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Who thinks Lord of the Ring is the best film ever made?


Do you find Lord of the Ring the best film ever, if no, is it Star Wars  

13 members have voted

  1. 1. Do you find Lord of the Ring the best film ever, if no, is it Star Wars

    • Yes
    • No, it is SW Episode 1
    • No, it is SW Episode 2
    • No, it is SW Episode 4
    • No, it is SW Episode 5
    • No, it is SW Episode 6
    • No, it is an other film

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I don't know for you but I think that Lord of the Ring is the best film ever made, it is so intense and, it is just so damn good, it should be put in a museum in the future for best film ever made. I know, you must be all fans of the SW movies and I am also one, but not at the point of knowing the films by hart. But I must say that Lord of the Ring is even better than SW. It is so complex and researched, it is a lives time story and it is the best ever. Now, being a fan of TLOTR, I haven't read the books, and I’m not intending to because I prefer keeping the film in my brain to not confuse my ideas.
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Are you mad :lol: (not talking of you Mad) LORT is much deeper than SW, it is renowned to be the biggest story ever! You know that there are a lot of book about it, and 10 times the equivalent of the books in files but the guy died before editing the all. He has written a whole history, because England hade know ledged to its own, so he decided to write it, and he did..
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Are we comparing SW books to LotR movies? Or even SW books to LotR books? OR are we comparing SW movies to LotR movies?

Because I'd do neiter of that.

Actually I don't compare SW movies to LotR books either but more than any of the other alternatives.

If anyone can tell me what I meant by that...

..tell me, 'cause I got confused in the middle of writing it.

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At the time, Star wars was big and was a great movie, but I think LoTR has far surpassed it, talking movie quality wise. Star Wars is a popcorn type movie, don't get insulted most of my favorite movies are popcorn movies, y that I mean it is really enjoyable but I don't know that there are these deeper messages, great plot or character develpement, etc. I see all of those in lord of the Rings. While I truly enjoyed Lord of the Rings and was totally impressed by it, it is also a bit intense at times.


Past that I don't feel you can compare the two because you are dealing with two different areas. Two different worlds, two different ideas. You either like the intricate depth that Tolkien gave or you like the expanded universe of Star Wars. I also think it is important to consider Tolkien wrote it all himself. Star Wars has been written by countless authors.

"You came in THAT thing? You're braver than I thought." -Princess Leia
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Yes thank you for your support Brass, very well said.

I saw the votes result and I saw that 3 people voted for an other film, may I know which one it is for these tree people? :?:

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Yes thank you for your support Brass, very well said.

I saw the votes result and I saw that 3 people voted for an other film, may I know which one it is for these tree people? :?:


You're very welcome :)

I voted for another film. And honestly I can't narrow it down to one, I think LOTR it is an excellent film and one of the best made. The time they took to detail everything down was fantastic. The plot was good, character development great, in every aspect it was an awesome film. But likewise you are comparing apples to oranges, the best comedy film ever would be totally different, best romance ever, etc. Gone with the Wind, was and still is an awesome movie, especially taking into account when it was made. Besides that I'm not great at labeling things the best, I have too many little things I like in too many movies.

It definately rates up there with on of the over all best thoroughly developed movies. Maybe I didn't answer the poll fairley and mis-read what you are asking. Not sure, I could still say it was the best. Does that make sense.

On a side not I do recommend the reading the Lord of the Rings books. Or listen to the books on tape. TF and I read through them while we were trying to get my oldest son into his own bed. It is now wonder the child has such an active imagination. TF read them many times before but while I would fight with Jacob to get him to lay down TF would read to me. They are really very enjoyable once you get past the singing. :D

"You came in THAT thing? You're braver than I thought." -Princess Leia
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I voted for 'other' as well.

Can't put a finger on a specific one, though, either.

Of all the SW films I think Ep. V was the best and the other classic two were really good as well, and I liked The Two Towers as a book and as a movie, but the other two LotR movies utterly failed to impress me as much as the books did, though they did have the proper atmosphere and were visually brilliant.

And I completely agree with Brass_Bra_Leia: The books are really worth reading, even more so as most fantasy and a lot of non-fantasy-writers had been inspired by them.

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Building off what AdmiralFishface wrote, many of the themes in Star Wars were taken from Tolkien...who, in turn, took them from other sources. :roll: Still, there is a LOT of LotR in Star Wars.


Since the subject is the movies, I voted that they (as a group) are THE best film(s) of all time. Everything about the series is a monumental breakthrough in filmmaking, from CGI Gollum (Jar-Jar who?), to filming three movies concurrently, to the intricate level of detail on the props, to the largest cavalry charge ever recorded on film. Peter Jackson's vision of Tolkien's Middle Earth is phenomenal, and while some of his 'liberties' are nerve-wracking, he actually improves upon the tale in several areas; most notable Aragorn's struggle with his heritage, the storming of Isengard, the "Passage in the Dark" (Moria), and the depictions of the Battles of Helm's Deep and Minas Tirith. Certain characters got the short shrift (Eomer, Faramir, Glorfindel, Elrond's sons, Prince Imrahil, Radagast the Brown, and Tom Bombadil to name a few of many) but PJ did a marvelous job of working in as many characters as he did without altering the story beyond recognition (although the "Xena-Arwen" was a close call!).


Contrary to what AdmiralFishface wrote, I believe "The Fellowship of the Ring" to be the best of the series, from a cinematic and emotional standpoint, yet the movies cannot really be evaluated seperately. We may never see such a masterpiece ever undertaken by Hollywood again, and indeed we shouldn't.


I would argue that LotR and it's related source material are much deeper than anything in the Star Wars universe, although SW certainly has the potential to surpass it. A creation myth, a detailed history spanning thousands of years, a cohesion of plot and characters, several complete and original languages...all created by the revolutionary mind of one man. These are areas that Star Wars cannot hope to compete in...yet. Star Wars has its history, its endless number of species, and even a few 'myths', but the fact is that it is simply so open...anything can happen, as numerous authors have demonstrated. But the SW Universe is not, at this time, as deeply vibrant, detailed and consistent as Middle Earth.

Five of the Greatest Lines in the Star Wars Trilogy :roll:;)

-"As you wish..."

-"He's no good to me dead..."

-"What if he doesn't survive? He's worth a lot to me."

-"Put Captain Solo in the Cargo Hold"



Fett's Vette

The Lyrics

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All of the SW episodes combined will be the best film ever...


I can't wait to have al 6 episodes on DVD.....and play it on my surround stereo......







"Viking Tiefighter Fly-by"

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  • 1 month later...

First it's hard to qualify LotR as a single film, it's a trilogy, although the books aren't. They are great movies with spectacular special effects, a great (and coherent, you hearing Lucas, COHERENT) plot, and good acting. . I enjoyed watching them in their original thatrical releases and their extended version.


Star Wars is composed of two trilogies (I refuse to call it a hexology, because the prequels suck), they have also great special effects, and (the original trilogy at least) a cool well-executed plot, actors well... There are some good actors and there is Hayden Cristensen (how can he be Vader!?) 8O.


Of course there are other enjoyable movies out there, and other great movies (i.e. Gladiator, In the Name of the Father).


I'd have a hard time choosing a very favorite movie, but LotR is the best in it's Genre, just as Star Wars is in its own.

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Guest Admiral_Antilles
I'd have a hard time choosing a very favorite movie, but LotR is the best in it's Genre, just as Star Wars is in its own.


I agree with, Trej, LoTR is the greatest in it's genre. But it's sort of hard to match it with SW. With them both being so different and all.

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Wasn't SW based on a samurai movie? But I thought it was The Hidden Fortress


Quite right!


Niic, the link's an easy way for peeps to see my personal choice! :)

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Guest Admiral_Antilles
I have heard good things about the Seven Samurai but I have nver personally watched it. I did however enjoy the Last Samurai. :)
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... the link's an easy way for peeps to see my personal choice! :)


:evil: Stupid video rentals around here don't have much Kurosawa (It took me an hour at looking at the video rentals's old catalogues to find one. Sanjuro, it looks interesting, I'll watch it tomorrow) . They all have the latest pirated Hollywood crap, but other than that they don't have anything :evil:


Oh well, I'll have to see... where... I ... get ... other ... movies ...


Mouse pointer accidentally clicks on the Kazaa icon

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