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I need some answers please


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First of all im new and i would like like to know some things about SWR


1) I love RTS games

2) Big Empire at War Fan

3) wondering what exactly the homeworld 2 mod is

4) Should i not buy it if i dont like very tedious games

Please Respond. Thanks :?[/img][/url]

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  • SWR Staff - Executive

1) Okay


2) Okay


3) It is a Star Wars mod for the game Homeworld 2.

See http://homeworld2.sierra.com/faq.jsp



This is seperate from Rebellion


4) Rebellion is a tedious game. It will take some time to get into it. It is on the level of other 4x games, Master of Orion, Civilization, etc .. and not the genre of traditional RTS games (not Starcraft, AoE, CnC...)


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Would this game happen to be Hearts of Iron?

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Never played hearts of iron... Anyway, Rebellion's similar to Empire at War in a bunch of ways, and very different. Emppire at war, with, say, 30 planets (meh, that sucks) and Rebellion with 300+ planets are very different. I don't know much about EAW yet, except what I read, but I don't think that you have to go through diplomacy to get planets on your side and such. The only real battles you see are space battles, which are pixelated Star Destroyers and Mon Cals shooting eachother with bit-mappy lasers. The graphics are terrible, and it is tedious and a game that you must nit-pick with, but all in all, I think that it is one of the best games ever for the patient.


Nu kyr'adyc, shi taab'echaaj'la

Not gone, merely marching far away

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Rebellion takes a bit of learning but once your in to it its hard to get out.

The graphics are awefull but many better looking models can be downloaded from this site.




Click here is you like Trance

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