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What's so hot about RebED?


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I mean, sure, its cool to change stuff around, but really, why? I haven't downloaded it, and so far don't EVER intend to unless its necessary for Reloaded and Reloaded turns out to be a good as it should be or better.


RebED is cheating, plain and simple, AFAIK.


Think about it, what do most people do with it?


-add more researchers

-increase stats

-more diplomats

-supe up stuff

-make stuff easier and get rid of 'features'


I've been playing Rebellion for years since getting it for my B-DAY when it was considered relatively new and creaming both Imps and Rebs on varying difficulties (mainly medium and hard) and never hitting the 2000 day mark. Capturing Coruscant and killing/capturing people and diplomatizing and wide-spread fleet blasting and finding and bombing Rebel bases is easy enough, without RebED, methinks.


And if I use RebED to make it harder all I can do is supe up or weaken the respective team's personnel, possibly lessening researchers, suping cruisers or giving others more planets. That's just time. As the Empire, its just a few more ISDs. As the Rebellion, actually using SpecForces other than a dozenish Longprobes. (Something I find unnecessary and time wasting partially because I have this horrid habit of using personnel and troop-slayer fleets to diplomatize everything without enough troops to hold on.)


So, i pose the question.


Why download RebED? Why use RebED? Why use it more than once or twice to preform a simple experiment or test how it works?


Add a do you/did you to those previous questions. I really want to know.

Sovereign ProtAKtor of the BEAK Imperium.


1 Corinthians 16:14 " Your every act should be done with love."

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Well, the obvious use for RebEd is to make things easier like you said - and I'm sure most have tried that once or twice.


But, the majority prefer to use it to make the game more interesting. Personally, I try several different things - the latest of which is to increase the chance or traitors for both sides, allow the Empire and Alliance to build ships like the Neb-b, as well as halving the price of most ships to increase the number of fleets and size of fleets (unfortunately, the AI doesn't take full advantage of cheaper vessels so I wouldn't advice trying this too much).

Though, there's a lot of other things you can try. Soon, I will be making new stats for most capitals to give them more "realistic" stats - such as the Star Destroyer being able to bear it's port and starboard weapons on vessels in front of it.

But that's just me. There's a tone of different things you could try to do, like varying the rate at which weapons fire to speed up battles, or just give it a more intense feel in battles.

I'm also planning on making a game where I change the name of a few planets (like adding Kuat etc.) and make it so that I can't build certain ships until I capture the planet by simply de-activating them. So, no Mon Cals until I get Mon Calamari. No special Corellian stuff until I get Corellia and if I get Kuat - well, then I get a lot of new toys.

Of course, this is very manual, teadious and requires discipline so I simply don't go and take Kuat and start building up ISDs - but makes it more important for which planets you hold and take.


Also, if you download any new models that aren't just revamps of the original models you can give them new stats instead of simply replacing an old model and using the old ships' stats. So you could repalce the Assault Frigate with a Majestic class Cruiser (I'll hock it any way I can :wink: ) and give it the Majestic's stats.


So, to answer your questions:

You download RebEd to use it.

You use it so you can tweak the game and make it more interesting and change aspects you might not have liked or create a new style of gameplay.

Why use it more than once? So you can try different things each time you play. To make the game more dynamic by changing it as you play (can be buggy doing this though) and to add new models to the game and even change the time peroid from Rebels vs. Empire to New Republic vs. Remnant Empire or GFFA vs. Yuuzhan Vong.


RebEd's only a tool, to what effect you use it is upto you




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  • SWR Staff - Executive
Most people that I know of use it to make it HARDER... :)


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Fighting is terrible, but not as terrible as losing the will to fight.

- SW:Rebellion Network - Evaders Squadron Coding -

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Sure you can make it easier or harder and whatnot, but theres more to Rebed than that! Take a look at what some people are doing in their TCs: Swapping characters! Thats my favorite part, actually. Consider what other people are doing....



Reloaded: Thrawn Era, so probably lots of new cards


Clone Wars TC: New cards all around relating to events in the prequels


URPG: Supremacy: No star wars at all, but rather making a multigenre cast of characters.


Grand Moff Conway puts himself into the game! Even if you dont want to do anything with Rebed to change the game's stats, then you can have fun replacing the pictures! I mean come on, who REALLY likes Shenir Rix, anyway?

Count Dooku is the strongest Star Wars character as depicted in the movies. All hail Christopher Lee.
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Ok, so all this sounds reasonable. But, I have another question.


What all can RebED do? I can't find anywhere that lists what can be done and want to know before I consider downloading it.


Also, is there any possbile known way, RebED or otherwise, to increase the number of save files?


And finally, will downloading RebED change anything in Rebellion wityhout me manually doing something?


And will changes to RebED affect games that have already started?

Sovereign ProtAKtor of the BEAK Imperium.


1 Corinthians 16:14 " Your every act should be done with love."

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Umm, for your last question I think I have an answer (I'm not sure since I play rebellion ona computer from its time period with no internet). ANyway, I'm pretty sure that if you mod an aspect of a game while you have one in progress, it will result in changes being made to the game going on. For instance, if you change a Victory Star Destroyer's stats to that of a Super Star Destroyer, you will suddenly have one hell of a fleet. That's all I think I know.


Nu kyr'adyc, shi taab'echaaj'la

Not gone, merely marching far away

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Rebed lets you edit/replace troops, ships, specforces, characters, fighters, defenses, and some of the more important DLL files


Furthermore, you can rename your planets, sectors, and then move them around! You were saying how making it harder just adds time to your game, and you dont want that? okay, then why not move all the systems close together? Thats what I did for my TC and now I have at least one ship battle every 50 days or so.


You can't increase the save files per se, but what you can do is to go the savegame directory in your Rebellion folder and either rename them or move them somewhere else (I prefer the latter). Then, when you want to play that file again, just move it back or rename it.


Tofu is correct about the ships, and any time you change a DLL, the changes will be made whenever the game takes a look at the DLL. Here's an example, supposing I replace Sarin Virgilio with Kenshin Himura.


When I load up my old game, there will be a picture of Kenshin, but his name will be Sarin. This is because game doesn't constantly check the DLL files to make sure his name is still Sarin. However, if I give him a command position to, say, admiral, the game checks his name again, and then calls him "Admiral Himura". So if I change him back, it looks again and his name changes to Kenshin. Cool, huh?


I say you should just download it and try it for yourself. Its a small download, virus-free, and the changes aren't permanent since it comes with a full restore button. You have nothing to lose.

Count Dooku is the strongest Star Wars character as depicted in the movies. All hail Christopher Lee.
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As to what RebED can do, I'm lookign for some specifics. Also, somebody was talking about tieing personnel and ships to owning planets and stuff-can you do that and what can be done with it?


Also, that Full Restore Button: Let's say I download RebED and do a bunch of stuff. Then I use some of that other weird stuff to change sound files. (for example) Will the Full Restore Button fix that too? Are there any other possibly detrimental effects of the Full Restore button?


Does RebED come with a uninstall function and does it work entirely, or leave behind some file junk?

Sovereign ProtAKtor of the BEAK Imperium.


1 Corinthians 16:14 " Your every act should be done with love."

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We've already given you the specifics of Rebed. It does everything we've described, and only everything we've described. Likewise, if you use the full restore button, it will only fix the changes that Rebed can make. Then again, thats why you want to backup your files when using Reshack or other programs. If all else fails, just reinstall from the CD.


That relates more to Reshack than Rebed. Here are some detrimental things about Rebed:


Cards might not work properly. This is caused by the cardmaker botching the picture. Follow the card making tutorial to learn how to properly make a card.


Invincible troops. This is caused by setting a bombardment defense to 10, making it immune to bombardment. They can still be sabotaged or assaulted though.


Messed up event pics or sounds--this is caused by changing the DLL files to a new file that doesn't use the right palette, or in the case of a sound file, isnt a .WAV.


These are the only known problems with Rebed, and all of them are caused by the person not knowing what they are doing. Again, the full restore will fix all of them.


I understand that you're just trying to get information, but I believe you may have gone in a little too skeptical about this program. While cheating is possible, as others here have said, its rarely done. Rebed was used in the Protectorate mod to make the game much more aggressive and difficult (if you're the empire, the rebels are supposed to swarm you). Keep in mind that many people here can win the game by day 100. My personal record is day 35 (Rebels, HQ Victory, medium), and I'm sure others have beaten that. The fully installed Rebed is 5.03mb, so its not a big space commitment.


If you're not convinced that Rebed at least CAN be good, I suggest you download it. While we may or may not be able to convince you with these posts, consider the size of this board, most of whom are here for Rebellion. You have nothing to lose if you have the original rebellion CD (the Full Restore button reads off the CD, so be warned)

Count Dooku is the strongest Star Wars character as depicted in the movies. All hail Christopher Lee.
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We've already given you the specifics of Rebed. It does everything we've described, and only everything we've described. Likewise, if you use the full restore button, it will only fix the changes that Rebed can make. Then again, thats why you want to backup your files when using Reshack or other programs. If all else fails, just reinstall from the CD.


OK, RebED doesn't sound all that unsafe, I think I will download it.


Cards might not work properly. This is caused by the cardmaker botching the picture. Follow the card making tutorial to learn how to properly make a card.


Invincible troops. This is caused by setting a bombardment defense to 10, making it immune to bombardment. They can still be sabotaged or assaulted though.


Messed up event pics or sounds--this is caused by changing the DLL files to a new file that doesn't use the right palette, or in the case of a sound file, isnt a .WAV.


These are the only known problems with Rebed, and all of them are caused by the person not knowing what they are doing. Again, the full restore will fix all of them.



OK, all good.


My only questions now relate to the other programs in the downloads area, and Reshack, which I have no idea what it is. I looked in downloads and I didn't see anything that said Reshack or lookedl ike something shortened to it, so what is it, what does it do, and (if I choose to) where can I get it? Also, for the other download programs-do any of them come withg Full Restore or equivalent butttons?


And finally, yes I came in quite skeptical. But, on the other hand, if you'd read only what I'd read at the time, you'd probably be skeptical too.


PS: One last question-tcs-do they use ONLY REBed, or do I have to download other programs as well?


Now, off to download REBed. (Under the power of those who have responded's great amounts of logic and reasoning, I see little reason not too.)

Sovereign ProtAKtor of the BEAK Imperium.


1 Corinthians 16:14 " Your every act should be done with love."

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Rats. When i tried to open it after installing, it said newer version of some weird thingy required-I think it was along the lines of HCCVTRX or something...Help!!!


(I know that somebody's probly had this problem before, but Subjects in this forum aren't necessarily good indicators of what's inside.

Sovereign ProtAKtor of the BEAK Imperium.


1 Corinthians 16:14 " Your every act should be done with love."

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Dont worry about the version. Ignore it and it should continue regardless. If it still won't work, PM me and I'll send you the unzipped directory, ready to play.


Reshack can be found by going to Google and typing in "Resource Hacker". Its the first major link. It can be used to see and preview ALL of the stuff about Rebellion, and change the contents of the DLL files. Be warned--there IS no full restore button. If you screw it up, you pay the price. But the good news is that the first time you save a change, Reshack makes a backup of the DLL, so you can scrap all your work in favor of the original. Its not as easy to fix as a full restore button though.


To my knowledge, RebEd is the only program with a full restore button. Some proggys make backups, but thats it.


I suggest you try RebEd to change what you want to change, and then if you want to go more in-depth, try Reshacker. Its not as fun as RebEd is, and its not really needed if you just want to change a few cards. If you really like it enough to try to use Reshacker, however, I'm sure myself and the other people would be happy to help you.

Count Dooku is the strongest Star Wars character as depicted in the movies. All hail Christopher Lee.
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  • SWR Staff - Executive
If you are really so worried, you can always reinstall Rebellion. It's very simple to do :)


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Fighting is terrible, but not as terrible as losing the will to fight.

- SW:Rebellion Network - Evaders Squadron Coding -

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Its actually HHC something, but the problem is is that after I hit ook it repeats about thirty times and then doesn't load-and I've downloaded it several times form THIS website using various in site links just in case. It says something about needing a newer somethinHelp version 1.2 from Microsoft, so I went there to get it and it started downloading and then my comp locked up. Also, what is the icon supposed to look like in the program list? It looks more ike a help icon than something SW related. And the only other option is to click on the short (and boring) readme.

Sovereign ProtAKtor of the BEAK Imperium.


1 Corinthians 16:14 " Your every act should be done with love."

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  • SWR Staff - Executive
The setup actually doesn't create a shortcut to the main program, it's a bug. Search on your hard drive for rebed.exe


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Fighting is terrible, but not as terrible as losing the will to fight.

- SW:Rebellion Network - Evaders Squadron Coding -

The cake is a lie.

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That explains it, thanks, Evaders99.



PS: Ya know...it might just be useful if that was a tidbit that was posted soemwhere around the downloads area or whatnot for future downloaders. Meanwhile, I'll start looking through RebED momentarily.

Sovereign ProtAKtor of the BEAK Imperium.


1 Corinthians 16:14 " Your every act should be done with love."

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I was wondering if it would be possible to install Rebellion on my computer a second time and have each copy with a separate version.


Eg. 1 with standard setup for playing online and another with whatever Mod I was working on.


Would I have to install a second copy of RebEd or what? (I haven't tested this yet, I keep forgetting.)

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Oh, I think I actually have an answer to a technical question! Score (Possibly)! Okay, frst you need to make a new folder with plenty of room in the C drive. Then Reiinstal Rebellion to that folder, so that you have two copies (I think this'll work- its purely theoretical, so don't kill me if I crash your hard drive, or something). Then reinstal Reb Ed to the secondary folder and you can mod away. :D If this works, I take full responsibility for it. If not, then it was one of my split personalities temporarily seizing control of my body. 8O


Nu kyr'adyc, shi taab'echaaj'la

Not gone, merely marching far away

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Argh. Either way i've mannaged to screw up both of my mods now. The load option only loads half of either mod and they're both inter mixed now. X_x Not good because the two are not ment to be compatible.


My NJO Mod and Rebellion Starfighters Mod have been side tracked while I figure this out. :(


EDIT: I've un-installed both copies and am going to use my files stored on the other computer to rebuild. At least I know 1 of the mods will work that way.

Edited by Defender_16
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Just wondering something about the starfighters.


Is the Laser Cannon power the total for that squadron, or for each ship in the squadron? For instance is the laser power mulitplied by number of fighters in the squadron.

Or does the number of fighters per squad not have any real effect on that?

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I believe that the laser power level is per squad. At least thats what I get in my tests. The number of fighters in a squadron is sort of like its hitpoints, or how many cannon shots it can take before being destroyed.


Notice a bombardment value for Y-wings is 2. If we have 12 in a group, thats a bombardment value of 24! We only need 2 squads to break a Gencore level 1! Since we know thats not true, we can assume that all those stats are per squadron.

Count Dooku is the strongest Star Wars character as depicted in the movies. All hail Christopher Lee.
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So regarding the check boxes, if one side recruits all the characters I make two sided, and hits thirty, does that mean a character specific to that side can't be recruited? And if soembody dies, can you recruit another eligible minor char?

Sovereign ProtAKtor of the BEAK Imperium.


1 Corinthians 16:14 " Your every act should be done with love."

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