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Who is seeing Star Wars tomorrow?


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Hey folks!


Just wondering, who is going to see the Star Wars : Episode III première tomorrow??? As I understand it, half-baked fan as I am :oops: , it hasn't come out anywhere yet, am I right?


Me, Mad78 and NIIIC are all going.



First time at a first showing for me, hehe... :roll:



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Not me. I was going to but then the people I was going with weren't going because they didn't want to miss some bullshit thing at their school so I am going Saturday with some friends...
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In a week or so, and during the week, in the day, when the cinema is empty, with no kids and no working-class teenagers.
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Well, I've had my 12:01 ticket for about two weeks now, so yes, I'll be going tomorrow. I'm rather excited, which is unusual. Despite my previous apprehension about the film, I now have high hope for it.


The only bad thing is taht I'll have to get there about three hours in advance just to wait in the line to get into the theater. Thankfully the line is inside the cinema building, so I'll be nice and warm during my wait.

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Well, I have now touched upon virtually everything in life now. I am known as the 'Star Wars nutcase' at my local pub, which I frequent much less often these days due to economic considerations... but I just zapped in there for a swift couple of pints and the regular I had expected to express the least interest in the movie, Charger, the local Hells Angel, wants me to go to the movie with him, his misses, and his kids, so I can explain the 'trilogy' stuff to him during the movie... for crying out loud! lol


...I reckon the beer spurned the conversation... he may in fact have no genuine interest whatso ever....

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In a week or so, and during the week, in the day, when the cinema is empty, with no kids and no working-class teenagers.
That is pretty much what I'm planning, too, although it may not be as soon as next week. I can wait.
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I've got two, maybe three friends who are going for the very first session - and I wished I could have made it :cry:

[shakes fist in the air]Damn living out in the middle of no-where!!![/shake]


Hopefully I'll see it about a week later.




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I'll probably see it on the weekend or early next week like I always do, let all the crazies weed themselves out of there.
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I'm just back from seeing it.


I'll comment briefly and without giving much away.


It is a good movie, though some of the parts of the beginning have a distinct Ep I - II feel to it, it recovers from it as soon as McDiarmid and McGregor (Palpy and Ben Kenobi) start to take over the movie with great performances. As the movies starts to move towards the original trilogy it definitely starts to get better.


The duel(s) are great to watch, and were pretty elaborate. I shall comment on this once more people have seen it.


By the time I ended I felt that this movie should have been fattened up to 6 hours and then sliced in three movies. The best of the prequels, though still not up to the level of the OT.


Some quickies: Jar-Jar says not a single word. It is not a children movie, it is violent and dark. Not ESB dark, a different sort of darkness: The one that comes with betrayal.

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I SAW IT TOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Now to serious things ;-)


I have mixed feelings about it...


Saw it today with Mad and NIIIC...afterwards we had a debate about it, basically me and NIIIC agreeing that it was absolutely no masterpiece and even going so far as saying that we were disappointed. I had extremely high hopes and expectations and they were not fulfilled. :( Mad was saying that we were too negative but he's a bigger fan than we are 8)


The whole beginning of the film is pretty uninteresting really to tell the truth, loads of sentimental stuff which doesn't seem to have it's place because that's not what the film is about.


Then, for the duration of the picture, there are cuts ALL the time in the WORST places! :evil: You'll get settled down for a nice bloodcurdling fight scene and then poof, there we go on something completely different, it's terribly annoying. Then you'll come back to the original scene and have to scramble things around in your mind to remember the context.


Apart from that, it was not bad at all, some very dark parts, some even moving I have to say. But not at all what I had expected....but then, my hopes were maybe slightly high.


See what you think!! :D:D



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My shows in 3 1/2 hours! Dragging my gf along (she could barely stand me the past month, I've been so excited). I just hope Lucas did better than w/ TPM and AOTC.

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