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It's a space station!




That's right, I've been secretly working on star bases for SoGE recently, with some help from Chimaera for ideas and such. Here's what's been thought up thus far:


1) Unlike in vanilla Sins, star bases will not be able to take out huge, capital ship led fleets, however, with upgrades they are comparable and superior to leveled up capital ships (like the current Golan III is).

2) As they are not as powerful as their vanilla counterparts, and taking into account SW canon, players will be able to build 4 Golan stations per planet, as planets typically have multiple platforms protecting them. However, until Nova releases his next planet upgrade, the limit will be 1 as I really don't have the time or patience to edit 160+ files only to have to do them again. Non-colonizables, like wormholes, plasma storms, and dead asteroids will only allow for 1 station to be build (think of it being an outpost of sorts).

3) The Golan III tactical platform will be removed, as it's role will be taken on by Golan platforms (star bases).

4) Factions' Golan platforms will very according to the weapons and abilities/upgrades that they have. The Alliance and CIS station will get a self-destruct ability (the former due to desperation and the latter due to underlings being expendable) which does 10000 and, with upgrade, 15000 damage, the Reps will get a Resupply ability which maxes out at 2.5 antimatter and 25 hull/second, and effects all friendly ships/bases/modules (with weapons) in the system's gravity well with a stacking limit of 4, and the Empire's will get a special Volley Fire.

5) The Vong will have a unique station (props to Eville for putting a model in for them already) which will lack special abilities like the other factions and be overall weaker than the other factions. However, it has one key advantage over the Golan platforms, which makes up for all it's shortcomings, that it can move within a planet's grav well, like the Vasari's station can. It also may get the Vasari's colony pods upgrade, as this makes sense for the Vong to have.

6) Considering replacing the Flakburst with an upgradable Fast Tracking Turrets.


The stations' weapons, health, Trade Port, Hangar, and abilities (bar Volley Fire) have been done and are functioning as intended ingame. I, however, want feedback and ideas! So post here, and you may see your suggestion implemented.




As per March 25th, Golan platforms were added to SoGE. The Golan's constructor can be found under the Cruiser tab. As of now the Golan tactical platform has not been removed, as the star base limit per planet is still 1. The station requires Golan III research tech, and all upgrades are research-free, this is temporary, seeing as all platforms are beta and thus unfinished. Known Issues/Bugs:


Strings are missing or have strange fillers.

With ShowErrors set to TRUE, a few messages pop up for the Vong's station builder.

Edited by Lavo
Sins of a Galactic Empire staff.
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LOL YAY! oh ok... I'll have to balance this now to? Dang it! I'll have to figure out how many to grant each tech level. t5: 1. t4: 2, t3: 4, t2: 8, t1: 16 sounds nice and easy. And add in the platform as the Golan I.... the original one you are taking out. And make it cheaper to but still take up 4 slots. Of course tone it down a bit. Oh and I have to balance for vanilla to... awwwww.....
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No Nova, all planets will have 4 star base slots. This is simply due to 1 SoGE platform =/= 1 vanilla star base (proportionally). And don't worry, I do these changes myself. I'm writing a Java program for my coding class, and might do a spin-off of it, which would allow me to easily change all the starbase tags (assuming it's not too hard to code). What makes each planet different is their tactical slots, which allow for vital support units such as Ion Cannons, Hangar Defenses, and even frees up space for Shield Generators. As for the Golan I, possibly, as that role is already successfully covered by the Hangar Defense, and the Golan platforms start off weaker, akin to a Golan I or II.
Sins of a Galactic Empire staff.
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mmmm eh, ok. well 64 slots is a hell of a lot of support for four golans... lol

This is true. Perhaps then the tactical slots, for plants that really have a damned lot, should be somewhat reduced? Then again, these planets are not supposed to be easy to capture or even bomb. They are called base or fortress worlds for a reason. :P

Sins of a Galactic Empire staff.
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  • SWR Staff - Executive
Neat. I'm still trying to dug out some models from Eville.. I think he has the models from Tides of War. Could be wrong on that though - awaiting his response


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Nova, true that on tactical slots.


Neat. I'm still trying to dug out some models from Eville.. I think he has the models from Tides of War. Could be wrong on that though - awaiting his response

With this... We won't need station models. Uniqueness is achieved by abilities, and possibly weapon loadout. You should dig an MC60 model out of him though. :P

Sins of a Galactic Empire staff.
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A little update, the Volley Fire ability for the Imps has been coded in, as is the station's upped and upgradable flak burst. Stations are almost ready for beta.
Sins of a Galactic Empire staff.
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