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Who knows people working for LA?


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So I was thinking... and its probably a crazy idea, really, but... well, Rebellion sure is an old game. Many people have tried to obtain the source code for it over the years. But did anyone actually manage to contact the right folks? See, the average employee wouldn't have the power to make that decision, and I'm thinking we'd have a much better shot of getting it with a little networking.


So, if anyone knows anyone, I want to know. I'll call or email people and try to work up the ladder to someone who is actually capable of saying, "Yes, you may have the source code." In particular, I'm looking for ways to contact the following types of people:


Current employees of Lucas Arts

Former employees of LA

Fan clubs or organizations that have connections with LA or LA people, or have members with these connections

Anyone else who can put me in contact with LA employees.


What I'm hoping is if I find someone who knows someone who knows someone, we can get in touch with the right someone. If they say no, well, that's life. But I'll feel better being told no by someone actually able to say yes than just being told no by the generic dude on the service telephone line. If you have an idea or contact information, PM me or post here. Please don't post other people's contact information; that should be handled more privately than on a public forum.

Star Wars: Rebellion, A Field Manual

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  • SWR Staff - Executive
Nobody. LucasArts has quit developing games themselves for a long time. Anyone who would have had access to the code would be bound by the company's right for its intellectual property. Risking to lose in a inevitable lawsuit with no financial gain from it - I don't think anyone is stupid enough for that.


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LA executives still have the power to grant a release of that code- even though the company doesn't develop games (since the huge layoffs in 2008). Actually, Rebellion was developed by CoolHand, and was the only game developed by that company that I'm aware of. If I can get in touch with somebody in LucasArts (or even the right person in LucasFilms) they can still release it.


I found one of the original developers in the hopes he would know someone still with LA- he worked with them on several other projects besides Rebellion. Unfortunately, all I've found is his facebook, and the guy only checks it every three months...


Just to be clear, the goal is to get permission from official sources (there are still LA employees, even after the cuts, and other people within Lucas' empire that can make the decision). I don't want a copy of the code from illicit sources/means. There is also a new LA president, who has been making sweeping changes to the company since coming in last year. We have no idea how he will treat a source code request. He has already re-released a few old games on Steam (the first bit of attention they've seen in awhile), which means he is aware of the old games. But he did not release Rebellion, which improves any chances we have of getting the code.


It may be a long shot, but I'm still shooting.

Star Wars: Rebellion, A Field Manual

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You might want to do a search of the forums, I believe "Kaja" said at one time his "uncle" (by marriage) worked for LA, but in the Art Department. I don't know if Kaja even checks the site anymore, but if he left an e-mail contact address, it might be a lead. First things first though, got to find that post to verify it was him.



Edit: check out this topic: http://forums.swrebellion.com/viewtopic.php?f=1&t=3918

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Thanks Tex! Man, how you remembered that tidbit of information is beyond me; that thread was three years old! Anyway, I sent Kaja an email; we'll see if he responds and if he can help out at all.


UPDATE: I asked a fellow who works with gamerevolution.com. He knows a few people, but no one who could help in this quest. He suggested trying to contact the legal department. Finding contact information for them has turned into a task in itself; however, I discovered a group which was contacted by them and may still have a means of communicating with LA's legal department. I've asked them for help; we'll wait and see what that turns up.


UPDATE 2: My contact with gamerevolution.com has agreed to contact a buddy of his with LA. We'll wait and see. I'm also making progress with the group I mentioned above.

Star Wars: Rebellion, A Field Manual

"O be wise, what can I say more?"

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Yay double post!


Here's a new update on my progress:

1) The group I mentioned "didn't have" any contact information for LucasArts Legal guys. The fellow I spoke with had a "great" attitude.


2) The GR guy's friend with LA hasn't gotten in touch with me yet.


3) No response yet on the developer's FB. I'm wondering if anyone knows how to send messages to non-friends... it used to be possible, but I can't find a way to do it anymore. Any ideas? The developer is Wayne Cline.


4) Kaja spoke with his uncle, who in turn revealed that because Rebellion wasn't developed by LA, they won't have the source code on hand still. Woot! That means I may not have to deal with them at all!


At this point, if anyone wants to help, try and track down any of the original CoolHand staff. Rebellion's credits list those who worked on the project.

Star Wars: Rebellion, A Field Manual

"O be wise, what can I say more?"

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I remember a thread like this before ... here


Scathane got in touch with a former CoolHand guy; I don't know if he still has his e-mail address. Heck, I just hope you can get in touch with Scathane! This thread is a couple of years old, but check it out and see where it takes you :wink: You might have to "re-track" this guy because even if you get lucky and Scathane finds his e-mail, it might not be working anymore :?

Finally, after years of hard work I am the Supreme Sith Warlord! Muwhahahaha!! What?? What do you mean "there's only two of us"?
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I did a little researching myself. Below is a list of people from Coolhead Interactive who worked on Rebellion and their area of responibility/expertise. I also found this (old) short article about the beginning development of the game. It seems to me that Doug Mogica and Scott Witte would be the first resources to contact, before working your way into the programmers. My suggestion would be to search Linkedin first (you'll probably have to "join" first to get detailed contact information, especially their e-mail addresses).





Finally, after years of hard work I am the Supreme Sith Warlord! Muwhahahaha!! What?? What do you mean "there's only two of us"?
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Any updates? Just curious :wink:
Finally, after years of hard work I am the Supreme Sith Warlord! Muwhahahaha!! What?? What do you mean "there's only two of us"?
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Still nothing from Wayne, and my attempts to reach Doug and Scott seem to have failed as well. I'd try other approaches or more searching online, but life is busy. I just had finals, and my new semester just began- with one of the most, if not the most, intensive program our college offers. I'm going to be very, very busy this next semester.


I'll make time to try anything people suggest, but I won't have time to try new internet searches.

Star Wars: Rebellion, A Field Manual

"O be wise, what can I say more?"

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