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Something about Star Wars NJO Novels?


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Who said Fett would lead it?


As for them getting that large without being detected, the Yevetha turned into a threat without being noticed.


And besides, didnt the Mandalorians have a secret homeworld or something?

I once knew a great man. Nothing got to him, and he always smiled. May he forever rest in peace, knowing fully well that his freinds shall remember him.
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The old republic never saw it coming, and the Mandalorians werent a large force to begin with. And the still gave the OR a run for their money.
I once knew a great man. Nothing got to him, and he always smiled. May he forever rest in peace, knowing fully well that his freinds shall remember him.
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Guest Admiral_Antilles
Darkie, they have had decades to rebuild and train and huge areas to hide in the Unknown Regions. Who could say that they might come back. It would be a great addition to the SW universe and give us a better glimpse into the mysterious race of Mandalorians.
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There have always been Mandalorians in the galaxy, they were just scattered, and not many people knew abotu them. Boba was just famous.


Boba may not even know about a Mandalorian buildup, he just may have gathered all the Mandalorians he knew about to help fight the Vong.

I once knew a great man. Nothing got to him, and he always smiled. May he forever rest in peace, knowing fully well that his freinds shall remember him.
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Guest Admiral_Antilles
Why not? Perhaps he just found and hired his own mercenary team. His involvment in TUF does not mean he is apart of or affiliated withe the 'new' mandalorian war machine if there even is.
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You dont see them as the type? Who does? But then, we dont exactly know a whole lot about them.
I once knew a great man. Nothing got to him, and he always smiled. May he forever rest in peace, knowing fully well that his freinds shall remember him.
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It definatly would be intresting, I just don't see them being able to raise the kind of army to conquer the galaxy. Millions upon millions of Mandalorians with a huge fleet agaisnt the whole galaxy? Doesn't sounds likely, but.... :)
Sweat saves blood-Erwin Rommel
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Guest Admiral_Antilles
Well it may not take as many mandalorians to conquer the Galaxy, as say normal humans. Plus as I noted before they have had decades to prepare themselves, they are a very powerful, highly disciplined and trained people. They have even taken Jedi head on and have beaten them back. I must say that they could do it.
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True, they are superior to most the galaxy has, but they never had much of a fleet. How would they build such a huge one and find crews? Not to mention the GFFA would have billions of soldiers. No matter how powerful the Mandaloirans were 1 on 1 how could they fight 1 on 1,000?
Sweat saves blood-Erwin Rommel
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It would be a tough fight for the mandalorians, but i think that if anyone could do it against those odds, they could.
I once knew a great man. Nothing got to him, and he always smiled. May he forever rest in peace, knowing fully well that his freinds shall remember him.
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Well I think eventually...I have no idea when, but Timothy Zahn's unknown enemy will come storming out of the Unknown regions, considering Thrawn said that if the rest fo the galaxy was united and he was the head, they still couldn't be certain of victory...


I'm thinking thats where Star Wars is heading, a massive invasion from the unknown regions. In my mind the Vong weren't nearly as big a threat as the one Zahn talks about, just look at all the screw ups in the New Republic Command structure early on, and the fact that the Empire of the Hand barely participated in the war. There has to be something out there thats worse then the vong and that would make a great new series for Star Wars to go on.


On Topic: I heard that when the NJO was first proposed the writers were planning on killing of Luke early on in the series. George Lucas himself vetoed that idea...

Edited by Stellar_Magic

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Good Old Georgie forbid them to kill Luke, so SKywalker will most likely die when 900 years he reaches, and not good he will look.


There will be funeral? I don't think any of the major characters are in danger, but Wedge, Corran, Tahiri, Mara (?) are in danger ... Let's just wait. :D

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Considering it was dumb luck that let them beat the Vong, its going to be intersting to see how they deal with a threat that gave Thrawn the chills.
I once knew a great man. Nothing got to him, and he always smiled. May he forever rest in peace, knowing fully well that his freinds shall remember him.
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well on the mandalorian subject, anyone who has played KOTOR might remember that the mandalorians were outnumbered by quite a bit during the mandalorian war. And that game took place over 4000 years before the movies, so thay've had MILENIA (is that spelled right, idk) to rebuild.


And on the topic about the unkown regions, i don't think they'll have anything come from there, idk why, call it a hunch, i think instead they'll keep coming out with books about the outbound flight project (i know zahn is writing a few, i think one already came out, even though it's only in hardcover right now)


But my personal opinion is based on the NJO series name.... the NEW JEDI order, i think it was kind of a way for them to pass the tourch as it wer, to let the next generation have it's own probelms, i think that eventualy the galactic alliance might change and fall (I'm sorry if this is long winded but I've been thinking about this since i read the last NJO book and i've come up with alot of ideas) ---- but if you remember in KOTOR the old jedi (can't remember his name, but he was the one you find on Kashyyk) said that if the sith won, the galaxie would be in a bad position for a few centuries, but eventually would change, i think that they are trying to apply this philosophy in a way. but i'd say that the people who have the best chance of being the new "enemy" are the sith, if you think about it, it makes perfect sense, luke lets any of his jedi just leave, and he trained over 100 successuflly, how many left? Out of his first 12, what was it 2 died (or maybe 1 i can't remember) and Kyp almost fell to the dark side. so there's bound to be someone out there plotting against them.


And in conclusion (yeah finaly) there is evidence to support the fact that the EU will be around for a long time....

1.) Jania and Fel relationship --- there gonna expand on it and you know it

2.) Ben --- HE DID NOTHING DURING THE WHOLE VONG INVASION --- i thought that he would somehow be important to stopping him, but he wasn't and i don't think that they would just come up with him for no reason

3.) Jacen and Danni --- You know that they got something going, expecialy if you read the NJO books after traitor

and last of all....

4.) ....ummm..... i got nothin, it's 1 o'clock and i have a head ache, it's a mirracle i wrote this much, but maybe this got someone thinking...

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While I'm not sure what it will be composed of, the EU will continue for as long as it makes money for Lucas Books. If they're going to be successful, they'll have to be creative obviously, but that's been true since Zahn wrote his first Thrawn novel. Did anyone envision Thwrawn or the Noghri right after ROTJ came out? Did anyone really see the Vong coming? There are a lot of possibilities out there, even with what we already know about...the Chiss, the Vong on Zonama Sekot (something will be written with them reconnecting with the force, maybe the first Vong Jedi?). And that's just some of the obvious stuff and ignores the fact that most of the other EU works were essentially created out of thin air, with only major characters, like Luke and Leia taken from the stories. Like I said, as long as people keep buying, lucas books will keep publishing.
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