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P:TESB And A'N III Question...


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Ok, this might be the wronge forum for this, you can move it if you want...


First, with P:TESB...


How did you get it so that a SSD was always orbiting Coruscant, with the same amount of troops?


And for A'N III...


How Both -God Emperor Vs. Vong Invasion- And -Skywalker Vs. the Galaxy (Or was it Empire?)-... how did you get it so almost entire galaxy was on the enemy's side? in only 20 Days?


That's all... Sorry if it's in the wrong forum...



Now off to make a "Nostril of Palpatine" Card :roll:

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:arrow: PTESB and the A'N series ?! Wow .... Are they still played ? I was very upset these days and I had regrets for createing that Mod and the AN scenarios :(



:arrow: PTESB is set in a paralel similar universe and it was created to spice up things in the SW classic and now boring stroy - and make you explore new limits of the Rebellion game.



:arrow: There is also an expansion pach for the PTESB but it seems it was deleated in the old SWR server transfers and I can't put it up.



:arrow: As for your questions ... well the answer is quite simple actualy and I will reply how if you first reply to some of my questions :



1. Did you see the new remaked Rebellion fighters in the 3D battles ? (Not the cards) How are they ? They were a pain to create on such a small space.


2. What PTESB new card you really liked.


3. How is the ISD III ?


4. Besides cards what else did you noticed and liked in the PTESB.




- The Trivium Organization - Community Manager -

- Petroglyph Fan Forums - CoAdmin & Human Resources Manager -

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1. Did you see the new remaked Rebellion fighters in the 3D battles ? (Not the cards) How are they ? They were a pain to create on such a small space.


Yes, I liked that. I love zooming in when my Armadas of starfighters attack, and that's when I saw the improvments.


2. What PTESB new card you really liked.


Characters: Novel Garinat Mrk II. I love the look of him. and Eloh Evaders.


Ships: Bulwark, and the Imperial Nova Destroyer.


3. How is the ISD III ?


Great! Having fleets of them looks cool, their card is awesome.


4. Besides cards what else did you noticed and liked in the PTESB.




I liked:

The DLL Pics.

The Card backround planets.

The long Encyclopedia Texts.


I just love the TC. makes playing rebellion funner. :D


P.S. I beat God Emperor Vs. Vong Invasion. It was fun, I love playing a being outnumberd.

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:arrow: Well it seems a good Mod after all :) ..... anyway I'm thinking to refine the Mod and transform it into 2 versions / one to be in this SW dimenssion.


:arrow: I will also try to convince the EaW team to add as a bonus in the EaW game scenarios like the A'N series. Something similar to the A'N series will be fun. Maybe next month since now they are working like mad to finish the game until the end of this month.



:arrow: As for your questions.



The SSD issue:


- Well the ship places have been changed in the game to reflect the war situation at Hoth. So the Empire will always get a SSD with troops to go after Hoth. Sometimes they get to many SSDs so if you play the rebels it's a nightmare to get them destroyed.


- The ship names have been also changed so the old ISD slot is replaced with the SSD one. If you make this shift you have to shift the names also etc.


- Since so many ships have theyr places changed you also have to change the hyperdrive trails and explosion backgrounds (Small ones pics) cause they are designed for specific ships and if you don't fix them and the difference betwen the ship sizes is big you get to have bad looking small backgrounds for damaged ships or ships in hyperspace.


- If you look closley at the fighters especially at the TIE you will see that in hyperspace they are corected and no longer show as haveing hyperspace capability but they are showing in hangers. This feat has been achived by replaceing the hyperspace trail for that ships with a hangar pic.


- If you have more questions let me know. If you want to team up to put the PTESB back in Lucas dimension also le me know.



For the A'N III :


- Put all the syetsms close. Put all the ships at hyperspace 1. Bombard your own planets and scrap your own ships. Or use your fleet to take out ships from the enemy that you don't like in that scenario. (*Use the spy SWR program to see what the AI has). Then save and it's ready.


The Scanario can be loaded by any SWR Mod or unmoded game still keeping your changes. (* Basically I had a Mod of the Game only for makeing scenarios)


- I created the scanarios for the players who are quite sick of the AI and never get beated by it. I thinked that it will be cool to fight an Empire wih an Emperor with 988789709797 at jedi power (It can be done via the rebed if you jump directly in the game from the rebed window.) Also I thinked how cool it will be to fight a galaxy starting with only one ship or even fighting the Empire starting with only one character (Skywalker) in the first days of course.


If you have more questions about the scenarios let me know :)




EDIT: It's a shame that only two SWR TC's are maked until now on SWR :(

- The Trivium Organization - Community Manager -

- Petroglyph Fan Forums - CoAdmin & Human Resources Manager -

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Thanks, the Super Emperor, Awesome. I never knew that.


But with the SSD, How did you get it so that in Every Empire game, it starts with the Same SSD, same amount of troops, and Always orbiting Coruscant. And never any other planet?

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:arrow: The ISD slot is replaced with the SSD card and 3D model. normaly you will always get a ISD over that planet with 3 regiments. But now you get a SSD since the battle start's before Hoth.

- The Trivium Organization - Community Manager -

- Petroglyph Fan Forums - CoAdmin & Human Resources Manager -

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