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My Reb 2 Revelation


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My Idea for REB 2 is relatively Simple


Starwars:Total War :D


A turn based Galactic map with RTS Space Battles using a Homeworld type engine


Yes i realise its what Reb was with better graphics BUT there are a few things i would change.


Reb RTS battles required literally NO Strategy or effort by the player

Where as i have learnered from NUMEROUS SW Homeworld multiplayer Battles, Via the EvR Sim, that a lot of the time it doesn't matter on your fleet, the commander wins the battle.


Another point that annoyed me with Rebellion was its clucky TBS interface and its predictability of battles, you knew going in whether you would win or lose all you had to do was watch, and you didn't even need to do that.


So what about it folks?

Anyone care to start a Total war TC?


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  • SWR Staff - Executive

I guess you're talking about a Homeworld mod here. While there already is a good mod for both Homeworld and Homeworld 2 (look at our forum), it is unlikely that they will be scripted for a complicated game such as Rebellion.


Rebellion is a strategy game, while Homeworld is more of a tactical game. We've had tons of suggestions for a base to start moding, but so far really no game comes close to Rebellion.


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- SW:Rebellion Network - Evaders Squadron Coding -

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:arrow: nope Evaders he was talking about a new mod made from the Total War : Shogun ; TW:the Mongol Invasion ; TW:Medieval ; And TW M the Viking Invasion ?!


:arrow: Anyway cool idea dude ....question how we will place the ships there ?


:arrow: Second...when the TW: Rome will appear on the market and what is the new strategic option stuff in it ?

- The Trivium Organization - Community Manager -

- Petroglyph Fan Forums - CoAdmin & Human Resources Manager -

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1.Unfortunately all the Total war series is not the easiest to mod


2. The Effort required to turn any of the TW into anything resembling a space game would be extremely difficult if its even possible


3: TW Rome comes out "Fall 2004" but as with any of the TW series it doesn't look mod friendly, we shall see



I have been a big Fan / Supporter of the SWNR mod by Zeelich for a long time and i still like HW better than HW2, unfortunately to make Reb 2 we need a new game from Lucas Arts ( Yeah right!), Modify an existing game on the market, or we need to create something from scratch.


Creating something from scratch is the longest and most ardous route, and the most likely to fail


Modifying an existing game depends on finding the right game and the right tools to do it, unfortunately it seems to me as if the Modding community is all into FPS right now, whats left of it that is.


Star Wars Strategy Games have never been a huge success and LucasArts is driven by $$$

Force Commander was Crap

Rebellion wasn't the best, and wasn't very popular (mainstream)


the best SW strategy i've played consists of Civ 2 Scenarios, and the Empire vs Republic Sim created by Bern (i would link to the Forums but TGU is down)

the former being only vs CPU and the latter being only online with 1 turn per day.


Darth knows of EvR, all we need is Rgreat or another codder to make up a similar Application with AI and we may have some freeware that beats anything LucasArts has thought of.

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The TGU is up now.....I gues :? ...the link pls.

- The Trivium Organization - Community Manager -

- Petroglyph Fan Forums - CoAdmin & Human Resources Manager -

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But the thing is... with all the new rage for strategy and simulation games... there really IS a market for a new Star Wars game in that vein. LucasArts only have to look at the dwindling sales of JKIII to see that they're pushing a broken formula now... they need to trty something new for offline gamers... RTS IS the way to go!!!

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Yeah... the problem with the JK series is... the characters are old.. .the story is dead... doing what they did with Rogue Squadron isn't going to work... they're trying to flog a dead horse here.


But they don't listen!!!

Elvismiggell. Strike me down and i will become more powerful than you can ever imagine...


Nu kyr'adyc, shi taab'echaaj'la

Not gone, merely marching far away

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