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looking for new cards leader

Guest JediIgor

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Guest JediIgor

Can anyone step up to this task? :)


We need someone dedicated, someone with (some) experience, someone who can not necessarily make all the cards but coordinate his underlings [to make the cards].


Does anyone have any nominations, or would like to step up and take up this job?


I will check back here in a few days, I am sure you guys can work something out -- I have faith in you :)

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Look up the apropriate threads, that include the word 'TC'. It's basically about the total conversion we're making. It's set in the Thrawn era and it'll be a true Total Conversion, with new shipmodels, new encyclopedia entries, cards, sounds, movies, ... well, everything :D


In creating cards, it helps a lot if you know how to use a graphics program and what the different values mean to the game and how they affect the unit or character.


Here's a brief tutorial on creating cards, that should answer most of your questions: http://www.beqiri.biz/lima-city/dkelley/rebellion/updated_rebed_help.zip


(If the link should not work, click http://kickme.to/woodsboro/ then inside it the Game Select button, quick-selection bar -> Rebellion and the link to the updated RebEd helpfile there).




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Mask, your links appear not to be working at all (12.29 gmt)


Um, i guess i'd be happy to coordinate the Cards Other section. I can't make the cards myself, but i could organise my 'underlings' as Igor put it.


I'd need people to tell me who they are and what they can do, and i'll sort them out and get the working on our section. :) Or SWARMER can do it, i don't mind.

Elvismiggell. Strike me down and i will become more powerful than you can ever imagine...


Nu kyr'adyc, shi taab'echaaj'la

Not gone, merely marching far away

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Well, i have precisely zero experience at making cards. The most i've done is edited stats and changed the text in RebEd, or the text in ResHack.

Elvismiggell. Strike me down and i will become more powerful than you can ever imagine...


Nu kyr'adyc, shi taab'echaaj'la

Not gone, merely marching far away

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Well, most of you probably don't know me. I've been a regular downloader at this site for some time now. I have experience in most graphic applications (I prefer Photoshop) and some experience editing/creating cards. I'm a long-time Rebellion player as well.


As for leadership information, I've been very involved with a group that some of you are familiar with - The Emperor's Hammer - for quite a while. I recently stepped down from the position of CEO of the primary graphics creating group there, and have held other command-level positions in other sub-groups.


Depending on the scope of the project, and expected man-hours involved, I would be pleased to contribute in whatever capacity is feasible. Feel free to contact me at monsh@smokingfrog.net

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I think we've got our man here. Impressive CV, despite the fact it's all completely meaningless to me; the language sounds good.


JediIgor, you listening! We got ourselves a dude signing-up here!


Don't let this one pass, in one post Smonica has made the most sensible post contributed by any of us low-lifes for months.


Show him where to sign...

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Guest JediIgor

Sounds interesting; you up to the task smonica?


You can become leader of the Cards section and draft as many members of this community to be helpers as you want. You will also get exclusive access to the Members Only section (and any of your helpers you deem worthy enough). :D

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The special members section.... hmmm that is something most people can only dream of!


Swarmer, Elvis, I am absolutely sure you are necessary for this team, since Cards is one of the largest section of the TC.


Besides, any clumsy person should be able of making cards (I do) so you are welcome in lending a hand. For the common good of course


Swarmer: I noticed you are not really into the TC thing yet, so if you want some understanding about what we do and what is happening, and have some fun and inspiration, browse some through our different TC sections. Cards, DLL, etc etc.

Z'anthr saves the world. Sorry about the mess...
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I'd be pleased to give it a go.


I'll need someone to fill me in as to where we stand on the project, what has been done, what needs to be accomplished yet, as well as any background information that can be provided.


Since I am still relatively unfamiliar with the personnel here, anyone who has worked on the card side of the TC, or those interested in participating, should contact me (or post here) so that I can get a handle on the team players.


As soon as I have the necessary breifing, I'll get right to the task at hand. I'm looking forward to making this a sucessfull venture!

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Heya guys, just visiting between learning sessions :D


This sounds great !

Oh, and welcome to the wonderful world of Rebellion editing, smonica :wink:




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