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plz help


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i may be new to this site but i am a big fan of star wars and homeworld

imagine the 2 combined:)

i have a problem

i am runing a win 2000 based system with ntsf

i download the 0,45 and verified the start in field and so on

the game starts and runs perfectly , only if i start a skirmish in the midle of the load (at the universe) it crashes an exits the game

plz someone help me with this isue

ty in advance



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The crashing of the game upon entery of the tactical screen is a common anought problem. I can't really remember what causes it though. Did you put some new models in the game?




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Guys, you're talking about Rebellion.


I think callitri (Vincent ? Can't remember the movie, though) mean's eville's Warlords TC :wink:




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:lol: Still, we need to solve his mystery.


I don't think it's 2k or the ntfs file system per se, but it could rather be the graphics driver.


Could you try to turn off all the additional fancy effects options and see, if the skirmish starts then ?


Also, how old is your graphics driver and what version of DirectX are you using ?



EDIT: I think I have it. Vincent Callitri was a character in Gone in 60 seconds, iirc. :roll:




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Guest JediIgor
did you apply the HW2 1.1 patch, it is required to play.


I think I had the same problem when I tried playing Warlords for the first time! 8O

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