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Increasing Jedi skill


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Increasing Jedi skill


I am playing a game with a friend, we have used RebEd to add many cards and both have several Jedis. What is the best way to increase there Jedi skills? I know when I do Missions with Luke I often get a message from him saying his force power has grown, I have not seen this for the other jedis.



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As the Rebellion, if you take some one who has been recognised as a Jedi, if you train him/her with Luke. The both will improve, but assure you self to do the training on a planet you keep yours, because if that plant (where you trained the Jedi) falls to the enemy, the Jedi will betray you. At least that is what the book says, but I've never experienced it.

Otherwise, just send them on various missions, and their Jedi skills should improve.

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So basicly, Luke and Leia have an exception where there powers will increase with Sabotoge missions, but any other jedis must be trained?


Thanks again!


Well, ehm, no. Jedis can only be trained until the rank of a Jedi Student. But when you send a Jedi to a mission and he finish it successfully his power does grow, but you won't get a message. When when you observe his stats carefully you will recognice. Luke and Laie do have a special ability, which make their force grow faster and even allow them to improve their power when their missions fail. Therefore you do get a message from both.

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Just blockade a system with a fleet who has your jedi students in it. Then just send them on spying and sabotage missions on the planet. :wink:




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... and run like heck when the enemy comes knocking on your door with a gigantic fleet :wink: Also, you can train Luke a bunch if he already met up with dear ol' dad by blockading Coruscant and sending him on a bunch of missions where he confronts Palpi and/or Vader. Either he captures both, get's captured himself, or escapes with force gain and can become uber-strong. better for regular play than on line, I would think.


Nu kyr'adyc, shi taab'echaaj'la

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"Well, ehm, no. Jedis can only be trained until the rank of a Jedi Student"


Thats not true. I was using Lke and doing the missions over and over on Cor. I got his combat up over 1000. I then did a massive jedi training and every jedi was a master at the end of it.


Thanks for the input gang!

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Yeah, I had the Emperor training (thanks to RebEd) and I got 2 Jedi up to Jedi Knight and 1 to Jedi Master. As a side note, I always give Palpy the ability to train. I just cant see the reasoning behind allowing Vader to be training, when the Emperor is his master.

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Guest JediIgor
"Well, ehm, no. Jedis can only be trained until the rank of a Jedi Student"


Thats not true. I was using Lke and doing the missions over and over on Cor. I got his combat up over 1000. I then did a massive jedi training and every jedi was a master at the end of it.


Thanks for the input gang!


It is true! By training we are talking about when you select Luke and another Jedi, or Vader and another Jedi and send them together on a mission called "Jedi Training."


Everything else is hands-on experience ;).

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Are you certain about that? I'm pretty sure I've used Vader to train other Jedi up to the rank of Jedi Knight.

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And I'm pretty sure I've used my characters to rank some to Jedi Knights, as well as seen other people state things like "I got Luke Uber strong and got force-sensative people to the rank of master in one training excersise"


Nu kyr'adyc, shi taab'echaaj'la

Not gone, merely marching far away

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It is possible to use just use the Jedi training mission to train masters


My favorite trick when I play the rebels is to move Han Chewie Page and Luke to a rebel system near Coruscant. Then with Luke send him on espionage missions to Coruscant. Because the Emperor is there he fails his mission and gets a force growth. If he gets captured then Page and Chewie do a rescue mission. I have had Luke at the rank of Jedi Master before he went to Yoda which greatly increased his skills. Any force user will fail a mission if an opposing force user is there.


Then using Luke it is easy to train the other Jedi Adepts to Master in 2 or 3 missions.

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It isn't true. A lot of the time I end up making like half of my chars force sensitive just so they always have something to do, and I've trained like 10 chars up to Knight status before sending them on missions.
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That is so cheap. Its one of the things I hate about playing as the Empire, because Vader and Palpy cannot experience such cheap increases in their power as Luke and Leia can. Just so incredibly cheap. That is how Leia is able to defeat the Emperor when they cross pathes, which in my opinion is totally impossible, but its been done. I hate that!!!

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I cant help it! One of these days, I would love to just have Palpy send 10000volts of Force Lightning raging through Leia, and I would say "how do you like me now?"

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Not to bump an older thread, but it was bugging me, so I'll just say that I don't use rebed, and seeing this thread's contents with ppls going back and forth on if you can, or can't get your force-sensitive characters up to Jedi Master, and not providing any proof for either side of the argument, I decided to help settle it. (nice run-on sentance, huh?) =o)


Yes. You can. It takes much longer than any game should go against a real opponent, or the computer, regardless of what difficutly you play on. I have pics through Ifranview, and to the nay-sayers about that, I have the saved game. It will only work with Reb version 1.01, standard settup, no alterations to the .dat through rebed. I'm an imperial player with 4 Jedi Master sub-characters. -Screed, Bevel Lemelisk, Dorja, and Bin Essada-


I got bored after I garanteed the rebellion would never be able to beat me, and decided to do the training, set the speed on fast, and just trained until I got them all up to Master-level. =o)

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