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8 files

  1. Star Wars: Rebellion - Game Manual

    Official Game Manual for Star Wars: Rebellion, LucasArts 1999 game. (Digital Scan) - PDF
    Written By: Heidi Brumbaugh and Doyle Gilstrap
    Editor: Mollie Boero
    Designer: Patty Hill


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  2. Rebellion Spanish manual and poster

    This is the original and scanned manual that come with the game in my country.
    The poster was very used, and broken in 2 and next 3 parts during the scanning session, but did some collage with 3 different scanns.
    The manual lack the Online part.
    Este es el manual original del juego.
    El poster esta muy usado, y se rompió en 2, y luego 3 partes durante el escaneo, por lo que el final es un collage de los 3 trozos.
    El manual carece de la parte sobre juego online, por no disponer de tiempo para escanearlo, y tampoco ser muy necesario en la actualidad.


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  3. Hamachi by LogMeIn

    LogMeIn Hamachi is a hosted VPN service that lets you securely extend LAN-like networks
    to distributed teams, mobile workers and your gamer friends alike. In minutes


    Direct download - https://secure.logmein.com/hamachi.msi


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  4. Star Wars Rebellion Remastered

    The first version of Rebellion Remastered Mod updates the graphics of all 60 characters. Their encyclopedia entries have been updated with a background image specific to them (the image that best describes role or their home planet). Some characters where incorrectly depicted in the original game, adjustment were made to bring them closer to the image Star Wars defined for them in the Canon and in the Legends lore.

    Major changes
    Adar Tallon was reimagined based on Star Wars Legends comic book illustrations Bren Derlin was updated based on his appearance in The Empire Strikes Back Borsk Fey'lya was reimagined based on Star Wars Legends comic book illustrations Garm Bel Iblis was reimagined based on Star Wars Legends comic book illustrations Mazer Rackus was updated to look more like the new Twi'lek physique that series and comics introduced in the early 2000's. Ma'w'shiye was a humanoid from Kintan. But a southern Nikto with no horns. In Rebellion, he was depicted as a northern Nikto Judder Page was recreated using screengrabs from Return of The Jedi where Page is visible in the background Vanden Willard was updated based on the actor who played the character in New Hope. In Rebellion, he was confused for Bob Hudsol Brandei was updated based on his appearance in The Empire Strikes Back Bevel Lemelisk was reimagined based on Star Wars Legends comic book illustrations Niles Ferrier was reimagined based on Star Wars Legends comic book illustrations The Remastered mod is not intended to replace the old characters (or anything else) with new ones. Many of us have grown to love and get used to the original characters, who have been a bit lost in time with the new Star Wars series. A significant number of them have not appeared in the "canon" Star Wars content to date, they are still only known from "Legends" (or as we used to call it: Expanded Universe). The graphics in the original Star Wars Rebellion were photo revisions and paintings, which made the visual world of the entire game feel consistent. In the new mod, the focus was more on the photographic quality.
    I. Stand alone
    Copy-paste the files in this zip files into your game folder and overwrite the original files there. That's it! Be aware that this will overwrite any visual update you had before (including troop, character, ship and other graphical updates. If you have other mods installed jump to the "II. 25th anniversary patch" method or perform a clean install of the game, apply Remastered and then add everything else. This mod only changes DLL files with visual assets in them).
    Additionally, you could make a backup copy of the DLL files and the EDATA files the mod replaces. Otherwise you will need to reinstall the game to remove the new elements.
    II. 25th anniversary patch
    This mod is a part of the 25th Anniversary patch  that you can get with MetaSharp's StarWarsREbellionEditor. Download the editor, define where your game is installed, then click the Death Star icon (last icon) in the editor to patch your game. 200 unique planets, descriptions and an accurate galaxy map update are also part of this patch with many more things to come...
    This mod is also available to donwload on ModDB here: Download the mod from its own page on download on ModDB!
    How to support
    300+ hours went into this update. If you like the new artwork, please provide a rating here. You could also buy me a beer with Paypal Donate. 
    Happy gaming!


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  5. SWRDE Beta (by ErrantOne)

    For historical purpose. You should rather download the new editor : https://github.com/MetasharpNet/StarWarsRebellionEditor.NET/

    1- edit with notepad add-install-path-info.reg
    2- change E:\\star wars rebellion\\ with your installation folder (don't forget to double the backslashes)
    3- save the file
    4- right click on it and merge it into your windows registry
    5- run SWRDE Beta2.1.exe
    You'll find included the source code disassembled with JetBrains dotPeek... it doesn't compile as is though.
    But it may be of great help to build a new C# tool and host it in GitHub.


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  6. Star Wars: Rebellion - Manuel de Jeu Français [FR]

    A propos de ce fichier
    Manuel Officiel du jeu Star Wars: Rebellion, LucasArts 1999. PDF
    Rédaction: Heidi Brumbaugh and Doyle Gilstrap
    Edition: Mollie Boero
    Conception: Patty Hill


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  7. Modified Galaxy for SW:Rebellion

    Modified Galaxy Configuration for Star Wars:Rebellion computer game
    by DarthTex 2008-04-16
    *** UPDATED 2009-05-12 by DarthTex ***
    *** UPDATED 2011-08-24 by DarthTex ***
    Use at your own risk.  I'm not responsible for any problems associated with this mod (If you can follow directions everything should work fine).  If you run into a problem, reload your original files from the CD or backups & try again.  Still have problems, or just have some questions, contact me at www.swrebellion.com (you'll have to register to send me a message.  I would give out my e-mail, but I don't want to be spammed for years on end if this file gets around in the future. lol).

    This is the "Read me" file for modifying the original ingame galaxy for a configuration more approximate to the canon galaxy layout for the Star Wars galaxy we've seen in the movies and read about in the books.  Due to game restrictions, the exact configuration of sectors and systems within is mostly "symbolic" as the game has one sector size.  Also, the majority of systems have been changed to match the now used sectors.  
    Attached are several files that can directly replace the original files.  I would suggest making backup copies of all files before replacing them with the modified versions.  WARNING!  Any changes you have made to these files for other mods or for your own use, will be lost when using these modified versions!!  As the STRATEGY.DLL is prohibitively large to include, I've provided instructions and the necessary files for you, the user, to modify it yourself; you'll need a copy of the program "ResourceHacker" to pull this off (http://www.angusj.com/resourcehacker/).  
    Files included and their function:
    1) Modified Galaxy SECTORSD.DAT : Contains the new sector name locations, game importance and game size configurations.
    2) Modified Galaxy SYSTEMSD.DAT : Contains the new system locations, corresponding sector and system icon data.
    3) Modified Galaxy TEXTSTRA.DLL : Contains the new sector and systems names.
    4) Modified Galaxy ENCYTEXT.DLL : Contains the new encyclopedia data on each system.
    5) Modified Galaxy Asteroid Field EDATA.177 : New encyclopedia graphic for asteroid fields.
    6) Modified Galaxy Opening Galaxy.BMP : The new galaxy picture seen at the beginning of the game.
    7) Modified Galaxy Ingame Galaxy.BMP : The new galaxy picture seen during the game.
    Modified Galaxy Asteroid Icon.BMP : System icon for asteroid fields.
    I would suggest creating a sub-folder for the game called "New Galaxy Config" and putting all the files therein.  The first five files can directly replace files in the game directories (don't forget to make your backup copies!  Only the CAPITAL letter words are needed; i.e. "Modified Galaxy SECTORSD.DAT" = "SECTORSD.DAT").  Files 1 & 2 are located in the GDATA directory, files 3 & 4 are located in the program directory (where REBEXE.EXE is located), and file 5 is located in the EDATA directory.  Files 6 thru 8 are used in the STRATEGY.DLL file (which is located in the program directory).

    Modifying STRATEGY.DLL
    Using ResourceHacker, open the STRATEGY.DLL file.
    Click on the "+" next to the BITMAP folder to display the sub-folders within.
    Click on the "+" next to sub-folder 902.
    Click on the data label "1033" (you should see the picture of the opening galaxy used in the game).
    Right-click on the data label "1033" and a sub-menu appears.  Click on "Replace Resource".
    Click on "Open file with new bitmap" (top left hand corner; a directory will appear).  Browse to the file "Modified Galaxy Opening Galaxy.BMP" and click on "Open".
    Click on "Replace" to load the new opening galaxy file.
    Click on the "+" next to sub-folder 903.
    Click on the data label "1033" (you should see the picture of the galaxy seen during the game).
    Right-click on the data label "1033" and a sub-menu appears.  Click on "Replace Resource".
    Click on "Open file with new bitmap" (a directory will appear).  Browse to the file "Modified Galaxy Ingame Galaxy.BMP" and click on "Open".
    Click on "Replace" to load the new ingame galaxy file.
    *** START OF UPDATE 1 ***
    *  OLD => Scan down to the sub-folder 10223 and click on the "+" next to sub-folder.
    *  OLD => Click on the data label "1033" (you should see the system icon of a planet).
    *  OLD => Right-click on the data label "1033" and a sub-menu appears.  Click on "Replace Resource".
    *  OLD => Click on "Open file with new bitmap" (a directory will appear).  Browse to the file "Modified Galaxy Asteroid Icon.BMP" and click on "Open".
    *  OLD => Click on "Replace" to load the new system icon of an asteroid field.
    *  If the "Asteroid Icon" is "messed up" during the game, use the following steps to fix the problem.  
    *  Use this step in place of the previous OLD step to insert the asteroid field system icon.
    *  Scan down to the sub-folder 10240 and click on the "+" next to sub-folder.
    *  Click on the data label "1033" (you should see the system icon of a planet or an asteroid field).
    *  Right-click on the data label "1033" and a sub-menu appears.  Click on "Save [Bitmap : 10240 : 1033]".
    *  Type in the save file name "TempAstrd", and remember which directory the file is saved.
    *  Scan up to the sub-folder 10223 and click on the "+" next to sub-folder.
    *  Click on the data label "1033" (you should see the system icon of a planet or an asteroid field).
    *  Right-click on the data label "1033" and a sub-menu appears.  Click on "Replace Resource".
    *  Click on "Open file with new bitmap" (a directory will appear).  Browse to the file "TempAstrd" and click on "Open".
    *  Click on "Replace" to load the new system icon of an asteroid field.
    *** END OF UPDATE 1 ***
    *** START OF UPDATE 2 ***
    *  The Modified Galaxy ENCYTEXT.DLL file has been updated for the systems "Codia" and "Xal".
    *  The system descriptions in the ENCYTEXT.DLL wouldn't update, but has now been fixed.
    *** END OF UPDATE 2 ***
    Click on "File" in the window menu and "Save" the file.  That's all there is to it.
    Now when Rebellion starts up, you'll seen a new galaxy in the opening scene, a new layout during gameplay with sectors and systems laid out in a more "Star Wars" fashion.  Just remember, this is only a cosmetic change, and the game plays exactly the same.  Have fun and enjoy!


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    1 comment


  8. Galaxy Map

    This is a Galaxy Map PDF I acquired a ways back. It is not the map for the game Star Wars: Rebellion


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