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Well, what else COULD we have? I can't really think of many other units, and they were fairly well balenced in the game.

Elvismiggell. Strike me down and i will become more powerful than you can ever imagine...


Nu kyr'adyc, shi taab'echaaj'la

Not gone, merely marching far away

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Okay, gonna answer my own question, because as soon as i wrote it i though, well duh!!!


The Imps need a clone unit, obviously, so cloned Stormies or something, increase everything apart from bombardment defence to reflect their superior thinking and bravery.


The Rebs should get Lando's war droids, i know they don't come until much later, but look at what we're wanting to do with ships. Troops will develop over time too, especially if there's a need for them. Droid troopers would be mean sonsabitches, probably better than Dark Troopers, equal to clone troopers probably.

Elvismiggell. Strike me down and i will become more powerful than you can ever imagine...


Nu kyr'adyc, shi taab'echaaj'la

Not gone, merely marching far away

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Guest JediIgor

Elegos: Venix and I have talked the Imperial list over, and here's what we came up with (a lot earlier btw, but mostly the same as yours).


We are going to change the pics for all of them, btw, ;)


Cloned Stormtrooper Regiment

Navy Trooper Regiment (not sure about this one??)

Army Regiment (add mt-at, at-pt pics)

War Droid Regiment (from DE)

Dark Trooper MkIII Regiment (the ones from DF, researched once again.. not a prototype)


A response to Elvis's comments.. I doubt we are including anything NJO in the TC (except for the galaxy map in the books, ;)). The reason for this, the game will probably not span 20 years, or even if it does, you'll be done researching everything before then. So now Lando's Droid troopers, sorry.


Also, I don't know which Dark Troopers you are referring to (good job LEC.. you screwed it up) -- I think there are two kinds: the elite stormtroopers, and the droid stormtroopers. Anyhow, the MkIII can be worn as an exosuit or can be operated independently. Imagine putting a royal guard in there.. mwahahaha. :D. Also, Lando's droids were made specifically to counter the Yuuzhan Vong weaponry, and not the standard weaponry of the pre-Vong galaxy. So we can't really know how well they will fare against good ol' blasters. :?


Also, you may have all noticed as well, but this list looks exactly like the one in the game.. anyone have any troop ideas people? (no jedi knights, we're not including them, no way ;))

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Hmm, I like it. There is a completely different approach, though. John M. Stone (the guy who made the first Rebellion TC called the 'Special Edition' used Light, Medium, Heavy and Assault regiments together with an elite unit (like Jedi Knights or World Deavastators). The cards actually described how ech unit was formed. Interesting stuff.

It's all hopeless but otherwise not very dramatic. - Helme Haffax


Englishman: "What do you think of Modern Civilization?"

Mahatma Gandhi: "That would be a good idea."

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  • SWR Staff - Executive
Err.. I'll have to date it, but I doubt it was the first TC out there. Granted that it is one of the most complete in terms of changes and such.. oh well, will never match up to EW's Clone Wars TC :)


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OK, so it was the first real TC stupid me became aware of... :) Had fun with that for weeks...

It's all hopeless but otherwise not very dramatic. - Helme Haffax


Englishman: "What do you think of Modern Civilization?"

Mahatma Gandhi: "That would be a good idea."

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Ah, the age old Dark Trooper question. I'd go with Stage I and II, and probably III.


If i remember, I was basically a Stormie with slightly different looking armour and some sort of backpack and a better blaster.


II was a much heavier Stormie with a basic exoskeleton that supported more weapons, ended up looking like a Stormtrooper come Terminator.


III was supposed to be about 8feet tall, very heavy, looked like something out of Warhammer 40k, jetpack, rocket launcher, laser cannon, the whoole kaboodle.

Elvismiggell. Strike me down and i will become more powerful than you can ever imagine...


Nu kyr'adyc, shi taab'echaaj'la

Not gone, merely marching far away

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In which case, assuming you want the Dark Trooper to be the strongest Imp unit, you want Phase III

Elvismiggell. Strike me down and i will become more powerful than you can ever imagine...


Nu kyr'adyc, shi taab'echaaj'la

Not gone, merely marching far away

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Guest JediIgor
Ah, the age old Dark Trooper question. I'd go with Stage I and II, and probably III.


If i remember, I was basically a Stormie with slightly different looking armour and some sort of backpack and a better blaster.


II was a much heavier Stormie with a basic exoskeleton that supported more weapons, ended up looking like a Stormtrooper come Terminator.


III was supposed to be about 8feet tall, very heavy, looked like something out of Warhammer 40k, jetpack, rocket launcher, laser cannon, the whoole kaboodle.


You're pretty much right, except that,

I and II were droids.

I looked like a droid skeleton.

II looked more like a stormtrooper.


III was the only one that allowed people to climb in and control it. :) Not sure about jetpacks (I think II might have it, but III definitely had it).


Source: Dark Forces

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You're more likely to be right than me, i don't have access to sources while i'm at work... :cry:

Elvismiggell. Strike me down and i will become more powerful than you can ever imagine...


Nu kyr'adyc, shi taab'echaaj'la

Not gone, merely marching far away

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Can't really have Bothans if we've still got them as spies can we, i know i know, a lot of Bathans died to get the DS II plans, i'm tired opf that argument!!! :twisted:

Elvismiggell. Strike me down and i will become more powerful than you can ever imagine...


Nu kyr'adyc, shi taab'echaaj'la

Not gone, merely marching far away

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Yeah, GO FOR BOTHAN TROOPS! Let SOME of them die in a real fight! ;)


No, just kidding.

It's all hopeless but otherwise not very dramatic. - Helme Haffax


Englishman: "What do you think of Modern Civilization?"

Mahatma Gandhi: "That would be a good idea."

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Get a slice of Bothan Troops, too.




But do we really want to make troops determined by species?

It's all hopeless but otherwise not very dramatic. - Helme Haffax


Englishman: "What do you think of Modern Civilization?"

Mahatma Gandhi: "That would be a good idea."

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Hmmm, i guess we need to decide whether we want to go with species units, who have different capabilities, or just 'strength' units - light, medium, heavy. Wookies are big and strong, and make good offensive troops, calamari are intelligent and slower, but would make great defensive troops etc.


Thoughts please.


Elvismiggell. Strike me down and i will become more powerful than you can ever imagine...


Nu kyr'adyc, shi taab'echaaj'la

Not gone, merely marching far away

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What about the Mono Tank, or the Chariot LAV for the NR (the latter was named in the Thrawn books) :?:




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Regular Division

Walker Division

Clone Stormtrooper Division

Dark Trooper Division

Advanced Dark Trooper Division or Recon Division


New Republic:


Regular Division

Defence Turrets

Veteran Division

Mechanized Division (heavy vehicles) or Sullustian (maybe bothan) Division

Wookie Division

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Sorry to be a pain, but most of them are fairly obvious, but others aren't in terms of where their strengths lie. Could you elaborate, which are supposed to be strong in defence, which in offence, and which are supposed to be general all-rounders.


Thanks in advance.

Elvismiggell. Strike me down and i will become more powerful than you can ever imagine...


Nu kyr'adyc, shi taab'echaaj'la

Not gone, merely marching far away

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Sorry it was an ill-advised idea.



Regular infantry: cheap, acts mainly as security force, far better in defensive situations. (Picture of the naval trooper.)

Stormtrooper: Better in all aspect, sligthly even better in attack since they cause fear. Production costs more than in Rebellion because they are rare.

Clone stormtrooper: (Researchable) Similar to the stormtrooper, far cheaper to produce (maintenance is the same), sligthly lowered detection rating.

Tank droid: (Researchable) [or walkers already researched] High costs and the highest attack (and at least good defence) rating, but poor bombardment defense (since they are large targets) and detection.

Advanced perimeter defence: (Researchable) Just some little toys they have found on Wayland. No attack, high defence, low maintenance, medium bombardment and detection.


New Republic:

Local security: Similar to the imperial regular infantry, sligthly cheaper to produce.

Wookies: (Researchable) I think their high individualism and lack of self-control (as stated by Khabarakh) make them less than ideal attack but a great defensive force.

Veteran trooper: Similar to the stormtrooper but cheaper and lacks the attack bonus of its counterpart.

Advanced airspeeder: (Researchable) Expensive but has a very high bombardment defense and at least medium detection. Sligthly better attack rating.

Captured walkers: (Researchable) Just for fun. :D

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There should be AT-ATs and AT-STs for the Imps in my opinion. Even if they just appear in some pictures.




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They could be a "Mechanized Infantry Division". I agree with mask, what would the Imps be without AT-ATs?

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And they should be really fearsome, like in the movies, and not crappy like the army regiment in Rebellion.

It's all hopeless but otherwise not very dramatic. - Helme Haffax


Englishman: "What do you think of Modern Civilization?"

Mahatma Gandhi: "That would be a good idea."

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