando's

Infiltrators - Alpha Blue (Possibly - Infiltrators don't exist in the timeframe)

Bothan Spies - Slicers - New Republic Intelligence

Longprobe Y-Wing - Recon X-Wing


Galactic Empire


Espionage Droid - Same (New Pic & Stats maybe)

Noghri Death Commandos - Same (New Pic & Stats maybe)

Probe Droid - Same (New Pic & Stats maybe)

Commandos - Same (New Pic & Stats maybe - Change name to SpecNav Forces possibly)


Who wants to get working on Special Forces?


I'll discuss Troops and Facilities as soon as we sort out the primary tasks above :wink:


The members of the team should have received this via email as well, please let me know if you think you are on the team and did not receive it.



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Hi monsh, we were looking for you in the private forums, you might want to check on that.

I'll gladly help you on the characters part, mail me the ps technique. (BTW, I hope you got the PM reagarding my e-amil change).

While you were gone I created some cap ship cards, but i need gank or tsunami work on the stats of them. The shiplist are already in the private forums.

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Guest Scathane
I'd like Trejiuvanat to work with me on the character cards. If anybody else is interested in working on characters - keeping in mind that it will be a laborious task - please contact me ASAP.
I would certainly not mind.


Please, do share the tehcnique.


Who wants to get working on Special Forces?
You want to do these in the sames style as the characters? What kind of background do we want?


The members of the team should have received this via email as well, please let me know if you think you are on the team and did not receive it.


I didn't get the email.
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That makes you... not in the team. Maybe a minimal error or anything.


But indeed, share this technique with your team.. and with me and some DLL guys of course 8)

Z'anthr saves the world. Sorry about the mess...
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Guest Scathane
That makes you... not in the team. Maybe a minimal error or anything.
I'd have to go with the error. Not being in the team would be strange, because:


The following people comprise the Official RR/TC Card Team:


Monsh - Card Leader (monsh@smokingfrog.net)

TalonNemesisKarrde - Assistant Card Leader(nemesiskarrde@insightbb.com)

Trejiuvanat (jastorga@mail.com)


Lord_La_forge (nobunaga@freemail.hu)




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Guest Scathane
That is a very sharp notion!


I miss your mailaddress after your name.. perhaps that?

That would be strange as well:


Glad to be on board as well. I would like to do special forces and, of course, characters as well. Drop me a line to let me know what you think. With regard to searching for the right pictures: any theme in mind?


U can reach me @ scathane@euronet.nl



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PM monsh your mail, Scathane perhaps then you'll receive notification. And, Monsh, mail the DLL guys the technique they will be doing the event images so tehy might need it.
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Is that a question or a... eh question?


When he'll read this here he'll contact us.. that is the most easy way :twisted:

so Monsh, if you read this...

Z'anthr saves the world. Sorry about the mess...
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Guest Scathane
I am curious about Monsh's technique... that's why the question marks were there... By the way, does anyone use a lasso tool for the edges of the picture you want to insert?
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Guest Scathane
I use the pen tool to reate a path and then i make a selection out of it. I still have to correct some things.
Why don't you use the lasso tool instead? It's 'magnetic, so that you don't have to sweat: the lasso tool virtuall creates the path for you... :D
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Just a note to the RR Team: I don't make a habit of checking the other forums (like the RebEd info for instance) so if you post messages there which you direct towards me, don't expect to see a reply. If you need something from me, put it here in the RR forum, PM me, or email me.


I put together a summary of the technique for creating the RR character pics from photos. You can view the information here: http://smokingfrog.net/conversion.php


Please note that this is NOT a card creation tutorial, but rather a photoshop tutorial for converting photos to something more in line with the game.


Scathane: what type of cards would you like to work on?

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Guest Scathane
Just a note to the RR Team: I don't make a habit of checking the other forums (like the RebEd info for instance) so if you post messages there which you direct towards me, don't expect to see a reply. If you need something from me, put it here in the RR forum, PM me, or email me.


I put together a summary of the technique for creating the RR character pics from photos. You can view the information here: http://smokingfrog.net/conversion.php


Please note that this is NOT a card creation tutorial, but rather a photoshop tutorial for converting photos to something more in line with the game.


Scathane: what type of cards would you like to work on?

I like working on characters Mosh. nevertheless, I don't mind making other cards either, since you already decided Trejiuvanat to work on characters with you.
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It's a big enough task that we could use additional help with characters, so if you are keen enough with photoshop you're welcome to work with us.


I've isolated a few photo instances of imperial uniforms in varying poses, so as long as we can find appropriate heads to work into the image we should be fairly well on our way to getting the imperial officers completed.


Scathane: if you want to start work on the New Republic minor characters that would be ideal.


Trejiuvanat: please let me know which characters you are presently working on (or have completed).


I am just about done knocking out the NR major character images, and have an image of Thrawn done. Does anybody have any toughts on a pic for C'b? The obvious ones are LotR shots of Christopher Lee, or Ian McKellen - but there are other's I'm sure...Ideas?


The Rest of the Team: please check in to let me know you're still alive :P I know that Kardde was otherwise occupied with school, and will be returning soon. Tsunami was going to work on Ship cards...update? Laforge: you have not indicated what you prefer to work on - troops cards are up for grabs - are you interested?



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Guest Scathane
Scathane: if you want to start work on the New Republic minor characters that would be ideal.
I would like to. Point is, I got an exam coming up 23rd of April. I'll sort of be disabled with regard to actual card work... :(
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Well, that gives you about a week and a half to get them all done :D


j/k... did you want to at least get a start on them? That would be sufficient. Just let me know so we can plan around what you will work on, so as not to duplicate efforts.



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Guest Scathane
Well, that gives you about a week and a half to get them all done :D
Yeah, I wish! I'll be at your service after the 23rd of April...
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