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I had a dodgy copy of Halo briefly, but the disk got hurled across a kitchen at a cat and was subsequently, and sadly, lost amid the bubbles and waves of a dish of washing up.... :(

For the X-Box or the PC? The PC version took out perhaps the best feature of the game: cooperative play in the main game. Sadly, the best way to play it is exclusively on the X-Box.


Say Tex; why not right click on this image and bustle up your avatar? :wink:

Well, because for a period of about...fifteen minutes I had this one, but it nearly made me go all cross-eyed. Besides, I kinda like the one I've got. It's Fett with attitude...Texas attitude. :D:wink:


But if the general consensus here on the boards is that my avatar isn't snazzy enough, I'll gladly change it.

Five of the Greatest Lines in the Star Wars Trilogy :roll:;)

-"As you wish..."

-"He's no good to me dead..."

-"What if he doesn't survive? He's worth a lot to me."

-"Put Captain Solo in the Cargo Hold"



Fett's Vette

The Lyrics

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:? I wasn't insinuating a dislike for your static avatar!! That's just your own paranoia; but don't worry, everybody suffers from that! :) I was merely trying to be kind and helpful in passing something on I found lurking around in one of my hosted web-spaces. Anyway, I agree in that movie footage would indeed make one dizzy after a couple of minutes.


The Halo disk was for PC, but I never even got to load it. It was given to me, strangely enough, by a receptionist in the City who I got to know.( I did their post run more or less every day) But as I said, it perished in a moment of rage.

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My apologies, Jahled. That previous post of mine came off wrong. I meant for it to sound "wryly sarcastic", not "egotistical a$$". I appreciate your taking the time to dig up a .gif for me to use, and I'll certainly consider it (it does kinda fit the whole "Imperial Helmet" theme). Besides, I've been experiencing avatar snafu's similar to the ones you had at the beginning of this thread, according to Mask. It wasn't loading right, except in the "your account" screen, even though it was still present on the hosted site. Once I re-loaded it, though, it was fine.


As for HALO, it's a shame the disk met its demise without you being able to experience it. It's a fun game and has a great storyline.

Five of the Greatest Lines in the Star Wars Trilogy :roll:;)

-"As you wish..."

-"He's no good to me dead..."

-"What if he doesn't survive? He's worth a lot to me."

-"Put Captain Solo in the Cargo Hold"



Fett's Vette

The Lyrics

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I stumbled across this little site this afternoon and have been downloading stuff ever since. There's quite alot of stuff I can't access due to file formats I don't understand, but there's a whole host of potential 3D stuff and animation programs some of you sharper guys might consider having a look at...
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Or to put it more simply.... the site is full of downloadable files in the following formats:








...etc...any of you guys know what these programs are; because i've got to say some of the site's projects/contributions look pretty darn good!


I'ld love to see some of this stuff in rebellion; i'm just clueless as to what programs I need to open up some of the stuff!


Any ideas guys?

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3ds, and max are used in 3d studio max, and/or gmax...

lw5... Lightwave(?)

c4d (?????)

Truespace: Truespace...


LithUnwrap, which is mask's site can open the 3ds, if it can hanlde the other ones, I'm not sure...

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Good man, Trej! Because one of the fonts/downloads on that site is a rolling Star Wars text-engine as in the beginning of the movies/games...


Identifying it's program would be instrumental in all Total Conversion projects here on this site! I just need to know what software it's in, and i'll be able to get it...


...though not perhaps immediately use it... :lol:

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Good man, Trej! Because one of the fonts/downloads on that site is a rolling Star Wars text-engine as in the beginning of the movies/games...



That was probably one of the first things I happened to download! :D

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Ahh, the good folks at Scifi3d, they even updated since I last visited the site (half a year ago :roll: )






Trej said it already: Max and 3ds are viewable in 3D Studio Max, LW5 is indeed Lightwave (revision 5), C4D is Cinema 4D, and Truespace, well I haven't tried that, but it would be too weird to assume, that the program is called something else :roll:


You can also try "3D Exploration" on the Homeworld - Star Wars Mod's site (http://swnr.themaw.net)


The models look pretty sweet, but most of them would be too complicated, to work at all in Rebellion. I have some that make my Athlon 2600 behave pretty sluggish, just rotating them around. Although in movie sequences, they'd look goooood :wink:




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Excellent! Well it was sort of folks like you I wanted to draw attention to the site, though it was obvious you all ready knew about it! Interesting what you say about the models, and i'm curious; can you utilize the rolling download Trej said was first on download hit list?


It would seem an obvious tool to utilize....

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8O ... arrr ... I knew I forgot something ...


Umm sure, I'll have to take a good look at it at home, but I think it can be pretty easily animated and incorporated into a movie.

If not, then I can simulate the effect with Ulead Media Studio, like I did in the very first sample movie (the one with Thrawn slumped in his chair), so no worries, dude. :D




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Btw, I looked at the scroll text. Besides, that it has two errors init (camera looking "down" and the StarWars logo doesn't vanish), it works :D

But there's one thing I'm not so happy with now, the area where the text scrolls by, is black and you can't see the stars in the background. :?


On the other hand, I think the movies had a black background there as well. :roll:




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It works with 3dsmax and should theoretically also work with gmax. The thing is, that it's an animation, so a "simple" model viewer like Lith would only show you the first frame.




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That site had a great looking Star Destroyer model; it's a shame it's detail is to much for the rebellion game engine...


This made me snigger...


Edit:As did this...


How to Tell if your Child is a Computer Hacker!


20) When he walks in the house, he says, "I have achieved root access."

19) He's got a permanent etching of a Unix shell embedded in his face.

18) He spells his name with numbers and punctuation symbols

17) He greets you by saying, "telnet family.com 25 HELO"

16) You have an excessively high phone bill.

15) You have an excessively LOW phone bill.

14) He engages people in conversation by speaking in assembly languages.

13) Jolt Cola or Vivarin replace silly things like: food, sleep, air.

12) You've discovered that your credit limit triples during the holidays.

11) His bedroom is 30 degrees warmer than any room in the house.

10) His skin is translucent from lack of sunlight.

9) He tells you he appreciates the sound of a modem dialing out, "Moreso than you can imagine!"

8) His eyeglass prescription doubles in a matter of months.

7) He wears a utility belt.

6) He's 15 years old and has arthritis.

5) He has a tattoo of something he calls a "Northern Telcom DMS-100 Class 5 Switching System"

4) His latest hangout is a dumpster behind the local telephone company.

3) You can't find a shred of pornography anywhere in his room.

2) He's changed his name to Kevin.

And the number one way to tell if your child is a computer hacker:

1) He's been in prison for 4 years and no-one knows why... :lol:

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This should look very nice on the website's black backdrop:


Edit: Except I can't seem to get it to work. so you'll have to click HERE!


..and you might as well click here as well; you could send it to your boss.



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Thanks, Scath. You certainly took your time :lol: Are you back on a more regular basis ?


Jahled, the HERE link didn't work when I tried, but it looks like the fault's with msn.

Btw, 16, 13,11,10 .... errm I forgot 3 :lol: so I guess, that I don't fully qualify, but on the other hand I'd be too old as well :wink:




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