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ISD-I Cruiser Oppression Bug


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The ISD-I's Oppression ability applies the -5% Change to Hit and Acceleration modifiers to the ISD-I itself, for one reason or another. This occurs because the modifiers are in the main BUFF_ISD_OPPRESSION file, under numEntityModifiers, instead of being put in a separate, but linked, buff file, aka. being coded in a similar fashion to the ISD Command's Oppression, which works correctly.
Sins of a Galactic Empire staff.
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  • SWR Staff - Executive

Can you submit these changes in a patch? Either on Mantis or through the forum

I'll go ahead and check it in for our beta testers


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Eville wanted em clumsy, with the effect being negated by capital variants. I've got new versions of some stuff locally that I'll eventually upload when I'm feeling less lazy and finish it. They'll actually negate instead of just applying a general buff.
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