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SVN Installation Instructions


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For distribution, we are using Subversion (SVN) - a version control system. This will allow quick turnaround between our developers and testers. No long waits of file transfers, no wondering whether someone has received a change. It is all included... our SVN repository will contain the exact files that will go out to release.


The easiest way to use Subversion is through TortoiseSVN - a client for Windows



1) Please download and install TortoiseSVN

2) Next, navigate to your Mods-Rebellion v1.0XX folder (located in ...Documents\My Games\Ironclad Games\Sins of a Solar Empire Rebellion)

3) Right-click the folder and select "SVN Checkout" (NOTE: You will need to do this six times in order to add in all the folders of the mod)

4) Set

URL of repository: svn://swrebellion.com/warlords/SINS/SoGE Beta Reb - CORE

and the checkout directory name

Sins of a Solar Empire Rebellion\Mods-Rebellion v1.0XX\SoGE Beta Reb - CORE

(See image for an example)

(NOTE: This must also be done for the following folders: "SoGE Beta Reb - Alliance" "SoGE Beta Reb - CIS" "SoGE Beta Reb - New Republic" "SoGE Beta Reb - Republic" and "SoGE Beta Reb - Vong")

5) Click Ok and let it download. The CORE module is rather large, well over 1 GB. Slow connections be warned!

It is known that at times the download will abort while downloading. If this occurs, run SVN Checkout again, and do not delete the folder you already have, overwrite it instead.

6) You should now have a full directory with a green checkmark

7) To activate the mod, open the EnabledMods.txt file present in the Mods-Rebellion v1.0XXfolder and edit in the mod like so (this includes all races, like file included in this rar; make sure to leave a blank space at the bottom of the txt file):



Version 0

enabledModNameCount 6

enabledModName "SoGE Beta Reb - Alliance"

enabledModName "SoGE Beta Reb - CIS"

enabledModName "SoGE Beta Reb - New Republic"

enabledModName "SoGE Beta Reb - Republic"

enabledModName "SoGE Beta Reb - Vong"

enabledModName "SoGE Beta Reb - CORE"


In order to reduce RAM, it's recommend to remove the modules/mini-mods that you aren't using, and update the enabledModNameCount accordingly. For example, if you're playing a game with the Empire, Alliance, and New Republic, you don't need to load up the CIS', Republic's, Vong's assets. It doesn't matter what order you load the mods in, as long as the CORE is on the bottom of the list.


8) To update:

Just right-click the six directories and select "SVN Update".

Please do that before any game you start, to pick up the latest changes.


That's it. There are still discussions needed research, abilities, etc... but if you notice other bugs, please report them.


Let me know here if you have any questions.

Edited by Lavo
Sins of a Galactic Empire staff.
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if you already have the beta that was on mediafire, you can run SVN Checkout and overwrite those folders; this is faster than starting from scratch.


It also is possible to play this on the dev exe, just make sure ShowErrors is set to FALSE, otherwise the game will be unplayable due to maps which the game wrongly interprets to be "broken".

Sins of a Galactic Empire staff.
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Whenever I try to download the Sound folder inside CORE SVN pops up an exception.


Subversion Exception!


Subversion encountered a serious problem.

Please take the time to report this on the Subversion mailing list

with as much information as possible about what

you were trying to do.

But please first search the mailing list archives for the error message

to avoid reporting the same problem repeatedly.

You can find the mailing list archives at



Subversion reported the following

(you can copy the content of this dialog

to the clipboard using Ctrl-C):


In file


line 140: assertion failed (svn_dirent_is_absolute(local_abspath))





The SVN window also says its trying to download the Sound folder as an External from "C:Users*******DocumentsMy GamesIronclad GamesSins of a Solar Empire RebellionMods-Rebellion v1.03 DevSoGE Beta Reb CORESound". Yes, that's what Tortoise SVN said the path was, and no, I'm not omitting any slashes.

Edited by SpardaSon21
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Seems the Sounds folder external didn't get set up right. Lemme fix that. Edit: Should be good to go now, set it up as a normal folder; I won't be updating the Ent Sounds folder anyways.
Sins of a Galactic Empire staff.
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  • 1 month later...
Running into the same problem with a fresh install of Rebellion, I did however copy the SOGE folders from the previous installation location, but SVN seemed to update them all okay. CORE seems to keep wanting to update the sound folder every time I run it.
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Enable the mod before opening Sins, using the ingame tool has a very high probability of failure. Look at #7, it explains this.


If the sound folder is acting up, that sounds exactly like you need to re-run SVN Checkout. You might also have to export the folder to another location, aka. get rid of any current SVN settings, so it is properly overwritten during SVN Checkout.

Sins of a Galactic Empire staff.
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Un-SVN'ed (if that's a word) and re-ran update, it's downloading a bunch of files now so I think that might have done the trick. Also the mod folders weren't renamed from when I moved them (ie still SOGE Beta Ent - CORE) so we'll see what happens when it finishes. Need MOAR coffee apparently.
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So to anyone else who has these types of issues going from the Ent to Reb version of SoGE, the above worked. Use the SVN>Export option and choose itself to remove SVN, or just re-download.


Only other issue I'm running into now is lack of maps, I only see the 4 small and 1 med maps that come with SoGE, which are apparently WIP and aren't 100% functional yet (every time I try to launch one I get a "you have been defeated" msg) none of the randoms and default maps are there.. I'm sure I've missed a setting somewhere, but if someone can point to it it'd be great.

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Woah woah woah. If you're switching from Entrenchment to Rebellion, do a clean SVN Checkout, don't use the old Entrenchment files. The overwrite option was explained for those that got the Rebellion alpha off of mediafire.


Regardless, I'm glad it's working now and there should be multiple medium-sized random maps which you can make use of. The Interconnected map, while listed as a "small" map is actually a medium sized map; it merely has 3 players.

Sins of a Galactic Empire staff.
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Ok, so, did a complete reinstall of SoGE, deleted all the old folders and re-downloaded everything from SVN. Still only have the 4 maps unless I create some, and I get the same issue in all cases, as soon as I start a game I get the "you have lost keep playing or quit" dialog box.


This is on a fresh install of Reb from Steam as well.


Tried starting the games a couple different ways, different victory conditions, quick start on/off, nothing seems to help.


I'm really hoping I just missed something painfully obvious in the installation instructions :)


EDIT: So I found if I modified some of the maps to be version 4 instead of 3 they show up, still getting the instant death thing though.

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Have the maps been added to the galaxy.manifest list ?

Yah, actually just updating the version causes em to show up, but I must have something set wrong as far as victory conditions, or something else is wrong.

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Oh, I see. I had forgotten to mention in the SVN update thread that there would be an update for Rebellion proper, 1.04, and that this will likely be causing some map troubles, in addition to breaking save games. While I was aware of it, I can't do much as I am currently out of the country.


In addition, it has been noted before that flagship victory and research victory are currently broken. Occupation and diplomatic victories may or may not work; only allied and homeworld victories are confirmed to work. Research victory, due to the changes we have done to the AI, will never be supported.

Sins of a Galactic Empire staff.
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That last update fixed maps not showing up, but the "instant loss" issue remains, at least for me. If you choose "keep playing" you can get a bit more info, you lose your home planet due to not having any culture there, but also it appears you don't even have a colonized planet or even a homeworld.


Will continue to look into it. I should probably move this to a new thread since this really isn't a SVN install issue.

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Im not 100% sure I can help right now, as tbh my game/install mod ect is not upto date. Once I have it all upto date I will see if there are any issues I can see on my end.


Is everyone else's game playing the maps ok ?


What exactly has the 1.04 update done to the maps ? What seems to be the issues ? Is it the NU planets ?


Have you placed the maps in the correct directory ? Is the galaxy.manifest file upto date to include the maps and the total ammount of maps at the top ? To me from what you have said so far about the victory/defeat screen it sounds like an issue to do with this, but like I said I need to update myself to check on my end first.

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Im not 100% sure I can help right now, as tbh my game/install mod ect is not upto date. Once I have it all upto date I will see if there are any issues I can see on my end.


Is everyone else's game playing the maps ok ?


What exactly has the 1.04 update done to the maps ? What seems to be the issues ? Is it the NU planets ?


Have you placed the maps in the correct directory ? Is the galaxy.manifest file upto date to include the maps and the total ammount of maps at the top ? To me from what you have said so far about the victory/defeat screen it sounds like an issue to do with this, but like I said I need to update myself to check on my end first.


Yes and yes, at least I think so.

(C:\Users\********\Documents\My Games\Ironclad Games\Sins of a Solar Empire Rebellion\Mods-Rebellion v1.04\SoGE Beta Reb - CORE\Galaxy)

galaxy.manifest has the newest 3 maps and is at 41 total.

I replied to Lavo in the maps thread, as this seems to be more of a maps bug than an issue with SVN, but I'm also curious as to anyone else's luck with 1.04 Reb and 909 SoGE, cause either I have a remnant of an old install floating around (which I'm going to hunt for today and reinstall again), or something screwy is happening on fresh installs, which is bad. I'm not ruling out that I did something really boneheaded either :)

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ok heres where Im at I have updated everything 1.04 and revision 909. The maps all seem to run fine on my end. Where is your galaxy.manifest file at? Is that also in mods104>SOGE>COre etc ... ? I suspect it has something to do with either your manifest file being in the wrong place or in too many places ? have you also got a copy of it in the CIS, Alliance etc folders ?


Right after the install I do have a small issue however which is seperate to the maps problem, for some reason the Alliance and Republic mods won't work I keep getting minidumps when trying to enable them. The rest work fine, Core was activated first etc, tried re updating them sections a few times and no joy ... ?

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Any ideas Lavo on why the Alliance and Republic wouldn't work ? I have tried using previous revisions but no joy. I have also tried updateing the Core and other s but again no joy ?


I did notice something strange in the folders all the ones that do work have red SVN markers next to them but when tried to play work fine, where as the other two which don't work have green. This is extremey strange and yet when I try a full revision still no change on any of them ? Could something be missing out of the core folder for them or would it need to be something within their own folders ?

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You shouldn't have any red markers. Only I should as I'm modifying the heck out of the mod. It sounds like you've screwed with something and thus not all of your folders are in sync with the latest revision of the mod.


Don't add maps to the CORE module's Galaxy folder. Instead add them to your Sins of a Solar Empire Rebellion\GalaxyForge folder; you can still load the maps the same way, they'll just be under the "Galaxy Forge" section in the map menu.


I will look into the Alliance and Republic, they've been working fine for me since 898, I haven't tested them much since.

Sins of a Galactic Empire staff.
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Alright, I can now load up the game, but unfortunately it seems that I can't play it just yet. But there's progress.


EDIT: To clarify, my games just goes non-responsive/freezes after I click play. I've turned off all the other victory conditions, updated through SVN, enabled the mods, but I can't get any games to start.

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SoGE is broken as of 1.04. Works with 1.031, but the latest patch wreaked things. It also came at a bad time; I was out of the country.
Sins of a Galactic Empire staff.
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Got a minidump when I tried to launch with republic and NR enabled, not sure which caused the issue, will test later, otherwise everything else seems to be working. awesome, thanks man!


I like how the new ship building works, at least 5 minutes in, will test more and give feedback.

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