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Is the Discord server broken?


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  • SWR Staff - Executive

Hi - 

This is a known issue that is common among newer (to our server) members. The solution is to manually/fully leave the server yourself then rejoin by pasting  https://swrebellion.link/discord  ( the 'official' way to join )  into your browser and letting it redirect to the Discord invite. 

Based on server logs, individuals such as yourself that are encountering this issue are joining using a temporary-invite code as a 'guest' user which expires/times out and then the logs simply show you (and others) "leaving" the server. There is no action taking place on our end to remove you.

We've discussed it with Discord and it does seem to be a problem with temporary invite codes generated from other members or from the forum/Discord integration we used to have in place.

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  • SWR Staff - Executive
On 10/8/2023 at 12:04 AM, Metasharp said:

You should add this link in the main page somewhere super visible

Strange, I thought I had. I wonder if whatever I had disappeared when I disabled a troublesome integration script.
Oh well, I made it the first item on the top menu now. Thanks for pointing that out!

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