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Hey, i was just curious if you guys are going to put out a SOGE for Diplomacy? and if so what do you plan on adding to it -as far as the new features- ?


Ive read alot of the Posts on what you guys are planning on doing with this MOD. It all sounds amazing, you have made this MOD more fun then the original, Stardock would be impressed :)

if i knew anything on Modding games i would offer my help.

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  • SWR Staff - Executive
for diplomacy so far it looks like the envoy ships are the big add, we plan to move ships like the corellian corvette and consular to these roles, but we need to find out all the new things diplomacy will bring (I sent ironclad a big list of modding related bugs to fix so this might fix alot of issues with abilities)
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Are you guys able to tweak the AI? Because it seems like they only build 1-4 capital ships total, but only one or two at a time. it makes there armada's easy to destroy no matter what the size because its my capital ships vs their frigates. I play against Hard and Unfair and it doesn't seem to make a difference.
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  • SWR Staff - Executive
Not really, the AI is something that is mostly fixed - I'm sure Eville Jedi is working on it


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Fighting is terrible, but not as terrible as losing the will to fight.

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