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How many SSDs are there?


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How Many SSDs are there, what are their names? Class Names to be Exact, Like:


Executor Class

Eclipse Class

Alliegance Class


Just wan't to know.

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I probably can't name them all but...



Eclipse II


Sovereign II




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Not sure if all are listed here, I've found a few lists of warships from Star Wars novels, games and of course the movies, though this is currently my favourite because it is very up to date (It lists ships from the NJO period)


Asset Tracking


EDIT: Another source is this, you'll need to click on the side bar where it says "Complete list of Star Destroyer Names"


Been a while since I've visited this site :roll:




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Guest JediIgor

Are we talking about classes, or their names?


Just to be clear, can we do something like this?


Executor.. Executor-Class

Lusankya.. Executor-Class

Iron Fist... Executor-Class


and so on? :)

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Are we talking about classes, or their names?


Just to be clear, can we do something like this?


Executor.. Executor-Class

Lusankya.. Executor-Class

Iron Fist... Executor-Class


and so on? :)


I must confess to agree with JI on this one. The Allegiance SSD that appeared in Dark Empire was simply drawn slightly wrong. A ship of a SSDs size will never be absolutely identical; they are miles and miles in leangth! All the rest is simply fan input from our sometimes over active SW community.... Anything larger than a Star Destroyer is 'Super,' sized in my book, and that's without a month's diet of McPalpatine junk food.

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The Dark Empire comic book series consisted of two volumes plus an utterly desperate and thus dreadful very thin conclusion, entitled 'Empire's End.'


Whilst the artwork was by and large masterful by Cam Kennady in the first two volumes, DEI & DEII; respect by any serious SW fan crumbled with the haste of the very thin conclusion.


I grew up up with Cam Kannedy's art work essentially in a British comic called 2000AD, where all sorts of characters emerged; Judge Dread not least. Whilst overjoyed to see his talents in a Star Wars comic, I have been horrified by how his artistic panels have been siezed upon by unthinking fanatics eager to catergerize each and everything he drew slightly wrong, with respect to what people quote as with grand authority amongst our SW community. I doubt he gives a flying **watermelon** what an Eclipse SSD really looks like any more than the pint in his hand when he's finnished his days work over the drawing board.


He gets paid.


We all argue about what's 'cannon' or not.

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I don't argue about what's cannon!




That is cannon!

History is on the move, Captain. Those who cannot keep up with it will be left behind, to watch from a distance. And those who stand in our way will not watch at all.

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That may be cannon. :lol:


But our Imperium has more sinister weapons:



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