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Things that should(n't) be in Episode III

Guest Scathane

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Guest Scathane

I would like to make a nice long list of things we know should or shouldn't be in Episode III by things said and/or done in the other movies. For instance:


In ESB, just after Lukes departure for Bespin, Kenobi's spirit says That boy's our last hope. Yoda replies to this with No, there is another. In effect, this means that Kenobi didn't know that Padmé had twins...


Anyone else has some of these? I'll label the one mentioned above as number 1.

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Just to point out, in RotJ Kenobi goes on to tell Luke how he has a twin sister. Maybe he didn't think she was strong enough in the force to be considred a "hope".




Jar Jar (well, if he's going to be annoying)

Lame attempts at jokes by C-3PO




Real Stormtroopers, and lots of them!

More Royal Guards (I know I get my wish on this one)

Some VSDs so we can see Lucas's take on them

Imperial Officers, mostly ones we know from the EU, but Trej's idea of Tarkin sounds good too.

The destruction of all the Jedi. Not sure if (or how) Lucas will fit this into two hours.

Darth Vader, resplendant in his black armor.

A sceen where Yoda is forced to flee, then we can watch im build his little hut and laugh at him.

History is on the move, Captain. Those who cannot keep up with it will be left behind, to watch from a distance. And those who stand in our way will not watch at all.

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Guest Scathane

You guys are T-O-T-A-L-L-Y missing the point. I mean things that should or shouldn't be in there as a consequence of things said or done in any of the other movies! Sjeez! I thought the example made that quite clear... but no! So, I'll try again:


In ESB, just after Lukes departure for Bespin, Kenobi's spirit says That boy's our last hope. Yoda replies to this with No, there is another. In effect, this means that Kenobi didn't know that Padmé had twins... SOOOHOOO, Kenobi and the Skywalker twins therefore cannot be in one and the same shot in Episode III!


Capice? I hope?



  Grand_Admiral_Thrawn said:
Just to point out, in RotJ Kenobi goes on to tell Luke how he has a twin sister. Maybe he didn't think she was strong enough in the force to be considred a "hope".
Well, since the conversation between Yoda and Kenobi's spirit probably isn't finished to leave the viewer in suspense, I think that it's safe to presume that Yoda told him by the time RotJ was happening...
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Any who, ifthere is a scene where Palpatine assumes complete control than that's wrong. We all know that doesn't really happen until ANH (when he dissolves the senate).


Also, Anakin can't be a a scene with Leia since he didn't know if her existence. He can be in one with Luke though.


Padme can't die at the end of the movie. Leia has to live with here for a year or two, otherwise how would she remember her mother?


Something just occurred to me. Why wouldn't Vader think of looking on Tatooine for Luke or Leia after they were hidden from him? If that is where he grew up, and where the only remnants of his family live, you'd think that would be the logical place to look... unless he didn't want to be a father. Maybe he as afraid of children. Do you think he had to pay alamony?

History is on the move, Captain. Those who cannot keep up with it will be left behind, to watch from a distance. And those who stand in our way will not watch at all.

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  • SWR Staff - Executive
I expect that Vader never wanted to go back to Tatooine, esp after the death of his mother. Too bad of memories.


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  Grand_Admiral_Thrawn said:
Do you think he had to pay alamony?


What lawyer in the galaxy would have a big enough set of clackers to demand that Vader pay the wife of his children alimony?

I once knew a great man. Nothing got to him, and he always smiled. May he forever rest in peace, knowing fully well that his freinds shall remember him.
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  BadSamaritan said:
What lawyer in the galaxy would have a big enough set of clackers to demand that Vader pay the wife of his children alimony?


Gloria Allred! :lol:

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Well, I guess you would have to have whoever is killing the jedi to think they killed yoda. I mean, who could let a jedi master as strong as him just get away? they'd think they'd have killed him and he'd flee.

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Well, there isn't a really a big gap between Episode III and ANH (not by governmental standards anyhow), so they may have been aware he was out there, just not where he was. The destruction of one Jedi, even one as strong as Yoda, would pale in comparison to stabilizing your government.

History is on the move, Captain. Those who cannot keep up with it will be left behind, to watch from a distance. And those who stand in our way will not watch at all.

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That might have been possible, but remember, since Palpatine was in charge of the cloning facilities, he would have known about such a plot by the two jedi.

History is on the move, Captain. Those who cannot keep up with it will be left behind, to watch from a distance. And those who stand in our way will not watch at all.

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Guest Scathane

Now we're talking!


  Grand_Admiral_Thrawn said:
Any who, ifthere is a scene where Palpatine assumes complete control than that's wrong. We all know that doesn't really happen until ANH (when he dissolves the senate).
Good point! That's number 2.


Also, Anakin can't be a a scene with Leia since he didn't know if her existence.
Point 3.


He can be in one with Luke though.
Can he?


Padme can't die at the end of the movie. Leia has to live with here for a year or two, otherwise how would she remember her mother?
Either that or the movie has to flash forward several years.


Something just occurred to me. Why wouldn't Vader think of looking on Tatooine for Luke or Leia after they were hidden from him? If that is where he grew up, and where the only remnants of his family live, you'd think that would be the logical place to look... unless he didn't want to be a father. Maybe he as afraid of children. Do you think he had to pay alamony?
That's a returning point of debate (I thought starwars.com's Jedi Council had given an answer to this but I can't seem to find it; it had something to do with Anakin's mind being sort of wiped when he became Vader. This could go for the twin stuff with him as well...
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It would explain several things...why he could meet his daughter without knowing he had one, how he could see a droid he made and not recall. The idea of him being traumatized by Tatooine though does have some merit too, as I don't think he's ever shown going down to the planet itself during the original trilogy. This would provide a strong enough reason for Kenobi to have choosen it as a hiding place for himself and Luke.
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  Shadow_of_Thrawn said:
It would explain several things...why he could meet his daughter without knowing he had one, how he could see a droid he made and not recall.


Actually, in the DVD release of the trillogy there is now a scene where Vader tells some stormtroopers to give C-3PO to Chewie so he can rebuild him, assumingly out of nostalgia.


As for Vader's memory wipe, I guess it has something to do with the final battle between him and Obi-Wan.

History is on the move, Captain. Those who cannot keep up with it will be left behind, to watch from a distance. And those who stand in our way will not watch at all.

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Guest Scathane

No my joke module is not deficient. You guys just don't make funny jokes, i.e., no jokes at all! :twisted:


BTW, the computers I talk are only considered strange by Goldenrod...

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