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A couple of ideas/wishes.


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1: So far every faction has the same research (almost) and play very similiar. (same defensive structures etc) It feels very much like playing the same faction over and over but with a different look. I suggest making the research trees more unique to differentiate the factions more. I understand you are aiming for a true-to-rules way so adding in non canon stuff is a no-go, but you can probably do alot within just the research trees like for example having the CIC have huge bonuses to trade, making trade very lucrative for them while the alliance can have very strong culture to symbolice oppressed planets breaking away and wanting to join the new cool kid on the block etc. Prob lot of different things one can come up with here.


2: Allow for multiple golans around one planet, with rebellion tec for one can have 2 star bases. i dont know if this can be taken over 2 but even just 2 would be an improvement over the 1 we have now. (ideally i would like maybe 4 max) The problem with the one we have now is that it is just too weak to really defend anything as any cap ship compares with it. Also i suggest making some of the purchaseable abilities different from faction to faction.


3: Implement land based orbitol weaponry, there are several mods which has that done succesfully, and its sad that in sins planetbased stuff are completetely ignored but atleast we can have some stuff coming up from the planet. Examples are the empires hypervelocity gun or the ion cannon used by the rebels in the moovie and im sure laser batteries and missiles aswell. I think enhanced 4x mod for rebellion by goafan77 has some land based stuff.


4: I dont remember exactly what kind of new planet models were in the mod, but having some lush jungles and industrial planets etc make for greater variety and more fun. Easy to implement aswell.


5: The mod i mentioned in point 3, enhanced 4x also has another interesting thing, it allows you to hire "heroes". Im sure this is a controversial subject but personally i liked it alot. It worked the way that everyones home planet has an invulnerable structure that can summon 3 heroes, each have pre reqs that must first be researched. And then they level up like normal cap ships, but with entirely different abilities. Would be kinda cool to have some of the canonical personalities from star wars present.


6: Eclipse and executor as titans for their respective sides (if you even plan on implementing the two sides)


7: Instead of pirate ships bombarding your planets they can steal credits, same ships, same way of attacking just change the effect to leech money instead of dooing damage.

I see this as more realistic than indiscriminatly dropping nukes on the valuable goods.


8: i think the current system with constantly spamming figthers free of cost is somewhat sad. How abouth figthers/bombers actually costing money. Or maybe having some better versions like tie defender that you can purchase a squad off and that can hyperdrive on its own. Would fit in well with the star wars universe where figthers/bombers could do just that and were quite dangerous on their own if properly equipped.

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1. Tech is basically a constant WIP. I do agree more variety would be nice, though admittedly it isn't a priority right now.


2. This is already in place, you can have 4. More different characteristics are in the works.


3. Actually this has been done by making an orbital structure for the most part. Goa's ability work might be implemented down the road, though not for now, as there are many other things that are a priority atm.


4. Those are already in.


5. No.


6. The Eclipse will not be put in, nor will "sides", the Executor is one of the two closeable Titans for the Imperials.


7. They already do have economic abilities, and already do things like stealing credits and ships. Their ship lineup will be rehauled in the future.


8. Not possible with the Sins engine.

Sins of a Galactic Empire staff.
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Okay, thanks for fast answer.

By the way in the latest rebellion version, you cant build the super ships and there is a 999 cap limit to start with. Makes for strange games hehe. But im sure its beeing worked on, just mentioned it.

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You can build titans, you must build them via an ability on the Supercap Factory (unlocked when your research the ship), this is done in order to get around the Titan cap. As for the 999 capital ship limit, this is due to the capital conversion project, which is explained here. The Empire, Republic, and CIS have already been made to work under this new system.
Sins of a Galactic Empire staff.
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Hmm interesting. Well its a change atleast.. I havent made up my mind abouth if i like it or not yet. I can say that this tips the balance of power towards the AI atleast, normally i would have to play against a cruel opponent or so to get a fair resistance, but now that AI are spamming cap ships that all are atleast lvl 4 when they come knocking its a whole different ballgame. This also makes taking territory alot more important as you really need lot of resources to push out the expensive ships. This is somewhat annoying as there is no chanse in hell you can turtle on one planet and hold off the enemy through clever microing of your forces. I even tried playing on easy to see how that worked and i just turtled on the planet and waited, i had 105 max uppgraded turbo lasers, 4 max uppgraded starbases and 5 lvl 10 cap ships when the EASY opponent came calling with a swarm of cap ships and wiped me out in one great blow. But then i havent managed to build a supercap ship yet,so maybe that will change things around. I noticed the 4 golams and that was a nice touch like you said.


By the way i have up to date files for rebellion with tortoise but i see only CIC and the core file there for Reb is this correct or have i missed something?

Anyway i guess ill play it some more and see if i get the hang of things.


edit: i cant seem to build any supercaps in the current version i have of rebellion. I research the ship but there is nowhere to build it from, there are no supercap shipyard nor can it be built from the other shipyards. Please advice if there is something i have missed.

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Your homeworld starts with a Supercap Factory; it's the only one you will have access to. Supercaps are really important against the AI, as they rush to get them early on, which helps them expand rapidly. As for the AI, the harder the difficulty is, the more resources they will have. Their tactics stay relatively the same throughout the game, so if they can get their hands on an Ecumenopolis or something similar, you'd better have one of your own or rush to kill theirs otherwise you are most likely screwed.


There's more than one folder for the mod; you have to run the SVN Checkout multiple times in order to get them all.

Sins of a Galactic Empire staff.
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