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Bugs and Gameplay issues


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  • SWR Staff - Executive
Yes, the Rebels do have an Imperator SD they can build. I believe this was intentional.


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Fighting is terrible, but not as terrible as losing the will to fight.

- SW:Rebellion Network - Evaders Squadron Coding -

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I believe the AI has been fixed for i have gone against both rebels and empire both building large fleets the difficulty was on hard and not expert also.... I also think the tactics order to evasive is working correctly because not many people would just sit there and get shot do you agree? anyway still need to play more and i love the new improvements wasn't expecting them, nice surprise :D
No Archibald you cannot fly me home! Especially because that which you are sitting in is a tin foil covered, card board box.
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i agree storm but my thing is when i play on a small map i dont want my destroyers engaging, sometimes i like to let the enemy come to me. i also dont like that if one ship gets shot at, my entire fleet moves to destroy that one fighter squad or corvette either.
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I'm not sure if this is anything the Eville has added i remember having the same problem on the original HW2 however when Eville feels it is necessary he may be able to change this but i'm not sure. For now it's probably best to say that if you want that type of battle try playing with a human opponant that way you may be able to eliminate some of the downfalls playing against a CPU has.
No Archibald you cannot fly me home! Especially because that which you are sitting in is a tin foil covered, card board box.
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Hey, EJ, do you think that you could do something about the expert and hard AI? Whenever I come in to conquer their base, they have built umpteen fighter bases. They have no firepower, so they can't be very useful, but they are annoying (they take FOREVER to kill). The AI seems to concentrate a bit too much on building smaller craft: ie. they get up to a couple of MC-80's and a bunch of frigates and corvettes when my destroyer fleet arrives. They aren't really bugs, just annoyances. Thanks for all of your hard work, EJ. Peace out.
"Those who say that anything is possible have obviously never tried to slam a revolving door."
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I think that might be a remnant of regular gameplay with Homeworld2. I know that the AI focussed alot on smaller craft, especially fighters and corvettes because they had alot more punch against larger craft in regular Homeworld2, whic is not the case in Warlords. You might have to completely redo the AI to get them to change their ways.

History is on the move, Captain. Those who cannot keep up with it will be left behind, to watch from a distance. And those who stand in our way will not watch at all.

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Lets hope not because AI isn't really a simple thing to do considering it's on a much larger scale now. It may take weeks even months to get a decent AI structure to work properly
No Archibald you cannot fly me home! Especially because that which you are sitting in is a tin foil covered, card board box.
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I'm looking at other peoples screenshots and have noticed s-foils functioning properly however i have noticed on all of my games that when craft with s-foils attackt they seem to glitch and their s-foils close as if they were in normal flight............does anyone have any suggestions or soloutions? Thanks in advance.......... storm
No Archibald you cannot fly me home! Especially because that which you are sitting in is a tin foil covered, card board box.
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  • 1 month later...

Hi guys, great job so far. Here are a couple of problems I've run into with two ships in the game.


The World Devastator is pretty cool. Seems to be almost on par with a SSD for FAR less cost. Here is the problem with the ship. I jumped into an AI base with several World Devastators and started crushing everything in sight. Then the Devastators started to use their tractor beams (blue beams that come out the front of the ship). They ended up pulling the Destroyer yard and Cruiser yard towards them. Of course, impacts started to occur. I lost 3 World Devastators to shipyard collisions caused by the tractor beams...not very cost effective. I guess the tractor beams are supposed to draw ships in to be consumed but don't yet work as planned. Maybe you could use the tractor beams to cause collisions between enemy ships.


Note: It did give me a really cool visual of a high speed cartwheeling exploding Cruiser shipyard.


The other ship I had a problem with was the Torpedo Sphere. I didn't even know you could build them until I saw the AI pull one out in an attempt to deal with my Sovereign SSD. I later built one myself, but found that the thing could only fire ONE torpedo salvo. It would never reload again after that one shot.


Still, it is an impressive ship. My Sovereign took a surprising amount of shield and hull damage from the one salvo. I guess 200+ torpedos can mess up any captains day. I wasn't able to hyper out of the way because the AI had just seconds earlier produced an Interdictor type destroyer...bastard!

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  • 4 weeks later...

Well....all other races do well and I love most of them except monster...


but whenever I tried militia race then it jump out to windows...


my computer is damn good and I don't think using 2 monitors to play will cause this problem.....


patch is installed too


really hope that it can be fixed, HW2 got 2 mods REALLY GOOD, that is this one of course and the point defense mod...


many thanks for the help!

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  • SWR Staff - Executive
I have two monitors and depending on the drivers HW2 crashes when having the second monitor enabled or is usually slower. If you are having problems with a specific race try creating a new in game profile. sometimes old settings are retained.
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  • 1 month later...

found it lol


Sun May 22 08:28:03 2005

UTIL -- filepath failure, path doesn't exists 'C:\Program Files\Sierra\Homeworld2 m\data\locale\English'

Uing ..profiles\ for profiles folder

Changing from a 32 bit colour depth in winNT (5.1 build 2600), Service Pack 2

Using NVIDIA Corporation's 1.5.3 GeForce 6600 GT/AGP/SSE2/3DNOW! renderer (Suspected driver is nvoglnt.dll

SOUND -- created destination [ fdaudio ], handle [ 4 ] with [ 48 ] channels created

SOUND -- created destination [ fda streamer ], handle [ 5 ] with [ 8 ] channels created

Build name: Sajuuk-Khar - AutoBuild3498 - Ordered by smmatte

Built by : mrbuild

Data path : C:\Program Files\Sierra\Homeworld2 m\data

GAME -- Using player profile Ra

Resetting fp control word.

Starting Level: Data:\LevelData\Campaign\warlords\M01\M01.level

Error: Mesh with radius greater then 20km (Joint0 | Joint0_mesh) -- FATAL EXIT -- parentmesh/946:! --stack trace-- 0x0098E27F: ParentMesh::computeBoundingSphere () 0x0098E4FB: ParentMesh::getBoundingSphere () 0x004653E7: GSLobbySessionDesc::operator= () 0x004301F7: GSLobbySessionDesc::operator= () 0x0046FC14: GSLobbySessionDesc::operator= () 0x003C4749: lua_error () 0x003C4751: lua_error () 0x003C47EE: lua_error () 0x003C481E: lua_call () 0x003C4A13: lua_dobuffer () 0x0046C43F: GSLobbySessionDesc::operator= () 0x00476061: GSLobbySessionDesc::operator= () 0x00442A1E: GSLobbySessionDesc::operator= () 0x004317E4: GSLobbySessionDesc::operator= () 0x00588138: getLibraryID () 0x0053B602: GSTracker::operator= () 0x0053C719: GSTracker::operator= () 0x003E112F: LuaBinding::Obj::Dispatcher () 0x003C4749: lua_error () 0x003C4751: lua_error () 0x003C47EE: lua_error () 0x003C481E: lua_call () 0x004915F7: GSLobbySessionDesc::operator= () 0x004948BF: GSLobbySessionDesc::operator= () 0x0049034A: GSLobbySessionDesc::operator= () 0x0049090B: GSLobbySessionDesc::operator= ()

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Hey guys, I've already posted these questions in the balance and ideas section. But since it also kinda fits this section, here it is again.


I wanted to test how giving more ship guns the ability to target small and large missiles (EvilleJedi seperates the missiles into two classes) would affect the balance. I've unfortunately run into some trouble. So, here are my questions.


1. How do you make ship guns able to target missiles. I know that the main steps are to give the missiles a target class other than 'untargettable', add that target class to FamilyList.lua, and alter .ship and weapon files to allow attacks on that new target type. I've done this, and the guns still refuse to fire on incoming missiles. What have I missed?


2. In the original Homeworld2, you lose the game if all your construction ships die. However, EvilleJedi has somehow allowed a side to stay in the game with a cruiser (for example), even if that sides construction ships are all dead. He somehow does this without adding the 'CanBuild' line in the cruisers .ship file. So, how does he manage to make the Cruiser a 'Mission Critical' ship without adding the build command in the .ship file?


3. I've seriously wanted to add a kamakazi frigate to the game, but don't want to use the short range tractor beam concept that some have suggested. I've been trying to give a frigate the same attack ability as a mine (munition). So far, I can't get it to work. Has anybody had success with the kamakazi ramming attack in this way?


Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks again!

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why dont you look at the data from home world cataclysm? they have a pre made kamakazi ship and im sure the games are at least somewhat compatable and if they arnt you have a good base to start it from
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  • SWR Staff - Executive

Pretty sure Homeworld models cannot be imported directly into Homeworld 2. The same would go for Homeworld Cataclysm models.


You may want to ask the mod guys doing Homeworld -> Homeworld 2 mod about that


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Fighting is terrible, but not as terrible as losing the will to fight.

- SW:Rebellion Network - Evaders Squadron Coding -

The cake is a lie.

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Hey guys, still haven't had any luck with a non tractor beam based Kamakazi ship. Oh well, no big loss really.


As far as making ships target mines and missiles, you have to give them the Minelayer Ability. Also, ships with the Minelayer Ability automatically give targetting priority to enemy mines and missiles that are in range. Of course, you still have to alter your familylist.lua file to add the new attackfamily for missiles. You also need to alter your ship and weapon files to allow attacks on munition and missile targets.


Thanks again for the help. And a special thanks to EvilleJedi for all he has done for the Warlords mod.

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  • 2 weeks later...

:roll:Talking about minelayers:How do they work?

Everytime I order them to lay some mines alopng a path the fly and lay...NOTHING???

"Engage the Star Destroyers as close as you can;atpoint blank range!"
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Every time i load up to play a player v cpu it crashes. It gets to the universe bit on the load up bar and then stays there and crashes to the desktop. Can i fix this or can any one help
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