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XvT Flight School


The best Star Wars flight sim?  

5 members have voted

  1. 1. The best Star Wars flight sim?

    • X-wing
    • Tie Fighter
    • XvT
    • XWA
    • Rogue Squadron
    • Battle for Naboo

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Okay, i have just aquired the Xwing vs Tie Fighter Collecters set, X-wing, Tie fighter, and XvT Flight School.


Now in the manual it says that i need a different version of XvT to play Balane of Power. Is this true? Which version do i need to get?


Any ideas?

Elvismiggell. Strike me down and i will become more powerful than you can ever imagine...


Nu kyr'adyc, shi taab'echaaj'la

Not gone, merely marching far away

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  • SWR Staff - Executive

You need to get the full version of X-Wing Vs. Tie Fighter. XvT: Flight School is just a demo version of the game that is packaged with X-Wing and Tie Fighter.


Personally, I loved X-Wing the most. Since my joystick broke, I haven't played an XvT or BOP. Haven't bothered to get XWA, but oh well.


And Battle for Naboo shouldn't be on this vote at all. It suxs as a flight sim.


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I have Xvt too, I bought it with the LucasArts Archives VOl. 4. As Evaders says it's only the demo version.

I actually never liked it. :x

I acquired it after having bought XWA, so tehre was not much of interest for me there. IT pales in comparison to the skirmish missions in XWA with custom OPTs.

While I dislike XvT, I do like TIE Fighter, and X-WIng and still play them. :lol:

In X-Wing I'm still struggling to finish at least one battle. :evil:

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Well , i haven't played enough of Tie Fighter yet to judge, or Xwing for that matter.


XWA is superb, especially being able to design whole Battles, and being able to fly an Ewing, IF, you can find an opt that works. :x


So what's not on the demo version of XvT?

Elvismiggell. Strike me down and i will become more powerful than you can ever imagine...


Nu kyr'adyc, shi taab'echaaj'la

Not gone, merely marching far away

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XWA rules, fly E-Wings, Hapan Fighters, Phantoms, Chiss Claw Fighters, Clutches, Sun Crusher, even Katarn's ships, then include ships like Calrissian's Shieldships, and blow them up.

as to XvT I never bothered much with it, I guess it includes only few mission for each side.

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Another question, in BoP, can you fly the missions alone, with only AI for company, because i can't play online at the moment.

Elvismiggell. Strike me down and i will become more powerful than you can ever imagine...


Nu kyr'adyc, shi taab'echaaj'la

Not gone, merely marching far away

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Guest JediIgor

XWA was quite disappointing to me.. They forgot to include the E-Wings! :x


Also, in the movies, it seems Lando was flying the Milennium Falcon in the RotJ battle.. in the game, it was some other dude.


What I am really hoping for is that they will make a new sim (for the love of god, Imperial this time around.. or even better, both! :D) which will not include made-up characters, but maybe Rogue Squadron or the 181st.


I mean a sim, and not that "Rogue Squadron" style (crap) they have been releasing for the past few years.


Has anyone played Indepence War II? That was a REALLY good sim; you could even accelerate indefinitely because that is how it is in space... the problem is just decelerating :D.

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Now that's a sweet dream...I would be pleased if the tactical game in Reb would offer more options. Like ramming enemy ship or self destructing them just right under the Impstar's belly. Or somethign like Marg Sabl or other known maneuvers.... That's sweet dreaming again...


I liked XWA because of the graphics, the sotryline turned quite disappointing at the end. Igor: there are pathces to correct the last battle, you fly an X-Wing and not the falcon. As for the missing X-Wings, well you just look for the OPTs and put them in the game...

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That would be cool, make one of the options to ram.


I love XWA, especially the little battle i wrote for it... :twisted:


Igor: E-wings wouldn't have been in it due to the timeline, but if yoiu want i could write a Thrawn campaign for you, where the main character gets to flight test the new E-wings...?


As for multiple game types, we're headed that way in the industry at the moment, just look at Galaxies, with the space sim add on that they have planned. Give it five years, and you'll have your 'immersive universe'. Tom Clancy's Netforce Explorers is not as far away as we might think in many ways...... ;)

Elvismiggell. Strike me down and i will become more powerful than you can ever imagine...


Nu kyr'adyc, shi taab'echaaj'la

Not gone, merely marching far away

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Guest JediIgor
That would be cool, make one of the options to ram.


I love XWA, especially the little battle i wrote for it... :twisted:


Igor: E-wings wouldn't have been in it due to the timeline, but if yoiu want i could write a Thrawn campaign for you, where the main character gets to flight test the new E-wings...?


As for multiple game types, we're headed that way in the industry at the moment, just look at Galaxies, with the space sim add on that they have planned. Give it five years, and you'll have your 'immersive universe'. Tom Clancy's Netforce Explorers is not as far away as we might think in many ways...... ;)


I know that it is out of date in the timeline the campaign was taking place.. but they could've included it anyways!! So we could play it in the Skirmish.. geez.


Did I mention the skirmish was pretty stupid in itself? What I think they should do is let you play scenarios like in XvT, but if you don't have one of the scenarios, you should be able to download it ala StarCraft.


Imagine playing a whole campaign online! :D

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Sweet. I seem to remember that you can have real gunners in the turrets online, but can you not fly different ships in the game missions? i.e. do a single player mission in a co-op mode. How cool would that be? -rhetorical btw.

Elvismiggell. Strike me down and i will become more powerful than you can ever imagine...


Nu kyr'adyc, shi taab'echaaj'la

Not gone, merely marching far away

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