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:arrow: I am replayng it and I like it very much anymore fans around ?! Who can drop me a link to the Freelancer Moding tools ? There are any ?



:arrow: I think you all should try this game it is made by Microsoft and works perfectly on Windows :wink: it is a space-simulator-adventure-trade-hudge galaxy-excelent graphics...game :D

- The Trivium Organization - Community Manager -

- Petroglyph Fan Forums - CoAdmin & Human Resources Manager -

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I've played Freelancer - great game! Graphics are awesome and surprisingly it has a great storyline as well. The real fun is in multiplayer - though those games are hard to get going.


Hey Cain, did you ever find the Corsair's and Outcast's bases? If you havn't, you should keep looking until you do! Unbelievable! Really great twists there, and hidden jump holes! I wont say more or it'll spoil it - though if there's an end to the game (because after you finish the campaign you can still keep playing as a freelancer taking on contracts) it's when you find these areas - well, that's my opinion at least :wink:




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There are a lot of mods out there for the game, including one that replaces all of the Liberty (American) military hsips with Imperial ships, and allows you to buy X-Wings, TIE FIghters, TIE Interceptors, Jedi Starfighters, the Slave I, the Millenium Falcon, A-Wings, B-Wings, and much more. Checkout Lancers Reactor.


I'll have to reinstall the game as I wasn't able to connect to multiplayer games. You'll have to get the Freelancer Mod Manager to use any of the mods, but it's simple enough to use.


EDIT:There is a mod for Freelancer, called Free Worls, which replaces the Freelancer galaxy in MP with a SW one. It also replaces the ships/weapons with SW universe stuff. If we have enough people, we can start a server up that uses this mod. Could be fun!

History is on the move, Captain. Those who cannot keep up with it will be left behind, to watch from a distance. And those who stand in our way will not watch at all.

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:arrow: Thanks :) the game is very cool and runs extremly well ....btw I don't know why it is so hudge ?! I first finished the game with only discovering half of the galaxy...



:arrow: BTW I like the game ideea to have two main storyes one after the other in one game :) that is super cool ..... I think firest thime I play it 30 hours or something until the end.



:arrow: Anyway the best transport ship is the one from Liberty Hackers and the best figther is somewere on a far hidden planet in a Corsair base. The best way to make money is to steal goods from cargos (destroy/beam/flee). I go before the problematic mission (on Manhattan) when you first fight against the Liberty Military ..... I go on the Huston planet with the main armed transport ship (80 cargo space) and then raid good cargos at the Huston-Hadson jumpgate then I take the trade-lane seel them all on Huston save-load and go back there doing the same thing(I made 300.000$this way).....after that I go to the Junkers secret base in that system and I improve my relations with the Liberty Rouges... then I do the damn mission who will put all the Liberty army and police against you :( [bTW the best fighter in Liberty is the Corsair on a liberty secert rouge base in the asteroid field)


:arrow: I am courious if they will make a Freelancer 2 ?!



:arrow: Krytos I find that bases on the half of the Galaxy map where you actualy don't pass in the storyline...as I said the Corsairs have the best fighter. Btw I have no clue why they made all that personalizated bases if you never see them in game ?!.....man it is realy enough space out there.

I am puzzled why I can't buy large transport or buy my own base and manage my own trade like in a trade sim....or why I can't buy large spaceships ?!.....I will love to realy make an impact in that space with diplomacy and the rest....hey Rebellion like :idea::wink:

- The Trivium Organization - Community Manager -

- Petroglyph Fan Forums - CoAdmin & Human Resources Manager -

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Well, there are two mods that solve that problem. one allows all ships to be purchaised, including capitol ships. This makes the game a lot harder, though, as fighter weapons were improved to allow them to counter capitol ships. the cap ships are quite exspensive, too. The Rhineland Battleship is 30,000,000 credits, and that's without shielding or weapons. The weapons are around 1,000,000 credits each, with room for about 12.

The second mod is the one I mentioned above. It adds SW ships, and allows you to buy SW cap ships from what I understand. There are two problems with the mod, though. First is that the trade lanes were removed, so you have to use your cruise engines to get around. Second is that, until the next release, there are only four sectors. BTW, it is set in the New Republic era. I'll take some screens later and post them.

History is on the move, Captain. Those who cannot keep up with it will be left behind, to watch from a distance. And those who stand in our way will not watch at all.

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:arrow: It is far more better than X2 the threat and works way faster....btw i will love to have that mod for cap ships...any links around ?!

- The Trivium Organization - Community Manager -

- Petroglyph Fan Forums - CoAdmin & Human Resources Manager -

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There is one newer mod that adds 75 new ships, including SW universe ships, as well as making the capitol ships buildable. Here is the link. It's a big download, 90meg, and there is something in their instructions about deleting your Freelancer folder and then reinstalling before installing the mod, but I'm a little wary of doing that, so I just did it the old fashoin way. Be sure to grab the Freelancer Mod Manager v1.31 before you download the mod.

History is on the move, Captain. Those who cannot keep up with it will be left behind, to watch from a distance. And those who stand in our way will not watch at all.

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:arrow: Yhanks ..as soon I get my hans on a fast connection I will download it ....btw can you manage factions also ? employ pilots or a wingman ?

- The Trivium Organization - Community Manager -

- Petroglyph Fan Forums - CoAdmin & Human Resources Manager -

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Those are some of the few features missing from the game. Wingmen tend to act of their own accord, and managing factions is basically done by getting on their good side.

The 90 meg mod also adds a lot more weapons and sectors. I did have trouble deactivating it, so I had to uninstall Freelancer and the Mod Manager. I'm looking for another mod that was much smaller that also added capitol ships.

History is on the move, Captain. Those who cannot keep up with it will be left behind, to watch from a distance. And those who stand in our way will not watch at all.

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Hey this game sounds kinda cool.

1)Does any one here know where I might be able to Buy or Download this game?


2)Also how old is the game?


3)And how big is it?

-"The major is a good man means well and works hard. Undortunatly, he would not be able to get a clue if he went out into a field full of horny clues during clue mating season , smeared his naked body with clue musk, and danced the ritual clue mating dance."-


-"Now there's an image I'd really have preferred you'd kept to yourself."-

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1. Well, just visit your nearest electronics retailer. It's a Microsoft game, so it'll probably be on the shelves for a long time to come. If that doesn't work, check Microsoft's website and see if you can order it from them.


2. The game was released in 2003, but I must admit that the graphics are better than one would imagine. Think of it as Homeworld 2 in a flightsim, only better graphics.


3. It's no larger than most games today, aaround 1.5-2 gig, plus whatever mods and whatnot you may feel the need to get.

History is on the move, Captain. Those who cannot keep up with it will be left behind, to watch from a distance. And those who stand in our way will not watch at all.

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:arrow: About Freelancer now ...I can find the way to triger the second story ...?!? ...I defeated the nomads but I remember that there is a second story anyway it was when I first played the game...hmmm...maybe is cause I have a class 10 ship and max level ?



:arrow: Also how you will land a cap ship on a planet ?!

- The Trivium Organization - Community Manager -

- Petroglyph Fan Forums - CoAdmin & Human Resources Manager -

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I'm not sure about a second story line. I thought there was one, but I've never been able to activate it.


In the capitol ship mod they've removed the docking rings and replaced them with "ghost" docking rings. Basically, you target the planet and it just enters the atmosphere, but doesn't burn up. For space stations, you attach to a docking ring.

History is on the move, Captain. Those who cannot keep up with it will be left behind, to watch from a distance. And those who stand in our way will not watch at all.

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Ah, privateer - now there was a game!


It's been years since I played it - but I still remember it as an awesome game. Probably the first game where the player buys different ships and gets to upgrade their ship.


The closest game I've ever come to playing, that reminded me of Privateer, was Tacyon the Fringe. That too was a great game!


P.S. Was it me, or was the voice of the main character in Tacyon Bruce Cambell?




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Guest Scathane
The closest game I've ever come to playing, that reminded me of Privateer, was Tacyon the Fringe. That too was a great game!
Never heard of it... Care to tell us about it?
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Was it me, or was the voice of the main character in Tacyon Bruce Cambell?


Yup, that's right, he was.


Tachyon's my second favourite space sim, right after Freespace2, btw.


You asked for Tachyon, you get a review :D (har, har) : You play Jake Logan, contract pilot who works for a Sol space mining company who, unfortunately, has been sentenced to exile for blowing up a space hospital, though he's innocent. So he tries to make a living in the Fringe (unclaimed space, where laws aren't enforced) as contracter.


You get to choose between two sides, the Bora colonists, and the GalSpan corporation trying to drive them away. You get a list of missions at several different starbases which you mostly can choose to do in any order. Missions vary very much, you get the standard assault and defend missions, you'll deliver stuff, look for stuff in specific sectors, etc.

Interesting thing is, as freelance contracter you'll get jobs from everyone around beside the side you work for. You'll get hired by the local police force, by power-hungry "asteroid barons", by gamblers, scientists, etc; you can be a fighter in an arena, too.


Graphics are pretty good for its age, especially the HUGE space stations, and ship designs are pretty. You can buy several fighters from light interceptors to heavy assault fighters and outfit them with many different systems and weapons. And you can hire wingmen, too. Some wingmen will only be available by completing missions, some will decide the outcome of missions.


Oh, and the dialogue and voice-acting are pretty cool, too.


Have some screenies:

GalSpan Orion fighter using a Tachyon Jump Gate

GalSpan Poseidon multirole bomber

GalSpan Cruiser in front of New Vegas casino starbase

Bora Cruiser

Medical Frigate

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