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Well we'vve had a rather dry winter here in the dead center of the United States of America, you guys seem to be getting pounded.


Oh well, global warming at its finest. :lol:

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At last! A thread where I can express myself!




For it is very wet and seriously cold where I am.

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For it is very wet and seriously cold where I am.


Now that was well formed! :D I know what you mean :evil::(

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It basically translates as I can't earn any money with weather like this up/or below a tree because it's considered to dangerous.... (wet wood isn't user friendly).


Plus, have you ever tried to climb a tree when your fingers are numb :?:


It also translates that my boss is a fiend, because 'he's never got any cash on him at the end of the week.' Thanks Charlie, we like dangle in branches in the winter because it's fun... :evil:

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I never liked snow, especially after getting my driver's license.


It's not the driving on iced streets, but rather that you have to free all your car's windows are frozen over ... :?


Jahled, have you tried asking that fiendish guy for some change (money) instead ? Then, when he opens his wallet ... :roll:




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It's great to see a thread thrive on the insanities of its community. I also enjoy (and get a kick out of) the conversations that are exchanged here at SWR. :lol:


It snowed like it never has before (literally) here, but then it warmed up so much that we had flash-flooding and, of course, the city has used all its money on something like flags for our streetpoles that are torn down within a few days of being put up or on streetsigns that were crashed into when people couldn't see them in the snow, so we have no rescue services and people have to wade for their lives despite the fact the water is infested with the Cumberland River's water, which is close to being flamable. Then, once all that was over (sometime in January), it become colder than it had been before and now...it's sprinkling.


Odd weather this is; yes, odd. Good food, good; hot!

Edited by SOCL
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That damn heat :evil:

I'm all sweat on my way to uni again, because iof that burning sun all day long! And night... It's 10:30 pm and its still hot as hell.



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Three hours lost.


I woke at about 8:30AM and after some walking around aimlessly, I started work on making this image to make it a replacement card for the one the game brings for Thrawn. I'm pretty bad at editing images, but I was making pretty good process, having taken all the black away and edited the colors around the waist some to make them to my liking. Then, at about noon, I got the hair-brained idea to take a shower and give myself a much-needed shave (I now look far more like my old, usual self) so I decided to leave the image on the screen until I got out of the shower. Then my damned brain said, "Wait! We've been having power outages lately!" I promptly replied, "Yes, yes we have...what's you point?" (my dog was, at this point, staring at me strangely...there was no one else around....). "Well," my brain went on, "if you leave the image on the computer screen and there's a power-outage, poof, your image is gone!" I thought about this for a moment, to which my brain added. "Stop trying to think this through, just save it!" After a few more seconds, I agreed that the image should be saved for safety's sake.


This is where my lack of editing/imaging skills becomes apparent...you see, I know certain file types cause a loss of color quality and make the pixels all skewed and what-not, so I knew I had to be careful of how I saved it (as you've already guessed, I don't know which file type prevents my fears from happening). I went ahead and picked a file type--256 color Bitmap, to which I got a window telling me I would lose color quality if I saved it as this type of file and if I wanted to continue...I, of course, clicked No. I then thought about it a little while longer and saw the file type "JPEG"; something in the back of my mind--probably Logic--said, "Stupid idea!", but I did what I usually do and ignored it. Like a Neanderthal with an AK-47, I did what seemed to be right...I hit save. No warning this time, none at all, the image simply and suddenly saved as a JPEG, making all my worst editing nightmares come true as pixel after pixel became skewed and lost.


I screamed at the screan (my dog went running out the doggy-door, probably thinking I was once again drunk and angry at the damned TV--which is normally the computer--for not changing the channel when I pointed the remote--actually my cell phone--at it and hit buttons) and fell back in my chair. Sighing deeply, I decided to close out the image and take a break while I took a shower in hopes clearing my thoughts of malicious retribution and, hopefully, come up with a way of fixing this error (yes, I had already tried "Undo"). This is wear my lack of editing/imaging skills becomes even more apparent. Thinking that the image was saved as a JPEG on my machine, I clicked the little "x" in the right hand corner and the image disappeared...then a really bad feeling turned in my stomach--the same feeling you get when you have too many burrittos and very bad beer. My brain promptly spoke up, saying, "Now you've gone and done it!" I cocked an eyebrow in question. "In case you didn't notice, the program didn't ask if you wanted to save new changes, yet you clearly clicked 'Undo' a few times." I was still confused, so Brain continued, "Any changes made and the program will ask if you want to save those changes, but it didn't." It didn't take me long to realize what Brain was telling me, and before long I was clicking my way into my Pictures folder only to find that, just as Brain had said, no 'Thrawn_card.jpg'. I have now come to realize--after a long and ardious explanation that hopefully one or two people will read--when I clicked for the image to be saved as a JPEG, I had actually ended up merely converting the image to a JPEG! Nothing ended up getting saved and now, 2:22PM, I have lost three hours of work time (and about twenty minutes of typing time in explaining all of this).*



I have come to conclusion that I am no good at making/editing images.














*Note: Though what happened in this post is true, it has been dramatized in order to both amuse and present the author's current state-of-mind.

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Listen SOCL. If you really want that pic made into a card. i can do it for you. :wink:

Hey, really? :D Thanks! :D I didn't mean for that to be an appeal for help, I just figured I should use the cursebox thread to its fullest potential, but that sounds awesome! :D
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Got fever of 38,4 C. Almost can't type... :evil: Cant read back even. I hate to be sick
Hope you get well soon!


As for me, I have a wisdom tooth that is preventing an consumption of vital foodstuffs. I have an Exacto knife...I want to cut that stupid tooth out!!! :x

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