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Rebel´s strengths ?



Those who played me know I like to play rebels...and tend to have problems keeping up with the Imps. I understand the Empire has the advantage in ships and production at the start of the game while the rebels have better characters or at least more potential for character development.


So how do I turn this in a winning strategy? In my current game I concentrated on recruiting all characters quickly and blowing up imperial mines and building sites with an endless series of sabotage missions. Also I tried to secure key planets with 2 gencores, sullustan troops and a general.


My problems are the same as in every game: big imperial fleets I can´t really engage hanging around over my planets, slowly but surely knocking them out. I still have a number of the abovementioned key planets, but building up a useful fleet is slow although I almost exclusively build Neb-Bs.


So, am I on the right track or do I fail to play they Rebels according to their strengths? Any suggestion is appreciated.

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Guest Admiral_Antilles
Of course it is. When I lose, I just make an ISD with 3000 laser damage and rip them to pieces!! :twisted:
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Guest Admiral_Antilles
I handed you your but plenty of times in SWG, I belive I can do the same in Rebellion. :twisted:
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Guest Admiral_Antilles
Not from what I remember. I remeber giving you a beat down, healing you and then doing it again. :wink:
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Right off the bat I build tons of escort carriers and stuff them with X-wings. Dreadnaughts are a waste of time and are rubbish, Mon Calamari Cruisers take a hell of a long time to build and do't carry many fighters, and Nebulon B Frigates can only carry 2 fighters. Play like this until you get the Liberator Cruiser. Replace Escort Carriers with Liberators. Then when you get the Bulwark Battlecruiser replace Liberators with Bulwarks. Then you can beat the hell out of the empire

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This is kind of a last-ditch effort piece of advice. :D

Say that you have all the defenses on a planet, and the empire shows up, kicks the shit out of your fleet and then begins destroying your gencores. At this point it's obvious their going to take the planet, so don't give em much of a planet! When all of this starts happening start destroying the mines, refineries, and construction/ship/training yards on the planet. That way the empire has to rebuild, which takes time and energy, and they don't get anything out of the planet right away.

But yeah, I'd say for defending a planet, what I do a lot of the time is build some corvettes, like 8 or 9, and have them engage the carracks, along with two or three drednoughts. Then I have the gunships and the fighters target the enemy fighters, and once they are all down you can attack the larger ships like the stardestroyers with the x-wings and y-wings (which is a pain in the ass for the SD). Its not a great strategy but it works from time to time.

Be sure to use the top strategy idea though, it pisses the shit out of other players...

"I saw the greatest minds of my generation destroyed by madness, starving, hysterical, naked, dragging themselves through the negro streets at dawn looking for an angry fix." -Allen Ginnsberg, "Howl"
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